Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7931: Hunting the Chaos

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Lin Xuan made a move, and the Wushen fist blasted over.

It's as if it has transformed into a dragon of Valkyrie, sweeping across the world.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss were still in a daze, after all, what happened just now was too shocking.

If the Jinghongjian loses control for the first time, it is accidental, a mad god, and good luck.

What is it this time?

Impossible, every time is accidental, right?

This crazy **** is willing, there must be some way to scare away Jinghongjian.

At this moment, they are thinking hard, what kind of method is it?

Suddenly, a huge force fell on them.

Many people were knocked out.

Those disciples of Chaos Protoss in the front were killed instantly.

The true gods of the Protoss behind him also flew out.

They were badly injured and their faces became ugly.

Run away.

Now that the senior sister is not there, they are not opponents at all.

They fled madly.

Lin Xuan took out the Heavenly Sun Divine Bow again and chased after him.

Every arrow fell, it could penetrate a strong man of the Chaos Protoss.

The people of the Chaos Protoss who are killed have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

Many people saw it along the way,

When they looked at this scene, they were dumbfounded.

Even some disciples of the Protoss were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

God, what did they see?

The mad **** is chasing and killing, the powerhouse of the Chaos God Race!

It's incredible!

They discovered that many true gods with 25 million **** patterns were fleeing.

There are even 26 million strong men with **** patterns, also fleeing.

The crazy **** has gone against the sky, is it so?

These true gods, together with their hands, are enough to sweep everything.

Couldn't it be against the mad god?

This mad **** is definitely not a person. Behind him, there should be a dragon army.

Those people of the Protoss talked a lot, they raised their heads and looked at the void carefully.

Want to see who is behind the mad god?

However, after waiting for a long time, they did not find the second person.

It seems that only the mad **** is chasing after him.

Everyone took a breath: It is really the mad **** alone, making a move.

Against the sky, he is going against the sky.

Those people from the Chaos Protoss in the front are running for their lives.

The companions around them kept falling, and they were terrified to the extreme.

This feeling of despair was something they had never experienced in their entire lives.

Those who are still alive roar wildly: Who can save us?

Sister, where are you?

Mad God, our Chaos Protoss, will not let you go.

Our elder is outside and will be able to come in soon.


A genius of the Chaos Protoss roared crazy.

As soon as his voice fell, his body was penetrated by a dragon-shaped arrow.

He was crucified in the void.

Mad God, the genius of your dragon race, is still in our hands, so you can catch it with your hands.

Otherwise, we tortured the dead dragons.

Another genius growled.


In the next moment, this chaotic genius was beaten into a blood mist, and his body and soul were destroyed.

The people of the Chaos Protoss really collapsed.

It doesn't matter whether they threaten or beg for mercy.

The other party is determined and is chasing them.

Seeing that the number of people around them is getting fewer and fewer, most of them have fallen.

Now only 1/3 is left.

This time the loss was really too heavy, and it might even be annihilated.

At this moment of crisis, Fairy Jinghong rushed back.

When she saw this scene, her eyes were red.

She left for such a short while, did these people around her fall so much?

Are all crazy gods alone, are they doing it?


She took it down with one palm.

The terrifying big palm fell like a sky.

Cut off the path of the mad god, and shot a few dragon-shaped arrows!

Sister sister is back.

Those who are still alive, the warriors of the Chaos Protoss, they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

Sister, this time, you must help us.

Fairy Jinghong, her face was ugly, she stared at the crazy god.

Until now, she didn't know what happened to Jinghongjian?

She has temporarily sealed the Jinghong Sword, and she will not use it again.

To deal with the crazy god, even if there is no Jinghong Sword, it is easy for her to kill the opponent.

After all, her own strength is very powerful, much stronger than Jinglei and others.

With a wave of his hand, a chaos pagoda appeared in the void.

The nine-story pagoda floated toward the front.

Fairy Jinghong said coldly: Mad God, everything ends here.

The 9-story Chaos Tower, traveling through time and space, came to Lin Xuan in an instant, and quickly fell.

The chaotic aura falling from above was extremely terrifying.

Some people from the Protoss were watching the battle in the distance.

When they saw this scene, they were shocked.

This mad **** might be unlucky.

Yes, Fairy Jinghong is very tough, and there is a gap between the two sides.

No matter how strong the mad **** is, it is only the genius of the younger generation.

Encountering Fairy Jinghong, a strong man of the previous generation, could not resist.

The 9-story Chaos Tower quickly fell down, covering Lin Xuan.

Seeing to suppress it.

However, in the next moment, Lin Xuan's figure disappeared like a bubble.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Jinghong's face changed: it was a phantom.

When did the other party leave?

She turned her head abruptly, and saw the void behind her split open, and Lin Xuan's figure emerged.

The palm of the opponent's hand is sealed, condensing to form a peerless martial arts seal.

Toward her back, pat it hard.


Fairy Jinghong, the backhand is a palm.

The palms of the fists collided with a loud roar.

She was hit by a huge force and flew upside down a few steps.

The qi and blood in the body also rolled violently.

Fairy Jinghong suddenly turned around, spitting out a chaotic light.

This beam of light was terrifying, and it was so fast that it came to Lin Xuan in an instant.

Lin Xuan didn't dodge, put his hands out, and instantly caught the chaotic light.

Then it smashed hard and clicked.

The peerless light of chaos was broken into two parts by him.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and threw away the broken chaotic light.

Then he said: Do you only have this strength?

This guy can actually block my strength with his bare hands. Fairy Jinghong was stunned.

If you say that Jinghongjian fled before, it made her panic and crazy.

However, she felt that it was just an accident, an accident.

But now, the mad **** blocked the chaos light with the martial **** body.

It made her look ugly.

This time it was not an accident, this was the power of the mad **** himself.

The other party can really compete with her.

How old is the other party? Is he so young?

Long Tatian back then was nothing but that.

Is this guy more against the sky than Long Tatian?

Fairy Jinghong couldn't accept it and couldn't imagine.

If the other party grows again, how terrible will it be?

I am afraid it will pose a huge threat to their Chaos Protoss.

The opponent must be beheaded to avoid future troubles.

Thinking of this, Fairy Jinghong quickly settled.

Huhuhu, the chaotic aura behind her condensed and turned into the wings of chaos.

This Chaos Wing is very big, as long as thousands of miles.

It fell down like a cloud of chaos.

The feathers on the top kept falling, piercing through the world.

Just like a sea of ​​chaos, UU reading www. swept away towards Lin Xuan.

This is not over yet,

Fairy Jinghong, a gourd appeared on his left hand.

A black gourd,

After opening it, there was a black mist floating out.

These mists caused the true gods of the Protoss in the distance to numb their scalp.

A trace of mist can make the powerful true **** be wiped out.

She raised her right hand, and there was a bracelet on her wrist.

The wrist shook lightly, and the golden bracelet flew forward in an instant.

Another artifact!

Three peerless forces, together to kill Lin Xuan.

This is a surefire game.

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