Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 175: Demon Palace, War Zone

Everyone took a closer look, one of the giants was a thousand meters tall, his skin was blood red, and he was holding a blood red long sword in his hand.

There are three other giants who exist on the same level!

One was covered in bruises, shining with the power of thunder.

One is covered in black, surrounded by demonic energy.

A person is covered in blue, exuding the power of the netherworld, and a special nether world has even been formed near his area.

And behind them is a mighty army of giants.

At this moment, Ao Bing was drenched in blood, the spiritual palace was damaged, and the spiritual army also suffered heavy losses.

Of the nine palace masters and nine real dragons, three of them died!

The strong men of all races were also seriously injured at this moment.

Then the war broke out and became more intense.


Inside the Eternal City.

"Looking at this size and power, the ancient gods buried in this world are probably very powerful."

Indeed, when high-level energy enters the low-level world, it will often increase the size advantage, and then achieve crushing with huge size and strength.

Time passed by, and Lin Yu was a little worried at the moment.

Such a fierce five-clawed golden dragon, if it is cold, it is really not a good start...

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Time in this world speeds up and ends.

Above the sky of the Eternal City, a golden light flashed, and a five-clawed golden dragon appeared with scars all over its body.

However, he is in an illusory state at the moment, as if he is not in this world.

Soon, rays of light shone down, and the five-clawed golden dragon recovered from his injuries at an extremely fast speed.

Ao Bing looked around and immediately stood up.

The whole dragon felt quite emotional.

Then, Ao Bing looked at the image behind him. In such a powerful world, the creatures of all races disappeared in just one year...


At this time, there was a voice in the sky.

"World No. 147901770 officially joined No. 4-397 Eternal City theater."

After hearing this voice. Ao Bing planned to leave.

But suddenly the next voice rang out: "No. 27 in the Heaven Ranking - Ao Bing, you can enter the Demon God's Palace for a day."

Aotian's mood instantly became agitated.

Although the promotion failed, everything was worth it to be able to enter the Demon God Palace!

Lin Yu also looked at the barrage, and it happened that the little fox also explained: "The Yaoshen Palace belongs to the third-ranked forces, at least the top twenty. And the third-ranked forces, the current statistics are in the More than a thousand."

"The second-class Wufang Shrine, even if it is the first in the heaven list, may not be able to enter."

"So this is already a very good reward. It should be that the Eternal City has monitored Ao Bing's combat performance, which is satisfactory."

"There is no consolation prize in the Eternal City. Being able to get this reward means that Aotian has performed very well. Even if he loses, he will try his best."

Lin Yu also nodded.

It seems that Eternal City's assessment of the enemy is also very, very high, even though Ao Bing seems to have been a complete defeat, he actually got such a reward.

Then, a woman appeared in the sky.

The emissary of the Demon God Palace!

Although it was far away, one could still see the astonishing beauty of this woman.

Looking from a distance, she is dressed in green clothes, with flowing long hair, and two silks and satins that seem to be fluttering in the wind. The only thing that can be seen clearly is her long slender legs.

"Damn it! Fucked! The anchor zooms in, quick, quick, quick!"

"Based on my many years of experience, this is absolutely top-notch! Superb!"

"Hiss, brothers are dying?"

"To die under the peony flower is to be a ghost."

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so sweet."

"...all cultural people."

"Fuck! What are you doing, anchor! Why did you turn the camera?"

"I'll go! The anchor is too much, just eating alone."

"Close off and off."

Lin Yu also watched from a distance: hiss, the best in the world.

Then silently put down the live broadcast device and put it in his pocket.

System prompt: The little fox presented 100 super rockets.

Lin Yu immediately picked up his mobile phone, walked out, and said to the brothers in the live broadcast room: "Ahem, brothers. It's time for everyone to go back."

"I'll go, anchor, when did you get so strong?"

"That's right, don't you even look at such big beauties?"

"The days when he took us to make rounds are gone forever."

Lin Yu: "??? Don't spread rumors."

As soon as Lin Yu said, everyone was excited.

"That's right, that's right, I've read all about the dance area."

"It's more than that! The anchor also specially downloaded the custom live broadcast room of the Neon Kingdom, and brought the brothers to watch it together late at night, and also gave a live explanation."

"??? Why do brothers say that. Am I late?"

"You don't know. Back then, the anchor was sensual and sensual, listening to music on the bar. The various subordinate worlds, red houses, brothels, and kilns, you can just wander around. There are red, blue, white, and green skirts. "

"I'll go! Is the anchor so fierce?"

"That's not right, it's very fierce. It's almost a live broadcast of the bridal chamber."

"Isn't it official?"

"Official, he dares! Why don't you kneel down and apologize to Brother Lin?"

Seeing that the barrage chatter became more and more outrageous, Lin Yu could only say silently: "Housing management, the barrage after ten seconds, those who spread rumors, are prohibited from participating in investment within 100 days."

Phew, the bullet screen is instantly cleared.

"Ah, the above is pure nonsense, please don't believe it."

"Yes, yes, the above are all rumors, everyone, don't believe it, don't believe it."

Then Lin Yu ignored the attention, found out the backup machine, and sent a private chat message to Little Fox: "Ahem, it's all nonsense. Our live broadcast has only been about ten days."

"Don't worry, I know. Happy.jpg."

Seeing this, Lin Yu touched his neck in embarrassment, and then said to the audience: "Brothers, I will download it later."

"Whoa, anchor, we made a mistake, let's make a wave of investment before broadcasting?"

"Yes, yes, we have come to the Eternal City, don't you want to go to the war zone to have fun?"

"Yes, it is said that when the rewards are settled in the theater, you can get very generous rewards. Come on?"

Lin Yu: "It depends on the attitude of the brothers to admit their mistakes, at least to prove my status as a gentleman."

"Anchor, I have never seen a gentleman as upright as you. If I were the big beauty just now, I would have been unable to control it long ago. Only the anchor, who has lived among thousands of flowers without touching her body! Bah, I was wrong I didn't even look at it, and there was no wave in my heart."

"Is there another sentence: I even want to laugh a little?"

"The anchor is a role model for my generation!"

"Speaking of which, did the anchor get bought by Rank 1? Why does it feel like the anchor is completely different after the rewards for Rank 1?"

Lin Yu glanced at it, chose to ignore some of the problems, and said, "Okay, then take the brothers to the war zone to have a look."

Originally, Lin Yu planned to go back to study the world of reincarnation, and then deal with the large amount of supplies he just bought, and take a look at the official reinforcements arranged for the world of investment wars.

But in the end, after thinking about it, let's take a look at the battle zone of the Eternal City.

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