Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8021: Seize the opportunity!

This heavenly building is very magical.

The great power here carries a hint of heavenly atmosphere.

It turned into a heavenly path after another, and fell on him.

Lin Xuan's martial arts body quickly resisted this force.

Lin Xuan was extremely happy.

The first layer is so powerful, I don’t know, how powerful the next few layers will be?

If Lin Xuan can bear it completely, his Martial God Body might be able to rise to the next level.

It is very possible to reach the sixth level of the Wushen body.

At that time, the general peak true god, don't want to break his defense.


Everyone carefully stared at the light curtain ahead.

There were 49 fuzzy figures there.

Suddenly, they found that these figures started to move.

There is a light and shadow, and the speed is very fast, as if it has turned into a real dragon, with its teeth and claws.

Someone exclaimed: This should be Xia Wuchen.

He is using the true dragon sword technique, his speed is too fast.

You see, the speed of other people is obviously much slower.

Obviously, there should be great pressure inside, suppressing them.

But even so, the speed of Xia Wuchen was so fast.

His strength is really against the sky.

I feel that even those veteran peak gods should not be his opponents.

Look, the speed of other people has also risen.

That one should be deserted.

He is the son of the Eight Desolate God King, and he also cultivates the Eight Desolate Divine Body.

This physique is equally powerful,

This kind of blood is really enviable.

That light and shadow should be Xie Xiaoyu, who deserves to be from Shenbing Pavilion.

I don't know how many peerless artifacts she brought on her body?

Everyone talked a lot, just looking at these lights and shadows, they were extremely excited.

At this time, someone said: Hey, look at it. There is a figure standing there, motionless.

Will not be suppressed?

who is it? So weak.

Could it be Fengming?

After all, she didn't get the spot based on her own ability.

The people at Tianfeng Villa were extremely nervous. They carefully watched the last light and shadow.

Soon, their expressions became weird.

They discovered that it was not Fengming, because that light and shadow was a man.

Although it was not Fengming, they felt that this figure was very similar to Lin Xuan.

Others, some people recognize it.

They said: Is this Lin Xuan?

How can it be?

He is very strong, but he defeated Xia Wuchen's existence.

How could he be suppressed?

Who knows? Maybe there are other reasons.

However, this kid is clearly behind now.

I heard that the Tiandao Viewing Picture is on the 6th floor.

This kid stopped on the first floor.

It is estimated that they are not qualified to compete for the image of the Tao of Heaven.

What should be the reason?

The elders of Tianfeng Villa were also talking about it.

They still believe in Lin Xuan.

Those other people sneered.

For example, the people at Wanjian Villa are very happy.

They felt that Lin Xuan would definitely be eliminated.

Lin Xuan didn't know the thoughts of these people outside.

Even if he knew it, he would dismiss it.

A bunch of idiots, what do you know?

At this moment, he is practicing with all his strength,

His approach is very correct.

Just the time of this incense stick is comparable to hundreds of years of hard cultivation outside.

The great power here is really extraordinary.

Lin Xuan felt that there would be another time to stick incense. His physique should be able to withstand the power here.

At that time, he can enter the second floor.

Those outside thought Lin Xuan had any plans.

However, after waiting for a stick of incense, he found that Lin Xuan was motionless.

They all laughed.

It seems that the potential of this kid is exhausted and hopeless.

Those geniuses who were impacting the second floor did not see Lin Xuan either.

They were also relieved,

One missing, a strong competitor.

Murong Qingcheng felt a trace of worry in his heart.

Brother Xuan, you must catch up.

The time for another stick of incense has passed.

Lin Xuan's Martial God Body has become even stronger than before.

The pressure on the surrounding roads can no longer threaten him.

There is no need for Lin Xuan to practice here anymore.

He took a deep breath and looked into the distance.

Next, it's time to go to the second floor.

I don't know what kind of power is the second layer?

How much can his physique improve?

Xia Wuchen is currently the fastest one.

Finally, he came to the end of the first floor.

There, there is a ladder leading to the second floor.

Xia Wuchen was extremely excited, and now he has seized the opportunity.

Just keep leading all the way.

He rushed to the ladder without hesitation.

As soon as he stepped on the first step, he felt a scorching force sweeping over him.

This power is really terrible.

It was like a divine fire of heaven, and he wanted to be wiped out.

His complexion changed drastically, and he quickly urged the True Dragon Sword Technique to quickly resist.

At the same time, he backed madly, he left the ladder, his face became ugly.

In such a moment, he was actually injured.

How could it be like this?

Although there was a careless element before. But being able to hurt him easily is enough to imagine how terrifying this heavenly fire is.

It seems that thinking of the second layer is not easy.

He stopped.

It didn't take long for those people in the rear to come one after another.

For example, Xie Xiaoyu, Huang Wuchen and others have all arrived.

Shengtian Godzi, Qingxuan Daozi, Qin Shan and others also came one after another.

When they saw the ladder, they were very excited.

The way to the second floor,

But why don't those people go?

They didn't dare to act rashly and stopped one after another.

Finally, someone got impatient and asked: Why not go?

Ahead, Xia Wuchen sneered: If you want to go, no one will stop you.

Well, let the old man try.

A bald old man sneered, he quickly rushed over and landed on the ladder.

However, the next moment, his expression changed.

Above the ladder, the fire of heaven actually appeared.

To the effect, he suffered a loss, was injured, and retreated.

When the others saw this scene, they took a breath.

Unexpectedly, this ladder is so terrible.

It seems that preparations are needed to be able to cross the ladder.

Outside the Tianlou Road, everyone found that the lights and shadows in front had stopped.

Someone said: It should be, UU Reading has reached the end of the first floor.

Next, we are ready to enter the second floor.

However, it seems that it is not easy to enter the second floor.

Don't worry, although it's a bit difficult, I shouldn't be able to trap Xia Wuchen and the others.

After all, these top pinnacle gods have a lot of hole cards.

Especially those goddesses and goddesses, the cards in their hands may be beyond imagination.

At this time, someone also said: Look at it.

The last Lin Xuan, he acted.

It's too late to remember to act now.

Although I don't know, what happened to him?

However, he is already eliminated.

He has no chance to compete for the image of the Tao of Heaven.

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