Inverse Sword God

Chapter 853: Blackwater city

The other two were strong together, one of them wearing a purple robe and fair-faced, as if he could not see the sun for many days.

What is even more strange is that his eyes are also purple, full of mystery.

The other was a burly young man,

The purple-eyed young man, called Ye Yan, ranked 25th in the Xuanzun list.

The burly youth is called Yang Lin, and the Xuanzun list is 36th.

Bing Ling nodded slightly towards Lin Xuan, and then introduced the two next to him.

Then he pointed to Lin Xuan and said, "This is the last person in our team, Lin Xuan. You should not be unfamiliar if you want to come."

"Haha, Brother Lin, how could it be strange? The battle of life and death that day was very amazing!" Yang Lin laughed.

Indeed, few people in the college don't know Lin Xuan. After all, most people remember the battle of life and death a few days ago.

"Unexpectedly, you guys are so lucky that they can get semi-horizon artifacts."

Beside, Oriental Phoenix's eyes turned and hummed softly.

Ye Yan and others also looked behind Lin Xuan, their eyes flickered.

"Brother Lin, this time our mission is to search for treasures, but it is better to keep a low profile. If you carry the Lone Star Sword like this, I will probably cause a lot of unnecessary trouble." Bing Ling also frowned slightly.

"I'm really sorry, because of cultivation, I can't put away the Lone Star Sword for the time being." Lin Xuan apologized, "Well, I'll wrap the Lone Star Sword with a cloth to cover the shape. This should avoid some trouble.

"In this way, I have a veil made of quicksand that can block the detection of the soul. You can use it to wrap the Lone Star Sword absolutely foolproof." Bing Ling said.

"Sky quicksand? Cover the soul to detect! This is a good thing!"

Hearing that several people's eyes flashed.

Tian Liusha, such a thing that can isolate godly knowledge, is naturally a good thing. I didn't expect that Bing Ling was given to Lin Xuan.

I saw Bing Lingyu wave his hand, a one-meter-long square blue scarf floated out quickly, and landed in the hands of Lin Xuan.

"Thank you, sister."

Lin Xuan took it, and then laughed: "Sister, I have a small space transfer platform, now I give it to sister."

After all, Lin Xuan took out a Xuanyutai.

The other party can give him a treasure that is isolated from the gods. Of course, he cannot take it empty-handed, so he plans to exchange it with Xuanyutai.

"Space Teleport!"

The crowd was startled again, their eyes were hot, they could not imagine that Lin Xuan had such treasures on his body.

At the critical moment, this kind of thing can save lives!

Bing Ling froze and then smiled lightly: "Brother Lin is interested, I will accept this thing."

She smiled as if the ice had melted for thousands of years, and the world was overshadowed by it.

Even Lin Xuan had a moment of loss.

I have to say that Bingling is definitely a peerless beauty.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Lin Xuan wrapped the Lone Star Sword in a quicksand, and then wrapped a layer of black cloth on the outside, which was behind his back.

In this way, you can not only realize the Lone Star Sword personally, but also isolate the perception of others to prevent trouble.

"Everyone is almost ready, let's go." Bing Ling said with a smile on his face.

Hearing that Lin Xuan and others nodded and set off quickly.

The five formed a team and flew towards Xianwu College.

"Our destination this time is in the Heishui River, which is relatively close to the middle of the blood. If you follow this speed, it will take about ten days."

"It's so mentally exhausting to fly this way, it's better to use it."

Lin Xuan's sleeves waved, and then he patted the monster bag.

Suddenly, a golden figure appeared, and then became larger in the wind, turning into a golden statue of dozens of feet long.

"The demon general! It's so stupid!"

Everyone saw Jin Yu's carving, and his expression was moving.

"Let's go up, after all, ten days of driving will take a lot of physical energy." Bing Ling said, then she fluttered in shape and came to the back of the Golden Eagle.

Others also jumped long distances and boarded the God Vulture, and the five came to sit on their knees on the back of the Jin Yu God Vulture.

Next, Bingling began to introduce the task of treasure hunt.

The first is their destination this time, Heishuihe. This is a very magical area, very famous in the blood domain.

Because it is said that thousands of years ago, countless powerful men broke out a war near the Heishui River. As for the reason for the fighting, no one remembers it.

But that battle was very fierce and was recorded in history.

Countless strong men fell and blood flowed into the river. The blood ran down the river and turned into a black river.

The appearance of such weird things has created the fame of Heishuihe.

Those who are strong are far behind, and their treasures, storage rings, and other natural treasures all fall near the Heishui River.

Over the past few hundred years, from time to time, lucky people have obtained a strong heritage and powerful treasures near the Heishui River, and have changed their destiny ever since.

Therefore, Heishuihe became a treasure hunting place for everyone.

"And our mission this time is also in Heishui River. According to information, this should be a treasure cave left by the Eighth Heavenly Lord." Bing Ling said.

"The Heishui River is not just a river, but a vast area." Bingling slowly said, "This time we will go to Heishui City to settle down first. Where is the largest city in the nearby area?"

The owner of Blackwater City is a quadruple, and it can be regarded as a regional hegemon.

In Bing Ling's explanation, the golden feather **** eagle spread its wings and flew like a golden lightning, flying fast in the void.

After about seven or eight days, a huge outline of the city emerged from the performance, like a wild beast, hovering on the ground.

"We first landed in Blackwater City, everyone rested, and then collected information by the way." Bingling said.

"After all, Blackwater City is not only a team of us, there may be other forces with the same purpose as us, so we must be fully prepared."

He thought very comprehensively, apparently very familiar with this kind of treasure exploration mission.

Lin Xuan and others had no opinion and nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the five men left the golden feather **** sculpture and flew in the air. With a wave of his palm, Lin Xuan recalled the golden feather **** carving.

His followers landed in front of the city.

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed ~ ~ looking forward.

It was an extremely majestic city, dark all over, exuding a sense of killing.

This city is large in size and does not seem to be weaker than Wenfeng City.

At the gate of the city, the warriors kept coming and going. Most of them came to Blackwater and treasure hunts.

"Let's go in." Bing Ling said softly, and then took the lead.

Lin Xuan and others followed him, handed over the spirit stone, and entered Heishui City.

The city is more prosperous, complete with all kinds of materials, and it is full of sights.

Ye Yan and others are okay. After all, they are old students and have visited many places, and this is the first time that Oriental Phoenix has come to such a city, all eyes are full of excitement.

"Sister Oriental, just look at these things, the real good things are still in the city." Bingling said, "Wait for me to take you to see the real trading area of ​​Heishui City."

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