Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8020: Witty Lin Xuan!

The woman didn't expect that Murong Qingcheng would have such a method.

Before she could react, she was shot and flew out by the Phoenix Phantom.

The vine on Murong Qingcheng's body disappeared instantly.

Murong Qingcheng merged with that bloodline figure.

It was another blow to the woman in green.

The woman in green screamed, was seriously injured, and left without looking back.

And Murong Qingcheng took this opportunity to obtain the amulet of the Dao ahead.

This woman is so strong.

Those around him were also extremely shocked.

Even the people at Tianfeng Villa were surprised.

To be honest, Murong Qingcheng's bloodline was beyond their imagination.

No wonder, the princes valued each other so much before.

Next, other people's battles also ended.

Like Huang Wuchen, Xie Xiaoyu, all got the characters.

On the other side, Baili Long Song, Xia Wuque, Xia Wuchen. Qingxuan Daozi, Shengtian Godzi and others also got one each.

Mrs. Zhuang, tied with Qin Shan.

They didn't continue to fight, but went to grab other Taoist symbols.

They also got one each.

As for Fengming, it failed.

Fengming is a genius, but there are too many genius strong here.

She ultimately failed to get it.

She looked downcast.

When Mrs. Zhuang saw this scene, she thought for a while.

She said: Daughter, come here.

She prepared to give Fengming her Taoist charm.

Feng Ming shook his head and said: Empress, you should hold it.

You are more hopeful than I am to break through and become a prince.

Lin Xuan frowned when he saw this scene.

He looked around, and finally, he stared at an old man.

The old man also got one,

He walked forward.

The old man said: Kid, do you want to shoot me? I'm afraid you have found the wrong opponent.

The strength of this old man was even more terrifying than Qin Shan.

Those other people were also taken aback: What is Lin Xuan doing?

Do you want to **** others' Taoism?

Lin Xuan said: Senior, look at this thing.

With a wave of his hand, he took out an ancient medicine.

This is an ancient medicine he got from the ancient land.

The old man in front of him is very strong, but his life aura and state are not the peak.

It can even be said that it is very bad.

Come to think of it, the other party should need such Zhu Gu medicine even more.

Sure enough, when the old man saw this ancient medicine, his body trembled.

He asked excitedly: Where did you get this thing?

Lin Xuan smiled and said: I went to the forbidden area with Xu Changsheng before and got it by accident.

how about it? Senior, use this thing to exchange the Taoism in your hand.

Can it?

The old man thought for a while, nodded and said: No problem.

what's the situation?

What did Lin Xuan give to each other? Can actually change to Dao Fu.

The people around were stunned.

After the old man got the ancient medicine, he turned around and left.

Lin Xuan got a new Taoist charm and threw it to Fengming.

He said: Take it.

Fengming's eyes were red.

To be honest, she had targeted Lin Xuan before.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan would actually help her now.

Lin Xuan, thank you.

Fengming was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Murong Qingcheng, who was next to him, said with a smile: Senior Sister, please accept it quickly.

Well, Qingcheng, what's your order in the future? Just say it.

Knife mountains and fires, without hesitation.

Fengming squeezed the Taoist talisman in his hand.

Finally, he was qualified to enter Tiandao Tower.

The others were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Tianfeng Villa actually got 4 places.

It's incredible.

When Lin Xuan said this before, they felt that the other party was arrogant and did not know the height of the sky.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually realized it.

Ahead, Xu Changsheng smiled and said: Congratulations to 49 of you, please come with me.

He walked into the Tiandao Tower, and everyone else followed.

This time, entering the Tiandao Tower again, the scene is completely different.

The former Tiandao Building was like a restaurant.

Although only the top genius, and the strong can come.

However, as long as you have enough wealth, you can come in.

However, at this moment they are entering the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Found here and there, although it is still the same as before.

However, they seemed to have walked into one, like inside the avenue world.

Xu Changsheng leads the way, and he still faces all sentient beings.

He said: This is the real Tiandao Tower.

The Tiandao Viewing Picture, on the 6th floor.

Can you have a chance to comprehend it? It depends on your respective abilities.

Wish ya'll good luck.

After speaking, Xu Changsheng disappeared.

He appeared again, outside the corridor that day.

With a big wave, an extremely mysterious light appeared on the Tiandao Tower.

On the first floor, forty-nine figures appeared, the 49 who just entered.

Wait for those people to get excited.

They were worried and couldn't see the situation inside. Now they can finally see it.

Although I can't see the specific situation clearly, I can see a general idea.

On the first floor of the Tiandao Tower, after everyone entered, they looked curiously for 4 weeks.

They felt that with Xu Changsheng's departure, the pressure here suddenly increased.

This is the pressure of the avenue. The wife of the owner exclaimed.

Qin Shan in the distance also frowned, and he also felt a pressure.

He glanced at Lin Xuan, and didn't do any more.

Fighting in Tiandao Tower is a very unwise choice.

First think of a way, go to the 6th floor, and get the view picture.

Everyone, I'm one step ahead.

Xia Wuchen stepped out in one step, and the sword energy on his body turned into a real dragon.

Leading him, toward the front, rushed hard.

This Xia Wuchen is too strong.

The power of the avenue here is so terrible that he can fly fast.

It's incredible.

You don't know this.

His sword is a peerless artifact, called the True Dragon Sword.

He relied on that divine sword to be able to resist the great power here.

That's it.

I'll just say, he can't be so against the sky.

It turned out to be possession, a peerless artifact.

I have a peerless artifact.

Someone spit out a pagoda, some took out a shield.

Some people put on the ancient armor, and some people displayed the power of blood.

In short, everyone used their own methods to move forward.

They want to get to the second floor as soon as possible.

Brother Xuan.

Murong Qingcheng and the others looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said: You go first, I want to temper my body here.

Lin Xuan also wanted to get a view, but he would not give up any opportunity to improve his strength.

After all, what Lin Xuan cultivates is the power of the gods, even if he gets the visualization, he will not necessarily break through.

Might as well improve strength here. UU reading

Okay, let's go ahead.

Murong Qingcheng took a deep breath.

Colorful light appeared on his body and turned into a colorful battle armor.

She walked forward.

What else does the wife of the owner want to say? However, she could see that Lin Xuan had a secret.

She also took Fengming and flew towards the distance.

Lin Xuan did not take any defense.

The power of the surrounding roads quickly pressed towards him.

Lin Xuan urged the Martial God Body.

Boom boom boom!

His body shook.

Lin Xuan stood there and began to temper his divine body with the power of the avenue.

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