Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 204: King of the Nine Seas, Son of the God of the Sea

Soon, Qin Shiwan returned to the void territory, and then took out a water-blue bead.

Lin Yu took it with his hand and took a closer look. It was a lovely water element holy spirit that was biased towards human shape.

Holy Spirit! It is the product of the condensed elements of heaven and earth.

In some high-level worlds, holy spirit creatures such as mountain spirits, sea spirits, and flame spirits will appear in the metropolis.

And the Holy Spirit, which has become a divine creature, is even more valuable.

"Fourth-level seventh-level, a divine creature that walks the path of the spiritual palace. The value is over a hundred billion."

If it is the strength of the fourth-level and seventh-level strength alone, it will be worth about one billion at most.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether a divine creature takes the path of the spiritual palace or not.

After all, the dependents are already equivalent to the spirit soldiers of the spirit palace.

It's just that taking the path of the Spiritual Palace Realm is systematic, and in some respects, the combat effectiveness is stronger.

After getting the divine biological beads, Lin Yu started to arrange.

As a bystander, Qin Hao was the most anxious one.

But with two face-slapping experiences, after thinking about it, let's play it safe.


January to April.

The citizens of the three dynasties, including the Blue Spirit Dynasty with abundant resources in the south, suddenly began to migrate to the surrounding areas, and the defensive force was relatively weak compared to other areas.

The strong man on the demon side observed around and found that only this area had the fewest enemies and the weakest defense.

And once it goes deep into this area, it can start to outflank the surrounding countries, not to mention that the Blue Spirit Dynasty's evacuation is a little hasty this time, and it may be caught off guard.

Although I know in my heart that this may be a trap, but from the current data analysis, even if it is a trap, there is no problem in jumping off.

The powerful demons also want to see what the other party's methods are. Could it be possible to find the tombs and relics of the ancient beasts?

Soon, the dark cloud in the center began to charge south.

In just a few months, a large area of ​​land was occupied, and it appeared to outflank the surrounding area.

In the past few months of fighting, the results of the demon race have been very good, and they have indeed killed many enemies.


May to August.

Several huge eddies suddenly appeared in the southern sea.

Dragon **** water! Waterspout!

The terrain of this sea area is special, and the demons are planning to advance from here to the east and west in two steps to complete the outflank. Who knew such an ocean phenomenon would appear.

The commander of the Demon Race realized something was wrong and immediately ordered to retreat.

But the tsunami has come!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the deep sea, it was as if several he. bombs had been released.

muffled sound.

The sea is boiling!

Huge waves with a height of hundreds of meters and huge impact swept away to the north in a short moment.


A cry that seemed to come from ancient times resounded!

A creature resembling a giant dragon, with a dark blue body, a horned head, and faint blue hair appeared.

Qin Hao was surprised: "Botetia! One of the kings of the nine seas in ancient times!"

"When it appeared, there was lightning and thunder, a storm raging, and a vortex on the bottom of the sea."

But at this moment, a huge vortex indeed appeared in the ocean.

"Creatures of this level have actually appeared."

As he spoke, Qin Hao looked at Lin Yu and sighed more and more in his heart.

It would be nice if he could join the Qin family.


next moment.

the other side of the ocean.

A huge fish appeared, with a body length of one thousand meters, with wings on its belly and black thorns on its back, and it sounded like a baby crying.

I saw that it rushed to the shore, flapped its giant tail continuously, and let out the cry of a baby.

"Brother Qin, don't you introduce me? Haha."

Qin Hao's expression was very serious and he said: "Chi Yu, one of the kings of the nine seas, is a kind of fierce beast. It is said that he likes to go to the shore and set off huge waves for fun. His temper is like a child. But , it’s a brat. But there’s more…”

The words are not finished yet.

On another coast, a huge black shadow emerged from Xi'an.

This black shadow hidden in the deep sea is really, really huge...about 10,000 meters long and 5,000 meters wide.

"One of the kings of the nine seas, You, a turtle-like creature. It has four legs that can lift the sky, green hair on its back, and antlers on its head."

"Is there any more? If the kings of the nine seas gather..."

Lin Yu shook his head: "The ancient creatures are so easy to discover."

Qin Hao: "..."

Who made you look like a normal person.



The Mozu side was very displeased with these three ancient creatures.

And what's even more exasperating to the demons is that there is a force behind them manipulating all of this!

Whenever he gains an advantage, this powerful creature will come out to interfere with him.

When thinking of this, the Demon Race suddenly felt that this was precisely an opportunity!

After all, these ancient creatures are the most valuable in this world, and now these ancient creatures have appeared in front of him.

It seems that there are not many variables.

Regardless, you must give it a go! You can't be led by the nose.

Soon, the Mozu mobilized soldiers from other areas and began to gather to the south, and the southern sea area also advanced one to two hundred kilometers to the north.

The two sides soon broke out in a war.

The prepared demons quickly gained the upper hand and killed a large number of sea creatures, severely injuring the fish in the pond.


"Brother Lin, is there any other trick? Tell me, I'm dying of anxiety. That's right! My cousin's divine creature! Is it related to this?"

Lin Yu smiled: "take it slowly, it's only a matter of a minute or two, why are you in such a hurry?"

Qin Hao sighed, you don't understand this feeling! !



The demons, who had gained the upper hand, regained their confidence and began to advance to the ocean area in an orderly manner.

And the demon army lurking in the ocean originally wanted to surround the three ancient mythical beasts.

The demons are also prepared behind the scenes to deal with the special crisis that may erupt!

The three kings of the nine seas were completely surrounded!

The Mozu side was a little excited, but in view of the previous experience, it was not too early to be happy.

Start pushing slowly.

Until finally compressed into a sea area of ​​only one million square kilometers.


The giant tortoise-you was first discovered by the demon army, and a big battle broke out.

You soon fell into a disadvantage, and there were more and more demon legions. At this time, Chi Yu also rushed over.

Immediately afterwards, Botetia, the number one King of the Nine Seas, also joined the battlefield.

The three ancient mythical beasts have reached an offensive and defensive alliance tacitly.

However, the demons still relied on their strength to slowly compress the living space of the three ancient creatures.


In the depths of the sea, a vortex appeared.

The Mozu Legion immediately became vigilant.

At this time, a humanoid creature appeared, and a huge water attribute divine power spread around.

And it can be clearly felt that there are many water element arrays arranged in this area.

Huge water elemental energy is spreading around.


The next moment, three huge cracks suddenly appeared in the surrounding sky.

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