Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 176: Heitian Demon Realm, Cultivate a Class World

Most of the high-level materials obtained by other races are also obtained from the settlement rewards in the war zone.

As for the concept of a war zone in the Eternal City.

The situation is somewhat similar to the world where Ao Bing was promoted just now.

It is generally a world infected by some powerful ancient creatures, and these creatures are collectively called ancient gods.

Of course, there are also theater investment boards for creatures of various races, but they do not belong to the official theater of the Eternal City.


Soon, Lin Yu went to Dongcheng District.

In this area, there are many deep wells with a diameter of 10 meters.

Inside the deep well is the world pearl.

Around the well, there are various sub-world beads.

It can be taken away and then invested, but it needs to be returned in time.

Of course, those who have money can also directly buy small sub-world beads.

If you contribute enough in this world, you can slowly buy medium-sized, even large, super-large sub-world beads.

Then it will be able to influence the world.

Lin Yu looked at the information panel next to the well.

Longsha Ancient Realm.

In a purely desertified world, monsters with various sand elements emerge from the world, and there are also powerful sand element creatures stationed in major regions.

Inside are treasures of various such elements.

"It should be an ancient **** with relevant attributes."

"In this way, I can find worlds with attributes such as water, fire, darkness, and light."

Soon, Lin Yu found a slightly suitable world.

Just three levels of the world.

It's called the Black Sky Demon Realm.

This world is not as miserable as Ao Bing's world, and the difficulty doesn't seem to be that great.

There are still many investment wars fighting in this world, and they seem to be relatively stable.

And during the day, the world is relatively safe, and the number of remaining monsters is relatively small.

However, at night, creatures of various dark attributes will appear.

And now with the protection of the Eternal City.

The rules of the entire world have changed dramatically.

All creatures in this world can live in a special shelter.

Every intelligent creature sent to this world can obtain an initial weapon, also known as an original weapon or a spiritual weapon.

Then, these weapons can be continuously strengthened by continuously killing evil things, obtaining energy crystals.

As for the wild area, there are also various treasure chests.

There are food and various strengthening props in the treasure chest, including spiritual materials and the like.

It looks quite interesting.

I saw that Lin Yu took out one of the beads, and said, "brothers, what do you think of this bead?"


“It feels very nice!”

"Anchor, just this one."

"But this bead seems to be a little troublesome to cultivate. And it's not a direct investment in materials, but money, using the rules of the Eternal City to transform it into an item in this world."

Lin Yu: "It's not a big problem. I think this arrangement is pretty good. It's just a matter of using the avatar to go in and play."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yu looked at the price next to him, one billion yuan, which is a bit expensive for the third-order world.

"Forget it, let's buy five."


"The anchor gives benefits???"

Lin Yu: "Ahem, smoke one in the live broadcast room, and talk about the rest."



After buying, Lin Yu took away the special investment brochure of this world.

Then, I walked around this area again to see how many war zones there are in the Eternal City and the situation of each war zone.

It is very shocking to discover the number of war zones and the difficulty of combat in each war zone.

There are quite a lot of powerful ancient gods in many theaters.

At present, the most lively place is naturally the war zone where Ao Bing has just been promoted.

It can be seen that in the world that Ao Bing was promoted to, there are currently millions of powerful fourth-order demon creatures, as well as countless low-level monsters.

As for the creatures of all races in this world, there are still some left.

It is said that in the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Ranking, the powerhouses of the four rankings have received the information and are planning to unite the powerhouses to cooperate with the Spirit Army. In the next year, the monsters in this world were wiped out.

Lin Yu didn't intend to get involved in this kind of thing.

After all, with my current strength, I can't rank in the Eternal City at all, so I won't pretend to be aggressive here.


After dealing with it, Lin Yu returned to his void sea territory.

As for the popularity of the live broadcast room, it has never dropped, and the number of viewers has remained at around 300,000.

Some people who were not in the live broadcast room before felt a little regretful.

"I'll go! It's a pity. I didn't see many of the fragments of the Eternal City just now."

"I heard that a big boss in the Tianbang was severely injured by the ancient god, is it true or not?"

"It's absolutely true. A five-clawed golden dragon, a creature of the top race, but was later taken under the command of the Demon God's Palace."

"Fuck! Isn't the Demon God Palace awesome? Although it's only the third rank, it ranks in the top 20."

"Yeah, I guess the specific performance of the five-clawed golden dragon is still amazing."

Lin Yu: "Okay, brothers, recording and broadcasting, etc., I will upload it later. Next, let's deal with the Hetian Demon Realm first."

"I just took a rough look at the investment manual and found that investing in this world is quite interesting."

"Generally, it is a sanctuary model. This kind of sanctuary is biased towards a pseudo-spiritual palace and has strong defensive capabilities."

"All the shelters are currently owned."

"I want to enter this world."

"You can buy a shelter directly with the world currency. The specific process is mainly completed by the Eternal City. A shelter is worth 10 billion."

"Then, if I want to recruit people, I need to spend 1 million world coins to randomly recruit an ordinary person from other worlds."

"Ordinary people can awaken the special weapons of this world in the shelter."

"This special weapon can be grown and advanced. Gray, white, green... seven colors, nine qualities, all of them."

"These ordinary people need to go out to harvest all kinds of wild monsters every day."

"Killing these wild monsters will drop energy beads. Put the energy beads into the sacrifice pool in the shelter to obtain sacrifice energy."

"Half of the energy belongs to these players."

"They can buy food and other types of items, including various items opened in the shelter, or they can be purchased from the source of the world with world currency on my side and put in."

"The other half of the sacrificial energy is controlled by the investors behind the shelter, which can be used to build the shelter and strengthen related aspects."


"I'm going! Is the world transformed by the rules of the Eternal City so awesome? It feels like this mode is like a special transformation of the entire world to create a higher-level game."

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