Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 129: The Strange Fate of Guangyang City

"Ah woo~"

Lin Yu stretched his waist. This practice is really tiring, and his back hurts from sitting.

"By the way, it seems that I forgot something?"

Lin Yu frowned, then glanced at the chat records on the phone, and found the private chat of the little fox.

Fuck! In the demon capital exam world, no follow-up influencing factors were investigated! Nor did they remind the little foxes how they invested.

There is no information about World No. 3-79 in the Blood God Ancient Realm...

Look at the time, 0:02.

Forehead. Hopeless.

Lin Yu chose to close his eyes, waiting for the message from Xiaoling... No wonder.

Now I have to hurry to the Blood God Ancient Realm to check for information.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu immediately returned to the territory quietly, and even avoided the live broadcast equipment, feeling a little guilty.

When Xiaoling saw it, he wanted to laugh a little.

The audience was in tears and made money.

They don't know whether Lin Yu will draw a lucky audience to help invest today...


Look at Lin Yu here.

After entering the world coordinates, a bright red sphere soon appeared in front of Lin Yu.

This sphere is even more exaggerated than the school's blood moon world.

"The blood is so strong, it seems that investors from other races such as the blood demons have invested their money."

Then, Lin Yu looked at the largest continent - Zhongyuan continent.

This area is also where the little fox is responsible.

As for other students, some were assigned to invest in other continents, and some were assigned to other worlds.

After all, the battlefield this time is the entire Blood God Ancient Realm, hundreds of worlds!

It is said that there are more than 100,000 students in Shanghai, and the total investment amount is as high as 100 billion according to the minimum investment amount! An average of one million per person.

The actual investment amount may be multiplied several times or even dozens of times.

I have to say, he's really **** rich.

"System, to detect all large forces with a scale of 10,000 people in Zhongyuan Continent."

[747941647 world coins have been deducted. 】

[Estimated exploration time is 23 minutes. 】

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Yu looked at the information brochure of this world.

Zhongyuan Continent:

The area is about two billion square kilometers.

In the northern part of the mainland is a mountain of 100,000 mountains, with countless human tribes and rich resources of monsters...

The blood-red demon domain in the west of the mainland, the main stronghold of the blood demon army. It is known that there are hundreds of blood family investors investing here. And there are a large number of semi-finished and finished spiritual soldiers under his command...

The eastern part of the mainland is the demon realm. There are three major demon clans. One is the spirit demon clan, also known as the element demon clan. They are creatures born from heaven and earth, such as the spirit of rivers, the spirit of mountains, and the spirit of fire. They are rare in number but powerful. The second is the beast clan, the tiger, leopard and eagle... the third is the blood monster clan.

The blood demon clan is mainly a special monster clan formed by the infection of the blood **** energy left over from ancient times. They can expand by infecting other monster races.

The central area of ​​the mainland is the human race area, where there are mainly three major dynasties, dozens of small dynasties, and various major forces.

The southern part of the mainland is an endless sea, and there are three major archipelagos in total.

"It seems that the composition of forces is not complicated."

"It's just that the infection attribute of the Blood Demon Race is still too troublesome."

Soon, the system statistics came out.

[The investigation is complete. 】

[Sort by the highest return amount. 】

[First, Holy Spirit Dynasty]

[The best investment amount: 30 billion to 50 billion. 】

[Negotiable recycling rate: 10%]

【ROI: 100%~120% (63%), 50%~80% (37%)】

[Estimated maximum return on investment: 60 billion]


[Second, Jin Yuan Dynasty]

[The best investment amount: 30 billion to 40 billion. 】

[Negotiable recycling rate: 10%]

【Return on investment: 90%~100% (51%), 50%~70% (49%)】

[Estimated maximum return on investment: 40 billion]


The data in this respect can only be regarded as relatively general.

Then, Lin Yu looked at the world map again.

The entire territory of the Holy Spirit Dynasty spans 20,000 miles from east to west, 10,000 miles from north to south, and borders the Blood-Red Demon Realm in the west with a length of about 3,000 miles.

It can be regarded as the main force against the blood-red demon domain.

Then look at the investment of the major forces subdivided by these dynasties, there are high and low. The closer to the west, the greater the variation in returns.

Some people get fat all the time, and some people have a maximum rate of return as low as 10%, even if they invest, they can't save it.

"Let's look at the rate of return."

[Sort by highest rate of return. 】

[First, Guangyang City. 】

[The best investment amount: 500 million to 800 million. 】

[Negotiable recovery ratio: 15%]

【ROI: 400%~500% (75%), 200%~250% (25%)】

[Estimated maximum return on investment: 4 billion]


The top ten forces are all in the western region. Seven of them are all forces of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.


Originally, it was just a routine to explore these high-return cities with his own skills, but Lin Yu suddenly discovered something different.

Over the entire Guangyang City, there is a shocking luck, brewing, waiting for a certain critical moment, and then erupting!

And the core of this luck is in the City Lord's Mansion.

Unfortunately, with Lin Yu's ability, there is no way to continue to investigate.

"System, immediately investigate everyone in Guangyang City."

[The estimated number of investigators is 9.72 million, and 99,944,771 world coins will be deducted. 】

Within two minutes, the information panel came out.

Lin Yu frowned. The top three were not from the city lord's mansion, but members of big families in the city.

The magnification is not too high, the highest is only ten times.

"System, continue to investigate within ten years."

[Deduct 277944717 world coins. 】

[The investigation is complete. 】

At this time, the data of the first place that suddenly appeared was much more exaggerated than that of the second place.

Sure enough, his perception of luck was not wrong.

[First, Zheng Yang. (ten years)】

[The best investment amount: 1 billion to 1.5 billion. 】

[Negotiable recovery ratio: 20%]

【ROI: 1000%~1500% (66%), 300%~500% (34%)】

[Estimated maximum return on investment: 22.5 billion]


[Second, Zhao Ling. (ten years)】

[The best investment amount: 50 million to 100 million. 】

[Negotiable recovery ratio: 15%]

【ROI: 300%~500% (72%), 80%~200% (28%)】

[Estimated maximum return on investment: 500 million]

This person named Zheng Yang is currently only at the peak of the first level of Dingyuan Realm!

I don't know what will happen next, the amount of personal income will reach such an exaggerated level.

One person earns a full 20 billion in ten years.

The best wage earner!

The child of destiny.

And when investing in Destiny's Child, you can't be too stingy, you have to spend money early and build a good relationship.

"However, let's go to the little fox's group first. Let's talk about investment later."

Before clicking into the group chat of little fox, Lin Yu looked at the message sent by Xiaoling.

Fortunately, there are not too many problems in this year's Shanghai Exam.

It's still a crazy fight in general.

However, during the battle, the drop rate of rare treasure fragments is much higher than before.

In the middle of the year, there was another rare treasure synthesis activity! Three low-grade rare treasures have a high probability of synthesizing high-quality rare treasures.

Every time they are synthesized, there will be a certain amount of synthesis points, and finally they will be ranked according to this synthesis points, and high-level rare treasures will be rewarded.

Proper mobile game style!

Gu Yang finally took the thirty-seventh place, which is not bad.

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