Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7928: How can you have a big dragon sword?

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Before Lin Xuan, the powerful slaying of Jingyun was already very powerful.

Shocked everyone.

Unexpectedly, the more terrifying still lies behind.

Lin Xuan is now strongly suppressing Jinglei and Jingshu.

This exceeded everyone's expectations.

You know, everyone before that was not optimistic about Mad God.

Now, they looked at this scene as if they were dreaming.

Even Huoyi was dumbfounded.

To be honest, he was worried to death before, and he was afraid that the mad son would be suppressed.

It seems that it is not like this at all.

The strength of the mad **** son was beyond his imagination.

Under the earth, there was a crazy roar.

Jingmu wanted to escape, but was stepped on the sole of that foot, and there was nowhere to escape.

Even from him, there was the sound of broken bones.

He was really mad, he was like an ant, stepped on by a foot.

Lin Xuan ignored the shocking wood for the time being, but looked at the shocking thunder in his hand.

He said coldly: I said long ago, you are vulnerable, not my opponents.

It's stupid for you to think about jointly besieging me.

Now is the time to send you to **** to meet that Jingyun.

Upon hearing this, Jinglei's face was hard to see the extreme.

He felt the other party's killing intent and shook his head frantically.

He said: You can't kill me, my position in the Chaos Protoss is extraordinary.

You kill me, Chaos Protoss will never let you go.

My grandpa is a powerful half-step **** king.

Jinglei couldn't beat the opponent, and could only move out of his identity, hoping to scare the opponent.

As long as the other party let him go, he will escape at an extremely fast speed.

Then, go back to move the rescuers and kill the opponent.

Those who watched the battle from a distance also had scalp tingling.

Half-step **** king, what a superior existence this is.

This mad **** would definitely not dare to kill.

Otherwise, it would be challenging the Half-Step God King.

As long as the **** king waved his finger for half a step, this crazy **** would be wiped out.

After Lin Xuan heard this, he narrowed his eyes: It turns out that you are the grandson of a half-divine king.

That's right.

Jinglei smiled: how? Don't you dare to do it?

I have already said that our identity is beyond your imagination.

You better let me go, otherwise, you will end badly.

He became proud.

However, after only a few seconds of pride, he screamed.

Lin Xuan closed his palms, and the powerful force struck him with thunder.

His fingers, like a god, tore open the thunderous body.

Click, click, the sound of broken bones sounded.

The thunder of chaos, constantly shattering,

Chaos blood dripped from fingertips.

Thunder screamed, and the other people were also dumbfounded.

They originally thought that the mad **** would be afraid and would give up.

But wherever he wanted it, the mad **** continued to do it.

It appears to be the killer.

Thunder roar: Do you dare.

Are you afraid of my grandfather's revenge? He is a half-step **** king.

Lin Xuan laughed coldly: Do you think that only you have the hole cards?

Behind me, there is also a half-step God King standing, and more than one.

Your grandfather can't threaten me at all.

Moreover, it won't take long for me to be above your grandpa.

Half-step God King, what can I do?

Arrogant words came.

Lin Xuan used the power of the Great Dragon Sword Soul this time.

The fragments of the great dragon sword merged into his palm and pierced into Jinglei's body.

No way, Jinglei is indeed very strong, 27 million divine texts.

Lin Xuan defeated the opponent easily.

However, if you want to kill the opponent, you must display some hole cards.

Jinglei was still desperately resisting, but the next instant, his blood was pierced instantly.

He felt that a supreme power swept over.

As if a peerless divine sword pierced into his body.

He was stunned: Isn't this the legendary dragon sword?

He just wanted to shout, what did he want to say?

But suddenly, when he saw Lin Xuan's eyes, they became mysterious and unpredictable.

With the breath of reincarnation, enveloped him.

This is the sword of reincarnation.

Jinglei was shocked again,

How could this mad **** possess the big dragon sword?

How is it possible to have the sword of reincarnation?

Isn't this something Lin Wudi has?

Could it be that the mad **** is Lin Wudi?

Isn't Lin Wudi dead? Hidden among the dragons?

Thinking of this possibility, his scalp numb.

Everyone thought that Lin Wudi had fallen.

After all, the opponent was killed by the **** king himself, and there is no possibility of accidents.

But now it seems that it is not like this at all.

Lin Wudi is still alive, moreover, has become stronger and stronger.

No, he must report this news to his ancestors.

They must gather the power of the Protoss to destroy each other.

In case the opponent grows up again and reaches a higher level, there will be endless troubles.

However, how could he escape at this moment?

He didn't even have the power to shout.

The reincarnation eye firmly controlled his soul.

And the Great Dragon Sword Soul, coupled with the fragments of the Great Dragon Sword, was even more cruel.

A sword pierced out and completely shredded the opponent's blood.

The dragon soul's power erupted, enveloped the thunder, and instantly wiped out the thunder.

Lin Xuan took away the opponent's storage ring and drew away the remaining power from the opponent.

A bone fell from the sky.

Lin Xuan played the Thunder God Talisman again, covering the bones.

The bones were beaten to ashes, leaving nothing behind.


Everyone looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Where do they want to get, the extremely powerful thunder will be wiped out?

This guy didn't fear any threats at all, and attacked directly.

Is this going to pierce the sky, to fight with the Chaos Protoss, and not to die?

Below, in the ground, the startling wood that was still roaring frantically was also shocked.

He suddenly couldn't feel the breath of thunder.

what happened?

He was trampled underfoot and could not see anything.

He could still guess some things.

This kind of breath suddenly disappeared, indicating that the thunder had fallen.

Did the mad **** killer?

How dare you kill them!

Shocked, he roared frantically: let me out.

Don't worry, it's up to you next.

Lin Xuan bowed his head and looked at the earth, his eyes blooming with even more awe-inspiring killing intent.

These people, he will not let go.

Jingmu said: The rest of the people go quickly and inform Fairy Jinghong to escape separately.

Upon hearing this, the remaining Chaos Protoss warriors turned and ran.

To be honest, they were really scared just now, and even forgot to escape.

At this moment, UU reads www.ukahnshu. They flee desperately, even burning the power of their blood.

The chaotic blood on his body turned into a bunch of flowers, extremely terrifying.

Blooming with supreme power,

Their speed is reaching the extreme.

Lin Xuan sneered, waved his hand, and a big bow appeared in his hand.

He had snatched this big bow from Tianyang Shenzi before.

It is an incredible artifact.

He drew the big bow into a full moon and turned the dragon power on his body into arrows.

Boom boom boom!

He let go of the bowstring and countless arrows flew straight out.

They tore open the void, turned into giant dragons, spread their teeth and danced their claws, killing them in all directions.

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