Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7929: Shocked! Where is the mad god?

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Those people from the Chaos Protoss who fled could not resist at all.

Their bodies were pierced by arrows, and the sky was stained with blood.

Soon, they all fell.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and put away the storage rings of these people.

He put away his bow, and then looked at the startle.

The people of these Protoss who came now only left each other.

Shocked and desperate.

He could feel the killing intent from the opponent.

The other party will definitely not spare him.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan was taken aback.

He felt some power from the blood of the Dragon Dao coming from a distance.

He is very familiar with it and belongs to Jun Wushuang.

Lin Xuan rose into the air, clutching the startled wood, and flew towards the distance.

Find Jun Wushuang first.

When he started, Fairy Jinghong was shocked on the other side, in the Chaos Palace.

The soul jade pendant in her hand was broken into several pieces, which shocked her.

Jingyun is dead, and Jinglei is also dead.

In addition, many other Chaos Clan disciples have also fallen.

Who is it? Dare to do something against the people of their Chaos Protoss.

Her eyes were red in an instant, and she rose to the sky and killed her in the distance.

When she arrived, she did not find the mad god,

The mad **** has left.

She found that there were countless chaotic blood around.

Here is an extremely terrible battle.

The genius experts of their Chaos Protoss all fell here.

Fairy Jinghong's body trembled.

Her eyes were red and murderous.

She snarled frantically: Who moved the hand? I will never die with you!

There were also some spectators around, Fairy Jinghong, who immediately looked at these people.

She asked: What happened just now?

These spectators did not dare to resist.

They knelt on the ground and said what had happened before.

After hearing this, Fairy Jinghong was shocked.

The mad **** is single-handedly fighting in all directions, sweeping the world?

Killed all the people of their Chaos Protoss?

Are you kidding me?

That crazy **** is powerful, but he doesn't have this kind of ability.

You know, Jinglei is 27 million divine texts.

In addition, there are several 25 million divine texts.

If singled out, this mad **** may not be able to defeat it.

Let alone a joint attack,

Mad God is definitely not an opponent.

You ants, dare to lie to me.

Fairy Jinghong is angry!

She directly controlled the souls of these people, and then read the memories.

These people bleed and rolled their eyes. Their memories were quickly read.

Fairy Jinghong, the more ugly he looks.

In the memory of these people, the mad **** swept everything.

how is this possible?

With a slap in the face of Jinghong Fairy, several people watching the battle in front of him were photographed into a blood mist!

She didn't believe it at all, the crazy **** had no such ability.

Suddenly, she thought of a possibility,

Perhaps it is a mad god, uniting the hands of other people.

It is possible that other experts in Dragon Palace are here.

After the other party killed her kin, they changed their memories.

Think this can scare me?


Fairy Jinghong gave a cold snort!

Regardless of that mad god, how many helpers are there? She doesn't care.

Her shocking sword was enough to kill everything in the world.

The most important thing now is to find the mad **** and behead the opponent.

Fairy Jinghong collected all the chaotic blood in the sky.

Received a gourd.

Just after finishing all this, she got a message.

The chaotic bell rang around, and an exclamation sound came from inside.

Sister, the crazy **** appeared.

In the eyes of Fairy Jinghong, there was a bitter light.

She said in a voice transmission: Give me the space coordinates.

In the next moment, she tore open the void and disappeared.

Among the ancient ruins, there is a forest.

There is some dragon blood in this forest.

Lin Xuan landed and looked at the dragon blood, frowning tightly.

He could feel that this was the blood of Jun Wushuang and Dragon Dance.

Two people, are you injured here?

He followed these bloodstains all the way.

In the next moment, his expression changed.

He has reached the end of this road, and the dragon blood is gone.

However, there is a killing intent, soaring into the sky.

Directly towards his eyebrows, he killed fiercely.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, raising his hand with a punch, shattering the killing intent.

At the same time, in all directions, he had more killing intent, heading straight into the sky.

A killing cage was formed, trapping him.

In all directions, there are various kinds of flame thunder and so on, the power of the great road swept in.

This is a trap.

Lin Xuan fully used the martial **** body.

The strong physique, as if put on, a piece of divine armor, resisting the power of these great roads.

A roaring voice came, and Lin Xuan's Martial God Body shook quickly.

However, it was not broken.

He walked out of the power of the sky.

With a big wave of his hand, he tore open the world.

He said coldly: Who? Get out of me!

Whoosh whoosh!

Many figures appeared between heaven and earth.

These people are murderous, and the power of chaos on their bodies seems to be a breakthrough.

Lin Xuan sneered when he saw this scene: he was from the Chaos Protoss again.

You really do not live or die.

I just killed a lot of the powerhouses of the Chaos Protoss. Unexpectedly, you jumped out again.

In this case, let's solve all of you.

Mad God, you are so arrogant, you dare to underestimate us?

These people of the Chaos Protoss snorted coldly,

As for what the other party said, they didn't believe it at all.

Their Protoss powerhouse is high above the others, not the opponent can contend.

is it? Then take a look, what is this?

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and a lightning sword appeared in his hand.

On the blade, there are countless mysterious thunder runes flickering, with the power to destroy everything.

Subsequently, Lin Xuan waved again.

Some old wood fell on the ground and made a heavy sound.

In addition, there is a shield full of scales and a machete.

These are the treasures of Jinglei, Jingmu and others.

When they saw this scene, the people of the Chaos Protoss were shocked.

They couldn't believe that these were the artifacts of the Chaos Protoss powerhouse.

How could it be in the hands of the other party?

Especially the thunder knife,

The knife is there, and the knife is dead.

Now that the sword is taken away by the mad god, what about Senior Brother Jinglei?

Has it fallen?

Thinking of this, they froze for a while.

A few disciples, UU reading ranted frantically: How did you steal this magic sword?


Lin Xuan snorted coldly: That thunder has already been killed by me. This is my trophy.


The protoss disciple on the opposite side roared frantically.

They cannot accept,

Senior Brother Jinglei, with 27 million **** patterns, is extremely terrifying.

Together with the Thunder God Sword, it is enough to sweep everything.

It is difficult to defeat opponents of the same tier.

Even if you meet someone with a high level, you can't beat it, and escape is easy.

Crazy God, only 20 million divine texts.

how is this possible? Fight across so many realms?

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