Inverse Sword God

Chapter 854: 3 major forces

"Okay, thank you Sister Bingling!" Oriental Phoenix was excited. ·

Although the attributes of the two people are quite different, and even they are in conflict, there does not seem to be much friction between the two people, but there is a special closeness.

This surprised Lin Xuan and others.

You know, water and fire are intolerable, and ice and fire are even more incompatible, but the two stunning beauties are talking and laughing at the moment, obviously breaking their cognition.

"Weird things, really weird things!" Burly Young Yang Lin said, shaking his head.

Lin Xuan also smiled indifferently, he glanced at the Quartet, then nodded slightly.

It seems that Bing Ling is right. Although these places are noisy and have a lot of materials, most of them are not used.

In other words, it doesn't matter.

I don't know if there is any good place in the depths of Heishui City, even Bingling is a little bit emotional.

Lin Xuan was a little curious.

"Let's go, let's find an inn first."

A group of people shuttled in Heishui City, causing a lot of sensation.

Of course, this is not caused by Lin Xuan's Lone Star Sword. The ancient sword is now completely wrapped and no one can find it.

It caused a sensation, but the two beautiful women in the team, Bing Ling and Oriental Phoenix.

One of them was cold and the other was gorgeous, the visual impulses caused by the two very different styles are extremely spectacular.

Many people stopped and looked obsessively towards Bingling and Dongfeng Phoenix, their eyes were full of fiery color.

Looking at those fiery eyes, Lin Xuan also sighed. It seems that no matter where, no matter what cultivation, beauty and strength are the goals that everyone is pursuing.

After finding the inn, Bingling set out again with everyone and walked towards the interior of Heishui City.

Seeing that skilful look, this should not be the first time.

"This Black Water City is divided into the outer city and the inner city. The things in the inner city are really good things!"

The inner city is obviously different from the outer city. At the entrance, there are many martial arts guarded by high-profile soldiers, and the entrance fee is several times more expensive than the outer city.

Lin Xuan and others handed over the spirit stone, and then walked towards it.

There are obviously fewer warriors here than those rampant streets outside.

But every one who can come in is not the weak, and His Holiness is everywhere.

If the outer city is a gathering place for mass warriors, the inner city must be an elite gathering place.

"There is a very special medicine hall in front of me. I'll take you to see it." Bingling said.

Xuan Xuan and others followed, and soon they saw a majestic hall in front of them, where the gathered warriors were many times around.

Bingling and others entered the hall, and then she turned to Lin Xuan and said, each of you find a futon and sit up quickly.

Lin Xuan looked around and found that there were no seats in the hall. They were all futons. Each futon represented a position, and many of them were well-made.

Although he took a brief glance, Lin Xuan found that none of these people were weak.

The five of them found five futons side by side, sat down, and then began to look around carefully.

People around looked differently, some whispered, and some closed their eyes, as if waiting for something.

At this time, a loud laugh sounded in the hall, spreading around with endless temptation.

Many people frowned about this voice, but said nothing.

Lin Xuan was very curious, he turned his head and looked to the left.

That voice came from there.

There, there was a hot girl. The woman has a hot body, a handsome face, and a pair of winking eyes, which is even more intriguing.

Not only that, she was very exposed, wearing only a thin purple dress, revealing her slender thighs, and the soft white meat on her chest.

On both sides of her are two youths. These two youths have a general atmosphere and only the cultivation of psychic realms. However, the two are very handsome.

Such a beautiful and beautiful young man should be the object sought after by thousands of girls, but at this moment they are like servants, trying to please the charming woman.

The enchanting woman was enjoying her face, laughing at the two handsome teenagers, and making tempting sounds from time to time.

Behind the glamorous girl, there was an old woman with white hair, her eyes closed slightly, as if she had fallen asleep.

However, Lin Xuan keenly discovered that the old man exuded a faint breath, and surrounded the charming girl.

It seems that the old woman with white hair should be guarded by the fascinating girl.


Seeing this indecent side, Oriental Phoenix hummed coldly, apparently very angry.

Yang Lin's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"That is the daughter of the owner of the Blackwater City." Bing Ling whispered.

"Hei Shuicheng's daughter!" Lin Xuan and others were surprised. They couldn't think that the charming woman was the daughter of the city owner.

"Yes, you see that woman has a black dragon on her chest, which is the symbol of the main city of Heishuicheng."

"Not only that, but the old lady behind her is also the strongest of His Holiness Triple."

"It bears the symbol of the city's mansion and is guarded by the Triple Lord. I am afraid that only the daughter of the city's daughter can have this treatment in the entire Blackwater City.

Bing Ling's voice was cold, without a trace of affection. Obviously, she also disgusted the behavior of that charming woman.

"Well, people who didn't expect Tiejianmen also came."

Ye Yan also whispered at this moment, the purple light in his eyes beating.

Lin Xuan looked, and sure enough, he found a group of warriors with iron swords on the right front.

Those are of different ages, the oldest being an old man and the youngest being a teenager. These people have different clothes, but uniformly carry an iron sword.

On them, there was a sharp breath belonging to the swordsman.

"Iron sword gate!"

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, and he looked at those warriors twice. As a swordsman, he could feel the strength of the other party.

Moreover, this is also the few swordsmen he has seen carrying a sword on his body.

Ordinary warriors have storage rings ~ ~ Weapons and other things are put in storage rings, and they are only taken out during battle.

But these people in Tiejianmen, however, have a unique sword behind their long swords.

However, Lin Xuan was relieved quickly, then shook his head slightly, and he was now carrying a sword.

If it weren't for days of quicksand hiding, I am afraid they would have caught the attention of these people.

"Is Iron Sword Gate very powerful?" Oriental Phoenix asked puzzledly.

"Within a thousand miles of Heishui River, there are three strongest forces. They are Heishui City, the Iron Sword School, and the Huangfu Family."

"These three forces share one side, and they usually don't move with each other at all, but now the people of Tiejianmen came to Heishuicheng, it must be because of the treasure."

"Perhaps they don't get any news."

"There is no way, every time there is Yibao's birth, it will cause a lot of influence, and these forces are near the Heishui River, and they will certainly be able to know the news in advance." Yang Lin also said Shen Sheng.

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