Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8041: One sword in 10 years! Lin Xuan: I got it!

Lin Xuan looked at the first sword mark, and the scene in his eyes changed.

He saw a figure appeared in front of him.

A figure dressed in white, holding a long sword.

Stabbed with a sword.

This is a very ordinary sword.

In the eyes of others, it is simply ordinary, and it has to be ordinary.

However, in Lin Xuan's eyes, it was like thunder, making his soul tremble.

But when he wanted to catch something, he found that he couldn't catch it.

He can only feel shocked.

Come again.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes, opened it again, and saw this ordinary sword again.

carry on.


Those outside are all waiting.

Someone said: I don’t know how long to wait?

A prince said: I think we should go back.

They can't fully understand it in a short time.

They will not comprehend for hundreds of years, will they?


The other prince shook his head.

Every time an ancient kendo monument is opened, it only takes 50 years.

After 50 years, the kendo monument will be closed, and the three people will no longer be able to comprehend.

Fifty years.

It's not long, and it's not short.

It's impossible for everyone, they have been waiting here.

They waited for a few months and then went back.

Of course, there are people who have been here, and there are even people who will come back to see after a while.

In short, these three people did not come out before. People in the entire God City will always pay attention.

Tianfeng Mountain Villa also sent some people to stay here.

They know that it takes a long time, and they change a group of disciples every once in a while.

In a blink of an eye, three years passed.

In the past three years, Lin Xuan didn't know how the others were doing?

He only knows that in the past three years, he has seen countless ordinary swords.

He felt a little understood, but he didn't understand too much.

Continue to comprehend.

Spring goes to autumn,

The moon rises and the moon sets.


Ten years have passed.

People from God City will come and check it out regularly.

Then left.

Some of them are patiently waiting.

In front of the ancient monument,

Lin Xuan, Suzaku and Tianji stood there like statues.

Some of them have fallen leaves and some have dust.

However, they didn't know it.

Their eyes seemed to become numb.

On this day, Lin Xuan closed his eyes again.

When he opened it again, a bright light suddenly burst into his eyes.

I got it!

This is not an ordinary sword, but a Huafan sword.

Avenue to Jane.

It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to understand.

Lin Xuan sharpened his sword for ten years.

Is this Kenichi?

Lin Xuan pointed like a sword and stab towards the void.

This finger also seemed unremarkable.

However, Lin Xuan knew that there were unlimited possibilities.

Next, Lin Xuan looked at the second sword mark.

Sword two!

It was still a figure in white clothes dancing sword in the air.

However, this sword is completely different from the previous Huafan sword.

Lin Xuan continued to feel.

Another 10 years have passed.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, light burst out again.

This sword two is the sword of yin and yang.

It is a sword that combines two powers perfectly.

Not only yin and yang, firmness and softness, water and fire, heaven and earth, sun and moon...

These powers can all be displayed with Sword Two.

Lin Xuan smiled.

Apparently, he also mastered the second sword.

However, he did not immediately enlighten, he already felt very tired.

Even if he is the owner of the great dragon sword, even if he has the power of a god.

Even, he controls the reincarnation eye.

However, he still felt very tired.

He has to rest and recover.

A few months later, Suzaku suddenly heard an angry roar.

The sound was earth-shattering and cut through the sky.

The people in the Sword God Palace were all sensed.

They came out one after another, and the young disciples were excited.

Is Elder Suzaku enlightened?

However, the other princes and elders frowned tightly.

How do you feel that Suzaku is breaking down?

They felt that Suzaku's roar was filled with infinite anger and unwillingness.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and said coldly: What are you yelling at?

Startled him.

The Heavenly Mystery Sword God beside him also sighed.

too difficult.

I think Kendo is unparalleled.

However, it is really difficult to comprehend these nine sword marks.

My head is big.

Obviously, they are not enlightened.

Suzaku roared angrily because it hadn't fully understood it.

Twenty years have passed, did he not even understand a sword mark?

Seeing Lin Xuan's calm expression, the Heavenly Mystery Sword God said: Your mentality is very good.

In fact, your mentality is right.

According to the records of previous ancient books, although every time the ancient swordsmanship is opened, there are three places.

However, there are very few who can comprehend the sword marks.

Let me tell you this. Out of 100 people, one who can comprehend is already amazing.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was surprised.

You know how difficult it is to get a spot.

Defeat countless princes to get a spot.

Everyone who gets a spot is a sword **** who is talented in kendo and is extremely incredible.

But even so, only one of the 100 top sword gods can understand it.

Moreover, at most, he would comprehend a sword mark.

Lin Xuan has been comprehending two sword marks for 20 years.

If this is said, it is estimated that these people will be scared to death.

Tianji Sword God continued: I have given up enlightenment.

I am going to use the power above to polish my kendo.

Let's go our own way.

The kendo of this white **** king is too difficult.

Next, he continued to practice.

This time, beside him, his own kendo appeared.

It turned into a sword shadow, trying to hit the ancient monument in front.

The nine sword marks in the front burst out with a piercing light, killing the Heavenly Mystery Sword God.

The Heavenly Mystery Sword God began to resist, practicing in this way.

Suzaku is also using this method.

There are still 30 years left, and he has no confidence, and continues to comprehend.

Lin Xuan chose to continue to comprehend, he looked at Jian San.

This sword three is the sword of guard.

This surprised Lin Xuan.

The Great Dragon Sword is invincible. As the owner of the Great Dragon Sword, he should focus on attacking.

The so-called attack is the best defense.

Unexpectedly, the white **** king, UU reading even left a guarding sword.

Lin Xuan generally only relies on his strong physique to defend.

In his swordsmanship, there are few defensive kendos.

This time, it took him a lot of time.

It took him 30 years to penetrate it.

Fifty years have passed, and the kendo monument is about to close.

Suzaku and Heavenly Sword God, their strengths have also been greatly improved.

Their kendo has become even more powerful.

However, they are not satisfied.

They didn't get the power of the nine sword marks.

It just increased, his own kendo power.

This is completely different from what they expected.

The closing time of the kendo monument is coming soon. The people in God City were excited again.

They came to the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

Want to see what kind of power the three people got?

The sword spirit came again, still transformed into an ordinary woman.

He looked into the distance and thought in his heart.

I don’t know if that guy got the power of Jian Mark?

I should be able to get one.

After all, that kid is also the owner of the big dragon sword.

Boy, next, it's time to finish what I promised.

When Jian Ling thought of this, his eyes burst out with a hint of light.

The next moment, she crushed a sword charm.


In the depths of the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords, a sword sound suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, a sword gas penetrated through the world.

This sudden change stunned everyone.

what's happening?

The strong men of the major families were stunned.

Even the people in the Ten Thousand Swords Palace were dumbfounded.

An elder exclaimed: That position seems to be the Heavenly Sword!

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