Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 128: Start the layout, major events in all walks of life

"A gift from the world?"

Lin Yu learned this vocabulary in high school.

The explanation in the book is roughly that when the investor's investment has a great impact on the key people of the whole world and the future direction, it will trigger the world's gifts, and the rewards are extremely rich.

Some families who own the World Orb control the key forces in the entire world.

When helping a world survive a natural disaster, it will also trigger the gift of the world.

However, when resisting disasters, their costs are already very high, so the gift looks more like compensation than a high reward.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, can use the system's ability and his current skills to leverage the whole world at a very small cost, and the benefits are naturally extremely rich.

This naturally aroused Lin Yu's interest.

Although I haven't felt the Child of Destiny yet, I can make arrangements in advance!

It's just that Lin Yu himself didn't expect that the first world he planned to make a big layout would be a new world he just encountered.

Just do it when you think of it: "System, re-scan all the large forces with a scale of 100 people or more in the entire world!"

[Do you want to pay 7862141445 world coins? 】


[It is expected to take five hours. 】

Seeing this, Lin Yu went to practice directly.

By the way, let people deal with some of the materials in their hands to get more cash.

Emmm, wait for the harvest in the morning and let the little fox help with it. She will be able to digest it easily.


Yin Yang Pond stronghold.

Lin Yu started to practice.

Early in the morning, Lin Yu sent a message to little fox, asking him to help with some supplies.

After seeing the list of materials, the little fox naturally agreed very happily. After all, Lin Yu's investment either has a high ratio or a large investment amount, and almost all of them are high-quality items.

Soon, the little fox disposed of these materials and finally got more than 20 billion in cash.

Little Fox: "Why do you suddenly want to get cash?"

Lin Yu: "I just caught two subordinates in the spirit palace, and I plan to help them train some spirit soldiers."

Little Fox: "Looking forward.jpg. By the way, our exam is scheduled for tomorrow morning at seven o'clock. Do you want to come and take a look? This is the world coordinates: You can enter anytime now."

Lin Yu: "OK, I'll go over to have a look at night, and I'm practicing now."

Little Fox: "Well, well, don't bother me then."

After getting this cash, Lin Yu's total cash is about 75 billion.

"Then, let's invest 50 billion in the spiritual world first."

Soon, the master negotiator received the list provided by the entire system.

Mainly China, Bear Country, Northern Europe, and Eagle Country.

Followed by monsters in Africa.

The overall income is very high. After all, this is the return on investment of the entire world that the system searches for! There are too many goals.

Among them are many high-value target forces.

Next, it depends on the mouths of the negotiators.

In order to speed up, Lin Yu also bought a hundred more negotiators.


Inside the Hunyuan Pagoda.

The majestic power of Taiji elements made Lin Yu's cultivation speed reach an astonishing level.

In the process of practicing, Lin Yu also felt the horror of Hunyuanshenjue.

Although the speed of this exercise is much slower to practice, it is not difficult to get started.

As far as the comprehension of spiritual skills is concerned, there is no major problem at present, and there is no bottleneck mentioned in the novel.

It's almost Lin Yu who wants to learn a certain skill, just spend some time.

This exercise seems to have greatly improved the comprehension of cultivation to a certain extent.

This feeling, ah~ wonderful.

Above the Yin Yang pool outside the tower.

Lin Yu's base was established at an extremely fast speed.

Defense facilities and detection facilities have been placed in the nearby sea area, which can be regarded as outposts to detect dangers for Lin in advance.

The two Tai Chi yin and yang fish are staying in the yin and yang pool peacefully at this moment, transforming spiritual energy.

Bubbles... kisses on the mouth.


After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes.

800,000 psychic powers, so fast!

Moreover, he also comprehended a number of attacking spirit skills, and by the way, imprinted on the spirit weapon that was only in its embryonic state.

I checked the time, it was eleven fifty-seven.

"Fortunately, it's not a big problem."

"Wait. Damn! It's eleven fifty-seven in the evening!"

Look at the date again, Tuesday, September 9th.

Fortunately, this is no problem. It will be embarrassing if the exam is overtime.

Then, Lin Yu quickly clicked on the chat record.

Look at Xiao Ling's report on today's work.

"Blood Moon World has been promoted. Earl Arthur has successfully advanced to the first level of the Dingyuan Realm. The Holy Light Unicorn came again and gave Earl Arthur a powder spiritual weapon, the holy sword."

"Blood King-Qin Jun, went to an ancient Egyptian pyramid area, and started many wars. Many countries began to pay attention to Qin Jun. Some people wanted to win him over, but put pressure on him on the surface, and even proposed to kill the Blood King in advance .”

I didn't expect that I was absent only once, and the two of them had a lot of trouble.

However, generally speaking, there is no bad news.

As for making money, Lin Yu doesn't care much.

"Jiangcheng, the fire mercenary group, proposed to build a city on the edge of the forest in the north, specially prepared for adventurers and mercenaries, and also to facilitate subsequent battles."

"People in Jiangcheng, I hope we can provide relevant equipment and materials this year."

"The power of the third group of divine creatures has expanded again. Although most of the infected are monsters, the human race has also been greatly affected and it is difficult to suppress."


"In the gamified world, the guilds currently ranked before the exam met in the Undead Demon Realm. National guilds such as Huaxia and Xiongguo clashed with guilds from many western countries, and the battle was very fierce. Guilds, the situation is relatively good, and they are still cooperating with each other."


"At ten o'clock in the human world of the Eastern Wilderness. At present, the demons have come to reinforce the army, which has put a lot of pressure on the Chiyan Dynasty and other forces. But the human races outside the Eastern Wilderness have also sent envoys to start communicating with the Eastern Wilderness Human Race , plan to join forces to deal with the demons."

"Among these envoys, the most important ones are the strong men of Jian Yuanzong."

"Jianyuanzong is one of the five great sects in this continent, and it is very powerful. There are dozens of great emperors."


"At eleven o'clock, the human race fought fiercely with the demon race. There were many battles with a scale of one million or more, and the battle was very fierce."

Then, Lin Yu looked at the world information sent, and it was not much different from what Xiaoling said.

"I didn't expect that this group of people would do so many things after I 'escaped' for a day."

The major movements in these worlds are at least much more intense than yesterday.

However, Lin Yu has limited energy, so in most cases, he can just look around casually.

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