Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7943: Countless elixir! Artifact! Crazy!

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Upon hearing this, the young disciples of the Chaos Protoss race rushed into the distance instantly.

On Dragon Palace's side, Jian Tianchen, Lei Lie and others also jumped into the air.

Lin Xuan glanced at the palace in the distance, and also left the battlefield.

Fairy Jinghong looked at this scene with great envy.

However, she did not dare to go alone, she was injured too badly.

far away.

Long Xian'er also brightened her eyes, and she quickly rushed towards the distance.

Zhen Qianjue and others around, follow.

They did not participate in the battle with the Chaos Protoss.

They have been guarding Long Xian'er.

The current situation is very beneficial to them.

One after another, they entered the ancient palace.

As soon as Long Xian'er stepped into the hall, she saw a figure flying past her.

She was taken aback for a moment.

Surrounded by this person, there was a ray of terrible flame.

It's like wearing a flame robe.

And in the center of his eyebrows, there is a flame **** pattern.

It was like a magic lamp, giving her a deadly breath.

It is Tianyang God Child.

Long Xian'er is like an enemy.

After not seeing each other for a while, the other party seemed to be more mysterious.

Those other people, feeling the existence of Tianyang Divine Child, also gave in one after another.

Even Zhen Qianjue and other peak true gods were surprised.

They could feel that the Heavenly Sun God Child possessed an extremely terrifying flame power in his body.

Once it broke out, it would be beyond imagination.

They knew that this should be the power of God's fire.

Unexpectedly, the other party could already control the fire of God to such a degree.

This Tianyang God Child's talent is really amazing.

Taking a deep breath, these people set off again and completely entered the hall.

After entering, they were stunned.

They found that there were countless **** crystals piled up in the hall, all as high as a hill.

Around this hall, there are four 10-meter high pill furnaces.

A series of pill fires, flying out of the pill furnace, turned into various rare and wonderful shows.

The breath of Danxiang enveloped the entire hall.

This is not over yet,

In mid-air, there are one artifact after another.

There is a cloud of colorful clouds.

In the distance, there are treasure chests after another.

I don’t know what’s stacked in it?

This is simply a treasure trove.

Pills, exercises, and artifacts seem to be available everywhere.

Got rich,

Hahahaha, we are really rich.

These people who came in were very excited.

Before, they were a little worried.

If there are too few treasures, they will definitely not be able to beat Tianyang Shenzi and others.

But now, there are treasures everywhere, and they can **** some of them.

Hurry up.

The eyes of these people were red, like crazy beasts, and they rushed forward.

Someone rushed towards the mountain of **** crystals.

Someone rushed towards the treasure chest in the distance.

Some people slammed into the sky, competing for artifacts.

The war broke out completely.

Although there are many treasures here, the hearts of the people are insufficient, and the snake swallows the elephant.

Soon, everyone will fight.

Get out, this artifact is mine.

Then you have to ask, the sword in the hands of the young master, can you answer it?

Someone vie for the artifact,

Some people robbed those pill furnaces.

This pill furnace, we Xuanbing Protoss took a fancy to, everyone else, let me go.

What about Xuanbing Protoss? My demons are afraid that you will not succeed?

The battle here seems to be more intense than the battle between the Dragon Palace and the Chaos Protoss outside.

Long Xian'er also joined the scramble.

Zhen Qianjue and so on next to her, the elder of the pinnacle, also shot.

They killed those few pill furnaces.

They can feel that the pill inside is so extraordinary.

Even, can improve their realm.

This makes them, how can they not be crazy?

When they reach their peak state, it is as difficult as climbing to go further.

Need to retreat for hundreds of thousands of years.

If you have these medicines, it will be different.

Maybe, in a short time, they will be able to rise to the next level and even break through.

The true gods of the pinnacle have also shot,

The people below the peak retreated one after another.

No one dared to approach those pill furnaces.

And under this hall, in the mysterious ancient coffin. The silhouette gave out a silent smile.

let's hit.

A group of stupid things broke the ground for some illusion.

It's ridiculous.

It turns out that all this is his game.

His eyes flickered, looking for Lin Xuan.

Soon, he stared at each other,

He will find an opportunity to suppress the opponent.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xuan was also slightly taken aback.

He did not expect that there would be so many treasures in the palace!

You know, he worked hard before and got a few treasures.

Most of them, after beheading the powerhouse of the Chaos Protoss. Loot the opponent's storage ring, and get the treasure from the opponent's storage room.

I want to see so many treasures from the deserted ancient ruins.

This is the first time.

After shaking his body, he rushed towards a treasure chest in front of him.

There are quite a few people fighting in the treasure chest, there are more than a dozen.

Seeing Lin Xuan rushing, they roared: Get out of me.

Even if Lin Xuan is the first person in the young generation of Protoss, what about?

In front of the treasure, no one will give the right person.

Even, they will join hands against the enemy.

A dozen people joined forces to block Lin Xuan's punch.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly and spit out a flame rune.

This magic rune grew bigger in the air, turned into two fire dragons, hovering in the air.

More than a dozen people, the laws of the great avenues played, quickly melted in front of this sacred fire.

A dozen people changed their faces and fled in a hurry.

What kind of flame is this?

How do you feel that it is more terrifying than the people of the Tianyang God Race?

But Lin Xuan, with a big wave of his hand, grabbed a treasure chest and pulled it to his side.

Kicked the treasure chest away with one kick.

With a boom,

From the treasure chest, thousands of rays of light came out.

After the treasure chest was opened, there were countless treasures in it, flying out.

It's crazy.

Lin Xuan discovered that there were scrolls and pills inside.

There are even some ancient sacred irons, as well as various treasures of heaven and earth.

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile, which was good.

With a big wave of his hand, he put away the treasure chest.


The dozen or so people who were beaten out gritted their teeth.

However, they did not do anything,

They went to **** other treasure chests.

Gradually, many people grabbed the baby.

Some people grabbed a lot of gods, and some grabbed artifacts.

Someone opened the treasure chest and divided the treasures into it.

Those pinnacle true gods in the distance even joined hands and opened several pill furnaces.

Flying out of it, one after another elixir.

These people began to **** the elixir, and they all gained.

These people went crazy and continued to fight.

Lin Xuan was also ready to look for the next treasure chest.

But at this moment, he was stunned.

He felt that the big dragon sword soul in his body started to turn around.

It turned into Sisi Killing Sword Qi, which circulated in his body.

what's the situation?

Lin Xuan has no plans, UU reading www. uses the Dragon Sword Soul.

After all, there are so many peak powers around, once discovered, the consequences will be very serious.

But now, the Great Dragon Sword Soul turns automatically, what seems to be annihilated?

Lin Xuan stopped and began to probe his physical condition.

He discovered that there was some mysterious aura in him.

I don't know when it appeared?

These breaths turned out to be nothingness.

If it were not for the existence of the Great Dragon Sword, he would not be able to detect it at all.

And these breaths are already attached to his internal organs and blood vessels.

It seems that once it erupts, it will immediately destroy him.

Perceiving this scene, Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

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