Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7930: Shocking sword! Scared away again!

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People of Chaos Protoss, don't believe it.

Lin Xuan smiled, holding the Thunder Sword in his hand and pointing forward.

He said: Don't believe it? It's ok.

When thunder died before, I didn't believe it either.

However, after my cut, you will believe it.

Lin Xuan stepped out, the magic knife in his hand burst out with a monstrous light.

The Thunder Rune, in conjunction with this magic sword, bloomed with a shocking power.

A knife slashed forward.

Peerless sword, earth-shaking,

The faces of the disciples of the opposite Protoss changed drastically.

This knife is so terrifying.

Resist quickly.

They joined forces and cast a chaotic light curtain in front of them.

With a bang,

This knife fell on the chaotic light curtain, making a sound like the sky.

After only a moment, the chaotic light curtain was split in half.

This sword is like breaking a bamboo.

These warriors of the Chaos Protoss were knocked out.

Many people vomit blood,

Several true gods were seriously injured.

With a stab, some disciples fell and the rest were injured.

This knife is so terrifying.

How could he be so strong?

The disciple of the Chaos Protoss, desperate.

Before, they felt that the mad **** had stolen this magic sword.

Now it seems that it is not at all,

It is possible that the other party really killed Senior Brother Jinglei.

how about it? Do you feel the power of me here?

Do you still have to contend with me?

Lin Xuan held the magic knife, condescending.

The people on the opposite side of the Chaos Protoss were desperate.

Although they are large in number, they are suppressed at the moment and cannot hold their heads up.

This feeling of despair was something they had never experienced before.

At this moment, a violent roar sounded, and the world was broken.

Then, a woman in white volleyed down.

Countless avenues of sunlight, flying around her, are extremely mysterious.

The disciples of the Chaos Protoss, looked up at the sky, and when they saw this man, they cheered.

In their eyes, hope was restored: Senior Sister Jinghong.

Great, the other party is here and they are safe.

Sister, please avenge your brother.

Senior sister, that crazy **** killed Senior Brother Jinglei, you must not let him go.

Fairy Jinghong stared at Lin Xuan instantly.

She raised her hand and shot out a cage, sealing the world.

This time, she won't let the other party escape again.

At the same time, she turned around and looked at the people behind her.

She said: I know that Jinglei and them have fallen, it is not the hands of this mad God.

The disciple of the Protoss said: This crazy **** is very strong. His knife just now was enough to shock the world.

However, Fairy Jinghong didn't believe it.

She said: There is a helper behind the mad god.

It was the other members of the Dragon Clan, who joined forces with the mad god, and attacked Jinglei and others together.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to do it.

The disciples of the Chaos Protoss around still wanted to explain.

Fairy Jinghong waved his hand and said: No need to say more.

You back down, I will deal with him.

No matter how many people he had to help in the end, he couldn't stop my sword.

She took out the Shocking Sword again.

Behind him, the disciples of the Chaos Protoss were all excited.

Indeed, no matter how strong this mad **** is? Regardless of whether the other party has a helper?

Can't stop it, Sister Sister's sword.

After a sword, everything will end, and the opponent will definitely die.

Lin Xuan looked at the rushing Fairy Jinghong with disdain.

Especially when he saw that the other party took out the Shocking Sword, he laughed even more.

He said: You woman, really stupid enough.

Last time, your Excalibur was scared back by me. Have you forgotten it?

It's stupid that you want to use this sword against me.

Your sword is of no use in front of me.

It sees me as it sees a king.


Fairy Jinghong snorted coldly: This sword is my inheritance.

Last time, it was I who did not complete cultivation. This caused some problems with this Excalibur, and some got out of control.

However, I have refinished it again, and this time, I won't lose control anymore.

You don't want to lie to me either.

Mad God, I have to say, you are very smart. Played a lot of tricks, and, good luck.

Coupled with some illusions, people think that you are very powerful and invincible in the world.

However, all of this cannot hide from me.

Idiot woman. Lin Xuan snorted coldly, he looked forward and said: Since you think you are great. Then you can do it.

I want to see, can your sword hurt me?

I'm standing here, I want to take a step back, even if I lose.

So arrogant! It's too reckless.

This crazy **** dared to underestimate their Jinghong Senior Sister.

Those people from the Chaos Protoss race were angry.

They said: Mad God, you are dead.

Even if you practice for 1 million years, you can't stop the Jinghong Sword.

Fairy Jinghong snorted even more.

With a wave of his hand, the Jinghong Sword burst out with an extremely bright light.

She chopped forward.

With a single sword, Fairy Jinghong killed a great **** of 2,700 million divine writings.

It is enough to show how strong her swordsmanship is.

At this moment, this sword appeared, the sky was broken and the earth was broken, the sea was dry and the stone was rotten.

This kind of heaven and earth vision, flying in the void.

Lin Xuan sneered, he moved the dragon sword soul in his body.

A deep dragon roar sounded,

The Jinghong Sword shook violently.

It's like meeting a king, wanting to surrender.

what's the situation?

Fairy Jinghong's complexion changed,

This time, she did not catch the Jinghong Sword.

The Jinghong Sword of the Shi directly flew out and flew towards Lin Xuan.

When I was near Lin Xuan, the sword kept shaking, as if it was kowtow.

Fairy Jinghong was dumbfounded,

The people who gave birth to wontons behind them were also dumbfounded.

What did they see?

Jinghong Sword, actually kneeling down!

Jinghongjian is actually afraid of the mad god?

This is impossible!

The people of the Chaos Protoss all collapsed!

Fairy Jinghong also changed a lot.

Her entire face became savage, she didn't believe it, she didn't believe it even if she was killed.

An illusion, this is an illusion!

She looked up to the sky and roared, using her strength to the extreme.

With a big hand sticking out, he grabbed the Jinghong Sword, and then firmly controlled Jinghong.

She displayed the supreme sword technique, and the power of the great power on her body quickly poured into the sword body.

Slash Heaven Sword Art, kill me.

The Jinghong Sword burst out with an extremely bright light.

However, those sword auras did not dare to approach Lin Xuan at all.

The place where Lin Xuan was, seemed to be the safest place between heaven and earth.

Fairy Jinghong was furious: How could it be like this?

Jinghongjian, why is it not under her control?

Is it really the influence of a mad god?


She cut through the palm of her hand and let her chaotic blood fall on the Jinghong Sword.

She wants to control the Jinghong Sword with all her strength, she wants the human sword to be one.

However, Jinghongjian was like a scared kitten.

Instantly cut through the void and flew towards the distance.

Fairy Jinghong stayed,

Jinghongjian escaped?

She has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and has never seen such a thing.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is also stupid.

Before, they were extremely excited and looked forward to it, thinking that the mad **** would definitely die.

But wherever he could think of it, the mad **** didn't take any action at all, and Jinghongjian escaped.

What is this shocking sword afraid of?

Fairy Jinghong couldn't afford to think too much, she must chase Jinghong Sword back.

She flew to the distance, her figure disappeared instantly.

Vulnerable. Lin Xuan sneered, he had never regarded Fairy Jinghong in his eyes.

The other party was like a clown jumping beam, jumping in front of him twice.

Now that the other party fled, Lin Xuan ignored it either.

Lin Xuan stared at those people from the Chaos Protoss.

He said: Now I want to see, who else can save you?

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