Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 205: fusion, flesh and blood

A devil-like creature with a height of 100 meters, holding a red giant sword and two golden horns on its head rushed out.

A bloated monster with lava flowing all over his body - three hellhounds appeared on the battlefield with magma.

A black devil tiger...

Three divine creatures!

The enemy army was obviously well prepared.

The war broke out, and the water element Holy Spirit and the three ancient creatures fell into a disadvantage.

The surrounding marine life, under the infestation of a large amount of magic energy, even showed a tendency of rebellion.


Lin Yu: "It should start."

Qin Hao immediately became serious, to see what happened.


Sure enough, when the three ancient creatures were getting more and more disadvantaged, they suddenly gathered together.

It's like triggering some kind of special energy.

"Could it be a fit? It's a joke."

And in the sky, a huge figure hidden in the mist appeared.

This figure seemed to be about ten thousand miles long, and it was extremely terrifying.

Under his control, the sea instantly churned.

"The **** of the ocean in the ancient times!"

The Mozu still couldn't believe it. After all, the so-called Lord of Darkness last time didn't seem authentic.

But the explosive power completely dispelled their thoughts of continuing to fight.

Regardless of whether this is the real God of the Ocean or not, they cannot afford to offend him.

Millions of legions were destroyed in an instant.

And all the powerful sea creatures gathered under the order of this energy.

All the powerful demon creatures fighting here seem to be in danger of being wiped out.

The three divine creatures have become the key targets of attack.

The situation of the battle was reversed in an instant.

However, after the three ancient creatures were defeated, they immediately fled.

Only then did the demons realize that it was not the recovery of the real sea god, but a short-term power reappearance.

All investors who saw this scene had their own thoughts.


Qin Hao looked at Lin Yu, he couldn't bear his inner curiosity.

He himself has been operating in this world for 60 years, and he has also exchanged information with other investors.

But he felt that his understanding of the world was less than half of Lin Yu's...

"I know what you want to ask. The nine kings of the nine seas, if I'm not wrong, should be the flesh and blood of the **** of the sea. That is to say, the ancient gods you are looking for may have been transformed into ancient creatures. Of course, if you look for other artifacts and the like, there may still be remnants.”

"You can see this thing at a glance?"

"It's not obvious at a glance. Didn't I get the eight-winged black dragon before? I researched it and found it."

Of course, the system's probing information is indispensable.

At present, after the system has acquired a large number of world coins, more and more functions have been added. It is not simply to detect the return on investment, but the specific effect is still to be discovered.

Qin Hao frowned, and asked: "Flesh and blood can be transformed into living creatures, which can only be done by a very small number of powerful creatures in the world. Can we use this information to confirm that these ancient creatures are creatures of ancient gods?"

"It's hard to say. I just feel that the secrets of many worlds should not only focus on this world. If the vision is only limited to this world, it is impossible to discover the real secrets."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yu just glanced at Qin Hao calmly, and said, "literally. Well, I plan to arrange a promotion ceremony in the next few days. This world, uncle, you should develop it well."

Then, Lin Yu took Qin Shiwan away.

This time, it is a pity that Qin Shiwan's divine creatures only slightly affected some ordinary sea beasts, turning them into their own kin. As for the three major divine creatures, they seem to have special energy protection on them, so there is no way Income under the command.


October 6th.


In this way, a full ten days passed.

As he said, Lin Yu devoted all his body and mind to arranging the promotion ceremony.

Of course, most of the time is actually spent on combat training and cultivation in Tianhe Tower.

Occasionally, he would also come to the Eternal City to seek abuse and be beaten in the arena. I have to say that this group of people is really ruthless. The few beings in the early stages of the Dingyuan Realm who can come here are naturally the best among all ethnic groups.

Geniuses are all capable of leapfrogging, there is no such thing as only the protagonist can leapfrogging...

However, there are a few strong men in the early stage of Dingyuan state, and Lin Yu can resist them.

In many battles, Lin Yu has made a few friends, and they get along well, the kind of relationship where you can get some discounts when you buy things, ahem.

During these 10 days, the most important thing is naturally the things of the four worlds.

One is to help the Yin-Yang Spirit Race compete for the World Orb. Although Lin Yu can see clearly the minds of this group of people, it is not suitable to be friends, but this is a transaction after all, and there is still a need for trustworthiness. It is impossible to break the contract by relying on mind reading skills inexplicably.

During the full 10 years of fighting, Lin Yu didn't make any more showy operations.

Relying on the tactics arranged by the system and his ability to detect luck, he has helped the Yin-Yang Spirit Race to win many good battles and helped the Yin-Yang Spirit Race to regain a lot of territory, currently occupying one-fifth of the entire world's territory.

It's just that, on the side of the spirit-eating Zerg, perhaps because of the incident with the giant snake before, they valued this world more, and the troops they sent were stronger.

It made the original situation much worse.

Some races that came to help disappeared without a trace, embarrassing for the Yin-Yang Spirit Race. But in order to maintain the situation, a lot of new investors were found and came to help.

It seems that the cost of capturing this world is much more exaggerated than imagined. But this is the matter of the Yin-Yang Eldar.


The second world is naturally the promotion world that Qin Shiwan handles.

It was a world of behemoths teeming with life.

There are all kinds of plant creatures, and there are also many giant beasts.

Qin Shiwan's promotion area is mainly in the Tianchi Lake inside a huge virgin forest.

The core items to be prepared are the Pillar of Light, the Ancient Tree of Life, and the Spring of Healing.

Since this time it was mainly prepared for the spirit soldiers and generals, the pressure was much less.

Lin Yu modified the nearby land veins, and expanded the promotion area by the way.

The overall situation is still very good.


third world.

The world of Earl Arthur.

The legions of all parties were mobilized, thirty-six holy statues were prepared, and various promotion items were also prepared.

Once the entire formation is deployed, the power of promotion will attract the power of the world, and it will also attract the hidden monsters in this world! And this will also be the last frontier of mankind.


fourth world.

Liu Mingyue's world.

Both the Corpse Race and the Demon Race have some guesses about the huge movement on the Human Race side.

Originally, they did not agree to give up the territory of this continent, but when Lin Yu's huge ship reached the shore, they chose to agree to Lin Yu's plan.

In this continent that originally belonged to the corpse race, only the human race and monsters remained.

Lin Yu knew that both the corpse clan and the demon clan had some thoughts, but he was prepared.

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