Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7945: Sword Demon!

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Although Tianyang Divine Child was able to resolve his trap, but he couldn't help it.

The Sword Demon ignored the Heavenly Sun God Child and still walked towards Lin Xuan.

God Child Tianyang was extremely angry when he saw that the other party ignored him.

He raised his hand to shoot out a beam of sun light, and kill it downward.

The light of the sun turned into countless divine swords and killed the mysterious people.

The mysterious man snorted coldly.

The magic sword on his body shook quickly.

A few sword auras slashed into the air and collided with the sword of the sun.

There was a roaring sound, those sun swords were cut off.

Not only that, a few sword auras, with undiminished power, slew towards Tianyang Divine Child.

The Sun Godzi quickly dodged and became a little embarrassed.

His face is extremely ugly.

Originally, he thought that the other party would only sneak attacks secretly, so he should have no ability.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's own strength is so powerful.

It was beyond his expectation.

The mysterious man snorted coldly.

What he was worried about before was that too many peak true gods would threaten him.

Therefore, he set up this trap.

Except for the peak true god, he didn't pay attention to other people.

Although Tianyang Shenzi possesses the fire of God. His own strength is still weaker.

Before the peak, he still can't threaten him.

Moreover, the other party cannot use the fire of God to its extreme.

In other words, this Tianyang God Child, at best, is self-protection.

It is impossible to threaten a mysterious person.

This mysterious person stared at the God Child of Tianyang and said coldly: Originally wanted to solve you later.

However, if you jump out in a hurry to find death, then you will be solved first.

The divine sword on his body shook again, and a few more sword qi flew over.

The **** son of Tianyang casts a peerless sacred fire to fight with it.

The monstrous sacred fire turned into a sun behind him, spinning continuously.

Numerous laws of magic and fire danced out.

To resist these sword qi.

However, he couldn't stop it at all, he could only retreat.

At the moment of crisis, he took out the fire of God again.

A golden flame, the size of a nail.

However, it is blooming, billions of rays of light.

This flame blocked the sword aura,

The two sides are deadlocked in midair.

When seeing this scene, Tianyang Shenzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally blocked.

Those other people were also stunned.

To be honest, they were extremely nervous.

If Tianyang Shenzi loses, then they are all dead, and no one can compete with the mysterious person.

They now put all their hopes on the **** son of Tianyang.

The mysterious man was also slightly surprised when he watched this scene.

Unexpectedly, the other party was able to merge with the fire of God.

It was beyond his expectation,

But that's it.

While he continued to attack the fire of the heavens, on the other side, some sword auras emerged. Killed towards Lin Xuan.

There are some people around Lin Xuan,

When I saw this scene, my complexion changed greatly.

They run away like crazy,

Lin Xuan followed these crowds and quickly backed away.

However, these sword auras are extremely harsh.

Each sword aura has different laws and powers.

Overwhelmingly fell down, covering these people.

There were a few sword qi, directly towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan knew that the opponent's target was him.

Although he doesn't know the reason, he will not sit still.

He quickly dodged, flashing thunder runes on his body, avoiding these attacks.

Help the mad **** son quickly.

People of the dragon clan roared when they saw this scene.

They shot hard.

On the other side, the people of the Tianyang Protoss also shot one after another.

Although they were seriously injured, their strength dropped significantly.

But at this moment, I can no longer care about so much.

They drove their power into the fire of God.

The other people also acted one after another.

Now is the best time to fight back.

Just rely on you ants?

The mysterious man sneered disdainfully, and waved again.

There appeared in the void, mysterious palms one after another.

These palms, traveling through time and space, appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, they caught everyone's throat.

With a click, a scream came.

What is this?

Why is it so scary?

Defend quickly.

Everyone ignored the counterattack and defended.

Strong people can resist.

Although the throat was crushed, it would not fall.

However, some people with weak strength were killed instantly.

For a while, many people fell.

Everyone was desperate.

The methods of this mysterious man are too strong.

This time, how can you escape?

The mysterious man stared at Lin Xuan and shot again.

The extremely mysterious palm of his hand slew towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's expression was extremely weird.

These people around have never seen this mysterious palm.

However, he has seen it.

Isn't this the mysterious palm in the pool?

It turns out this mysterious man! It has something to do with these palms!

If it were other forces, Lin Xuan was really hard to contend.

Lin Xuan simply dismissed these palms.

Lin Xuan possesses six reincarnations, completely restraining each other.

Lin Xuan used the power of Dragon Dao as a cover.

He moved the eyes of reincarnation, and there was an extremely terrifying, reincarnation light in his eyes.

In an instant he looked at these mysterious palms.

Those few palms were coming fiercely, and they were about to fall on Lin Xuan's throat.

However, after being enveloped by the light of reincarnation. But as if they met a snake and scorpion, they retreated madly.

In an instant, they fled and disappeared.

Lin Xuan did not stop, he raised his head and glanced at the mysterious man.

The reincarnation light in the eyes bloomed again.

When the mysterious man saw this scene, his body shook.

He made a miserable sound and backed away quickly.

On him, a black breath appeared unexpectedly, like wolf smoke.

His body seemed to vanish in smoke.

He was really stunned,

This is the power of the six reincarnations.

how is this possible?

What he fears most now is the power of the six reincarnations.

He shouldn't, exists between heaven and earth, he should have reincarnation long ago.

It's just that he used special methods to survive.

At this moment, when he meets the six reincarnations, he will soon be wiped out.

He was stunned.

He stared at Lin Xuan tightly and couldn't believe it.

Isn't the opponent a descendant of the Great Dragon Sword? How can you have the power of the Reincarnation Sword?

Could it be that the opponent is also the descendant of the Reincarnation Sword?

The mysterious people are stupid.

He has an extraordinary background, coming from an ancient era.

He knows that the five swords under heaven are extremely defying,

Every sword, UU Reading has a descendant.

Every descendant is extremely extraordinary.

This kid in front of him should be the heir of the Great Dragon Sword.

The other party is still very young and has not fully grown up yet.

He still has a chance to seize the big dragon sword.

However, he did not expect that the other party was still a descendant of the Reincarnation Sword.

He has never heard of, who can control two of the five swords in the world?

No one can do it even in the wild.

But now, this young man has done it.

Where is the other party sacred?

Feeling the power of the reincarnation eye, he killed it again.

The mysterious man screamed, turned around and fled.

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