Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7917: Can you dare to take my sword?

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The ancient ruins have a powerful formation seal, and at this moment, only a seal is lifted.

After this seal is lifted, people under the Peak True God can enter.

When the second seal is lifted, the Peak True God can enter.

As for the existence of the half-step **** king level, I am afraid that it will need to wait until the third seal is lifted.

By that time, I don't know how long it took.

Fairy Jinghong was confident that he would behead the mad **** before half a step into the king.

They soared into the air and flew towards the ancient ruins ahead.

On the other side, Lin Xuan and others also left.

As the Peak God King, Jun Wentian could only wait a while before entering.

He said: son, be careful.

At the same time, he spoke to Jun Wushuang again.

If you meet Jinghongjian, you must take Lin Xuan and escape.

Entering inside is like entering another world.

The atmosphere here is very strong, and they seem to have come to an ancient era.

Those people in the heavens and worlds are extremely excited, they have never experienced it.

Desolate, just heard from the legend.

At this moment, they were shocked and excited by this ridiculous atmosphere.

Those from the Protoss were equally excited,

They are inherited from the deserted ancient times, but after a dream through the ages, when they wake up again, it will not be the deserted ancient times.

Now they feel this kind of breath again, making them extremely cordial and excited.

Get out of the way.

At this moment, a domineering voice sounded.

Countless chaotic auras are flying, as if opening up the world.

Those people around backed up.

Some people from the Protoss frowned,

What is arrogant?

The chaotic breath stopped.

People from the Chaos Protoss came out.

They said coldly: What? Do you want to challenge us?

Do you want to die?

The opposite is also a person from the Protoss, a person from the Xuanbing Protoss.

Among them was a man, wearing a blue armor, extremely cold.

Just like a peerless ice god.

He laughed coldly: What's so arrogant about you ancient **** race?

Before, was frightened by the mad **** and didn't dare to shoot, and dare to arrogant in front of us?


The people around all laughed.

Although the Chaos Protoss was explained. But it still became the laughing stock of everyone.

Hearing this, the genius disciples of the Chaos Protoss became angry.

Do you want to die?

The Xuanbing clan's war armor man sneered: Dare to do something to me?

Stepping out, the avenue of laws on his body fluttered out, shocking the surroundings.

Everyone has a numb scalp,

27 million **** patterns.

This cultivation base is too strong.

The geniuses of the Chaos Protoss were suppressed.

They can only look at Fairy Jinghong.

Fairy Jinghong gave a cold snort and said: Apologize, otherwise, you will be wiped out.

This armored man, named Bingtianyu, is very strong.

He glanced at Fairy Jinghong and smiled disdainfully.

You can't even beat the mad god, still dare to be arrogant in front of me?

I see you, it's just a vain name.

I want to shoot and I can suppress you with a palm.

Don't hurry up.

Those people around are also talking about it.

They also felt that Fairy Jinghong was not as strong as they thought.

Shocking sword, but that's all.

Dare to take my sword?

Fairy Jinghong, murderous,

It seemed that she was going to make a move, shocking the ages.

Otherwise, everyone thought she was an ant.

She wants people to know that she is a dragon,

The previous thing was just a mistake.

Why not dare?

Bing Tianyu said with a smile: Although you can make a move, it is best to use your Jinghong Sword.

Let me see, how strong is this legendary sword?

It is really a fairy sword, or scrap iron.


The people of Xuanbing Protoss all laughed.

If you want to die, I will fulfill you.

Fairy Jinghong took out the Jinghong sword.

She slashed forward.

I'm afraid you won't make it.

Bing Tianyu snorted coldly, and he roared up to the sky, the law of ice swept out of him.

The breath of ice flies in the sky and the earth.

The people around, backed crazy.

It's terrible, worthy of the cultivation base of 27 million divine texts, enough to freeze everything.

It is estimated that none of those present are opponents.

Ahead, the Jinghong Sword fell down and collided with the ice in the sky.

With a click, all the ice, under this sword, shattered.

This sword is like a broken bamboo, as if it can kill the world and sweep the universe.

She split countless pieces of cold ice and slew towards Bingtianyu.

Everyone was stunned, and Bingtianyu's complexion changed.

He felt a deadly murder.

Damn, how could it be like this?

Isn't it that the Jinghong Swordsman has a false name? How could it be so scary?

Damn it, too careless.

In the next moment, he looked up to the sky and roared to the extreme.

Beside him, countless icy rain fell.

Countless ice flies and turns into a world of ice and snow.

Block me.

He roared frantically.


In the next instant, the Jinghong Sword fell on the ice and rain world, making a roaring sound.

An aura of destruction swept across the Quartet.

The people around were all blasted out, and they vomited blood.

Their faces were full of horror.

How is the battle going?

They looked carefully.

Is it blocked?

The people of Xuanbing Protoss also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, their complexion changed.

They found that a crack appeared in the world of ice and rain, and they became two halves.

Not only did the world of Bingyu split apart, but Bingtianyu's body also split.


His body fell, the icy rain world shattered, and the devastating power swallowed everything.

Fairy Jinghong put away the Jinghong sword, and said to the person behind him: Let's go.

The people of the Chaos Protoss rose into the air and flew towards the distance of the ruins.

Those other people stepped back and bowed their heads.

At this moment, Fairy Jinghong was extremely strong.

It seems that Fairy Jinghong is not just a fame, and Jinghong Sword is also extremely terrifying.

Various exclamations sounded.

The people of the Xuanbing Protoss rushed over.

They said: Brother, how are you doing?

After they passed, they were dumbfounded.

They exclaimed, this is impossible.

Those other people were also stunned: What happened?

They also turned their heads and looked around,

The next moment, they were also stunned.

They found that Bingtianyu had fallen.

They froze there, their brains blank.

Originally they thought that Bingtianyu was defeated, which shocked them.

However, they found that the ice rain is falling.

In other words, Fairy Jinghong killed Bingtianyu with a single sword.

This is, the cultivation base of 27 million divine texts was killed by a single sword!

How strong is this Jinghong Fairy?

Damn, we were cheated.

Jinghong Sword, like the legend, is a peerless fairy sword.

Able to kill the same order in seconds.

Fairy Jinghong is holding the Jinghong sword, which is absolutely capable of sweeping everything, no one can beat.

Damn, what happened to the crazy **** before was absolutely accidental.

How could that mad **** resist the Jinghong Sword?

That's right, Bingtianyu's strong cultivation base was all killed by a single sword.

I am afraid that under the peak of True God, no one can stop the Jinghong Sword.

That crazy **** is good However, his good luck is this time.

Next time, he will meet Jinghongjian, and he will definitely die.

The news here quickly spread, and many people from the Protoss learned.

After Tianyang Shenzi learned about it, his face was serious.

Before, he was a little dismissive, but now it seems that he is a little careless.

Bing Tianyu was killed by a single sword, which really made him extremely surprised.

Apparently, he had to be very careful when he encountered Jinghongjian.

It really doesn't work, you have to escape.

After learning the news, Long Xian'er and others of the real dragon clan also sneered.

Let me just say, the mad **** is just lucky, how can he stop the Jinghong sword?

Look, Fairy Jinghong will never spare him.

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