Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8042: Lin Xuan: Tianya Excalibur, I want it!

   Tianya Excalibur!

   As soon as he said this, the people around were shocked.

   They knew that the Tianya Excalibur was the white-clothed **** king, the sword used back then.

   Are you awake now?

   is incredible!

   Tianya Excalibur, stayed in the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords for many years.

   has been sleeping.

   is now awake!

  Who awakened him?

  , isn’t it, those three people who have comprehended the kendo monument?

   For a moment, countless eyes all looked forward.

   Suzaku, the heavenly sword god, they were also stunned.

   The breath of Tianya Excalibur.

   Lin Xuan's eyes lit up as well, he knew that it was Sword Ling's hands.

   He stopped, he was not far from the kendo monument.

   The next moment, a sword aura emerged from him.

   At the same time, he laughed loudly: It seems that I really have a relationship with the White God King.

   Hearing this, the world was in an uproar: This is Lin Xuan's voice.

   It was Lin Xuan who awakened the Tianya Excalibur.

real or fake?

   Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Those people in Ten Thousand Swords Temple didn’t believe it at all.

   What are you kidding about, how can this kid He De?

Who do you think you are?

   Tianya Excalibur is the excalibur belonging to our Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

   Why can you wake up?

   is still predestined with you, don't dream.

   Xia Wuchen, Xia Wuque, they are also ranting crazy.

   Lin Xuan laughed: The sword comes.

   A blue light flew from a distance.

   came near the kendo monument and turned into a blue divine sword.

   Is this the Heavenly Sword? What a terrible power.

   It unexpectedly rushed towards Lin Xuan.

   The people of the Ten Thousand Swords Temple were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

   Xia Wuque, Xia Wuchen, their faces are ugly.

   They were slapped severely.

   Xia Wushen also roared: This is impossible.

I do not believe.

   Every Tianjiao in the Ten Thousand Swords Palace has tried to awaken, Tianya Excalibur.

   But everyone failed.

   For so many thousands of years, generations of talents have grown up.

   However, no one can get the Heavenly Sword.

   Xia Wushen, as the first young person of this generation.

   naturally tried to wake up, Tianya Excalibur.

   However, he failed.

   Unexpectedly, now someone has succeeded.

   And this person is Lin Xuan.

   He couldn't accept it.

   The entire Ten Thousand Swords Palace is unacceptable.

   Suzaku's eyes turned red in an instant.

   She said in a cold voice: Boy, you are not worthy of the Tianya Excalibur.

   She turned around and stared at Lin Xuan, her murderous intent appeared.

   One after another flames swept all over the place.

   The whole world seemed to be split apart.

   The Heavenly Mystery Sword God next to this scene, said: I will not participate.

   He backed quickly.

   It is simply impossible to take the Heavenly Sword in the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

   If you want to take it forcibly, it will end badly.

   The Heavenly Mystery Sword God flew out from the clouds and mist.

   Countless people looked at him, and someone asked: Senior, have you enlightened the sword mark?

   The people at Tianjimen are also looking forward to it.

   However, Tianji Sword God gave a wry smile.


too difficult.

   However, I also strengthened my kendo and my strength greatly increased.

   I think those two people should be the same as me.

   No one can comprehend.

   The people around were shocked and many people sighed.

   Someone said: This is normal.

   That is the white-clothed **** king, the peerless sword mark left behind.

   has supreme kendo.

   Even if you are a **** king, you may not be able to understand it thoroughly.

   I don’t know, how much has Lin Xuan’s strength increased?

  Can you beat Suzaku Sword God?

   I see hanging.

   Everyone is talking about it, in front, two breaths have collided together.

   The sky is falling apart and the earth is cracking.

   Lin Xuan also showed extremely strong sword energy, blocking the opponent's flame.

   He said coldly: Are you sure you want to do it with me?

   Suzaku said: Give up Tianya Excalibur, I will spare you not to die.

   Lin Xuan laughed, and said nothing.

   However, he rushed towards the Tianya Excalibur.

   This changed the complexion of everyone.

   Suzaku roared even more: You are looking for death.

   Raising his hand, two phantoms of Suzaku, overwhelming the sky, rushed forward.

   killed Lin Xuan.

   The power of these two Suzaku phantoms is terrible.

   Like two divine beasts, resurrected.

   That power is far more terrifying than it was 50 years ago.

   Obviously, Suzaku's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds in the past 50 years.

   The other princes were equally envious when they felt this scene.

   Although these three people did not understand the sword mark.

   However, his own kendo has improved too much.

   is equivalent to thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years of penance.

   The two-headed Suzaku is very powerful, and it instantly came to Lin Xuan's side.

   Shattered the sword energy around Lin Xuan.

   Not good, Lin Xuan's defense was broken.

   Is he going to get hurt?

   It seems that 50 years later, he is no longer Suzaku's opponent.


   The two Vermillion Birds roared up to the sky, and landed on Lin Xuan fiercely.

   The monstrous sacred fire swept the sky.

   Those people around, took a breath.

   Someone said: This Lin Xuan is dead.

   Xia Wushen sneered at this scene.

   Stupid things.

not good.

   Murong Qingcheng and the others are extremely nervous.

   Have you improved so much in the past 50 years?

   really disappointing.

   But at this moment, from the monstrous sacred fire, there was a sound of laughter,

   Everyone was blindfolded.

   This is Lin Xuan's voice, it's too arrogant!

   Is this not Suzaku in your eyes?

   Then, everyone saw Lin Xuan rushing over.

   was unscathed!

   Murong Qingcheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

   It seems that in the past 50 years, Lin Xuan's strength has improved a lot.

  The people in the Ten Thousand Swords Temple couldn’t believe it.

   Suzaku's face is even more ugly: How could it be like this?

   Just now, she didn't keep her hands.

   It stands to reason that even if she can't kill the opponent, she can still inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

   But the other party was unscathed.

  How did the opponent block it?

   Lin Xuan naturally blocked it with Sword Three.

   Sword III is the sword of defense, which can defend everything.

   Lin Xuan blocked Suzaku's attack and said: You also take my sword.

   He moved forward and stabbed.

   This sword is so ordinary, it doesn't even shine.

   Moreover, the speed is very slow, just like a martial artist who has just entered the martial arts, practicing sword.

  What is Lin Xuan doing?

  What kind of swordsmanship is this?

   Does he not put Suzaku in his eyes?

   He is too arrogant.

   Those people around, UU reading, when they saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

   The people of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace are gritted their teeth.

   Look, this kid will lose terribly.

   Suzaku is even more angry. Has she been ignored?

   There is a terrible anger in her eyes.

   Dare to look down on her, the other party will pay the price.

   Suzaku swordsmanship.

   With a roar, nine Suzaku phantoms appeared beside her.

   turned into a peerless divine sword, and rushed towards the front.

   The ordinary swords collide together.

   Click, click!

   Nine Suzaku Phantoms were cracked, and then quickly collapsed.

   This scene stunned everyone.

How can it be?

   How could this sword possess such power?

   Even the Suzaku Sword God was also stunned.

  What kind of swordsmanship is this?

   is so easy, that she broke her unique school?

  What are you kidding?


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