Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7944: Behind the scenes appeared! Protoss 1 net is exhausted!

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What a ruthless method!

Lin Xuan took a breath.

It seems that there is a terrible black hand behind this scene, who wants to kill everyone in one go.

If it hadn't been for the big dragon sword, he wouldn't find it now.

He turned his head and looked around.

I found those people around who were still fighting like crazy.

Without knowing it, he has fallen into a trap.

Even the true gods at the peak were unaware of them.

There was a trace of sweat on Lin Xuan forehead.

How terrible are the people in this layout?

Isn't even the pinnacle true **** not aware of it?

Is he leaving now?

If he left now, he would definitely be discovered.

Especially, the man behind the scenes in the dark will stare at him instantly.

It seems that he can only count on the count.

Slowly, grabbing the treasure.

In fact, he secretly used the big dragon sword to kill this mysterious power.

Waiting for the black hand behind the scenes, when he made a move, he hit the thunder and counterattacked unexpectedly.

Even if you can't beat the opponent,

It should be no problem to escape.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's movements slowed down.

Secretly urged the breath of the Great Dragon Sword to slash the power in the body.

Lin Xuan's guess was correct.

In the mysterious ancient coffin below, the mysterious figure was really staring at him.

If Lin Xuan escapes, this mysterious figure will be spotted immediately.

Maybe it will be shot immediately.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is still here.

The mysterious figure smiled when he saw this scene.

This kid got the trick,

Next, the opponent must die.

Even, he can suppress the opponent with no effort.

Kill everyone in one go.

After another period of time, everyone has gained, and everyone seems to be blushing.

When the mysterious man in the coffin saw this scene, he felt almost done.

You can close the net.

He raised his palm,

His palms and arms were also pierced with divine swords.

This hideous palm gave a light wave.

Suddenly, a rune rushed to the earth.

Boom boom boom!

In the upper palace, everyone was still snatching frantically.

Suddenly, a violent roar sounded.

Everyone was stunned,

They stopped fighting and looked around, uncertain.

what happened?

The next moment, they found that the treasure in front of them had changed.

The mountains of **** crystals turned into black auras.

One treasure chest was transformed into one black scale after another.

As for those weapons, pill furnaces and the like, all turned into black mist and disappeared.

The treasure house in front of them had turned into a dark cloud and swamp.

Even them, those treasures that have been grabbed before.

It also turned into something like a black mud swamp, extremely disgusting.

what's the situation?

Countless people immediately exclaimed and threw the black mud swamp in their hands to the ground.

They said angrily: We were deceived, illusion, all this is illusion.

Like before, those geniuses who shot and snatched their faces were extremely ugly.

Long Xian'er was stupid.

Before that, she desperately, at all costs, grabbed a lot of good things.

But now it seems that everything she grabs is rubbish.

She almost collapsed.

Not only her, but the geniuses of other Protoss also collapsed.

Even the face of Tianyang Divine Child is hard to see the extreme.

Not to mention these geniuses, the true gods at the peak are even more mad.

Didn't even find them?

They got it.

who is it? hateful! get out.

There were angry roars,

These peak true gods are murderous.

Ha ha ha ha.

At this moment, a deep laughter rang from below the ground.

Everyone looked down,

I saw the earth split open and an ancient coffin flew out.

On the top of this ancient coffin, there was a figure sitting full of divine swords.

Who are you?

Seeing such a strange figure, everyone's scalp numb.

Some people even shouted in a cold voice: It's you, do you arrange Dao illusion?

Damn it, die.

Zhen Qianjue roared, raised his hand and shot out, a Thunder Dragon Phantom rushed forward.

The destructive power above is enough to kill everything.


However, this Thunder Dragon was out of nowhere.

He passed directly, and the figure of the mysterious man fell on the distant earth.

Did not cause any harm at all.

how is this possible?

Zhen Qianjue was so shocked that he stared at the opponent firmly.

Could it be that the other party is illusory? Is the opponent part of the illusion?

He is not clear.

There is also the pinnacle true **** said: Maybe what he cultivates is the power of the void.

We all act together, no matter how strong he is, he can't escape death.

Just rely on you?

The mysterious figure sneered, he raised his hand and said: It's time to happen.

Everyone was taken aback,

The next moment, their expressions changed, and screams screamed.

Everyone only felt that a terrible force suddenly came from within.

Destroyed, their internal organs,

Destroyed, their meridian bloodlines.

They were hit hard.

Damn, when were we secretly calculated?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This sudden change left them as if struck by lightning, without any resistance at all.

Many people, with despair in their eyes,

It seems that they are going to be wiped out.

A group of ants.

The mysterious person in the coffin gave a cold snort!

His target was Lin Xuan, but he didn't plan to let others go.

The bodies of these people are also very useful to him.

He was going to suppress Lin Xuan first, and then reap the others.

He walked towards Lin Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan's expression changed.

The other party turned out to be directed at him, why?

He never knew each other.

Looking at the other person, he should be a character from the ancient period.

It was only now that I was buried.

There can be no connection between the two parties!

I couldn't take care of that much, Lin Xuan was about to make a sudden move.

But at this moment, there was a cold snort next to him.

Kill me.

Along with this sound, a golden light swept across the world.

It was a golden flame of light, blooming with an unquenchable breath.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and even the true gods at the peak were shocked.

To be honest, even they are injured, it is difficult to resist, there are people who can fight back!

who is it?

He is the **** son of Tianyang, who owns the fire of heaven.

There were exclamations.

That's right, the counterattack at this moment is the God Child of Tianyang.

Although Tianyang Divine Child was also injured, his body was destroyed by mysterious power.

However, UU Reading he owns the fire of God.

Tianyang Divine Child immediately fought back, destroying that mysterious power.

He stared at the mysterious man, and said coldly: Just rely on you? Want to catch it all in one go?

You are not capable of this.

The guy who only knows the plot is not a strong one.

The mysterious person in the coffin was extremely surprised.

Unexpectedly, the other party should have such a magical flame.

Kind of interesting.

Have all the legendary inextinguishable fires appear?

Others were extremely excited.

Great, Tianyang Divine Child can contend against this sword demon, they have hope.

God son, please!

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