Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 206: The ceremony begins, the world mutates, and the Blood Fiend God Realm

All heavens and ten thousand realms group chat.

Gu Yang: "What is the group leader planning to do? The big brothers in the blood moon world and the world of divine creatures seem to have stopped talking for ten years. Is this radio silence?"

Gu Qing (the reincarnation of the reincarnation world): "I don't know, just take your time. The group leader must have his own arrangements."

Coincidentally, Gu Qing was the reincarnator that Lin Yu bet on in the goblin game.

Later, he entered a Tier 3 dungeon of his own and performed extremely well, so he accepted it.


At this moment, Lin Yu is sitting cross-legged in Tianhe Tower.

Around the body, two real dragons, one black and one white, became more and more obvious, as if they were alive.

Lin Yu loosened his muscles and bones, feeling the overflowing spiritual energy in his body.

"Huh, ready."

It is mainly the experience and experience of multiple incarnations and spiritual feedback.

Lin Yu's practice can reach the current speed.

And if it's just an ordinary avatar made of holy materials, I'm afraid it won't reach this level.

However, Lin Yu's skills can continuously strengthen the avatar, so that the avatar and the main body can reach a special state, and the effect is good.

I looked at the time, it was seven in the morning.

The ceremony of Earl Arthur's world is about to begin.

It could have been delayed for a while, but Lin Yu didn't intend to wait any longer.

Regarding this promotion, Lin Yu has already planned everything in his heart.

Coincidentally, the world projector borrowed from Shi Wan wanted to see what was hidden behind the blood moon world.


Inside the world projector.

Only Lin Yu stood 'alone'.

It's about promotion. Although Lin Yu invited Qin Shiwan to watch, she still refused very sensiblely.

Lin Yu is the world bead staring at the blood moon world.

This world bead is the main world bead owned by the school, and Lin Yu borrowed it directly!

After all, Lin Yu's current reputation is too exaggerated. After the investment war ended, he became a celebrity under the support of all kinds of news.

A large number of people also poured into the live broadcast room.

Moreover, Lin Yu's abilities in all aspects are very exaggerated during the live broadcast.

The third middle school naturally cares about Lin Yu very much. It's no problem to borrow the main world beads.

In the blood moon world, there is still blood all over the sky.

And now there are several areas with extremely rich blood color, and some kind of special objects are vaguely formed in these areas.

It is vaguely visible that there are extremely huge creatures swimming in the blood-colored sea.

They also seemed to be aware of Arthur's movements.

Lin Yu sat leisurely on the chair, tapped the table beside him lightly, then took a sip of his drink, waiting for the time to speed up.


The blood mist on the surface of the world suddenly trembled, and then the flow speed suddenly accelerated, and time acceleration began!


January to March.

The northern region occupied by Earl Arthur.

The 4 white sky pillars and the 4 black sky pillars stood up instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the energy of the eight pillars spread to the surroundings, slowly forming a huge protective shield.

In the sky, there are vaguely two real dragons, one black and one white, constantly circling and walking.

'boom! ’ sound.

The entire northern continent has undergone drastic changes.

Sensing the violent movement, the blood-colored monster in the south rushed directly to this area.

In the blood pool in the nearby area, a large number of strange monsters rushed straight down from the north like a tide.


As if he could feel the sound of running water in the world, the world projection in the Beihai area suddenly reflected a giant creature with a body length of 10,000 meters.

It is almost impossible for a creature of this size to exist in the third-order initial world!

I saw that it had four legs, covered in scarlet mucus, and had a fish-like head with a huge **** lantern growing on top of it.

Inside the lantern, there seems to be a humanoid creature hatching...

It looked extremely creepy.


Lin Yu waved his finger lightly, and two light beads, one black and one white, shot down from the top of the projection space of the whole world.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the picture of the whole world, countless black and white streamers descended from the sky and fell on the north and south areas.

As for the blood pool creatures coming from the east and west areas, they were also hit hard by the legion led by Arthur!

Thousands of Yin-Yang legions appeared on the four battlefields.

The northern fortress in the south, the massive blood pool in the west, the terrifying blood abyss in the east, the long river in the north and even a large number of monsters in the entire North Sea!

One after another, huge blood-colored giants charged straight out of the North Sea.

They led a huge army and launched an attack on the area where Earl Arthur was!


The sky changed again, and four huge phantoms appeared. Looking carefully, they were no different from Lin Yu's body.

The strong man of the blood demon clan who is observing the changes in the world is also thinking secretly, guessing that Lin Yu is probably planning to hide his real body.

Then it's time to try and test.

next moment.

In the northern fortress of Beiyuan in the south, a huge **** crack appeared.

One after another, red monsters like souls rushed out, and then killed the Yin-Yang Corps led by Lin Yu in the south.

The battle was extremely fierce.

But Lin Yu in the south quickly made a move, taking himself as the leader, mobilizing two nearby black and white sky pillars, and then cooperating with the yin and yang army, the giant palm suppressed the enemy.

In just an instant, the blood-colored monster's side was defeated.

Seeing this, Earl Arthur's army was also very powerful, and even went out of the city to fight directly!

In the south, Lin Yu released the black and white real dragon again, sweeping away hundreds of thousands of enemy troops in an instant.

Even the divine creatures of the Blood Demon clan that erupted before were directly beaten back.

With the strength of the spirit realm, he swept across a large number of third-order creatures! This is probably only possible when the creatures with potential in the heaven list are promoted, with the help of the mighty power of heaven and earth, can they do it...

Seeing this, the Blood Demons were also secretly startled.

However, to advance in this world, court death!

Soon, more and more monsters appeared, eventually compressing the living space of the human race and other creatures.


April to August.

In the sky, black and white meteorite rain is still falling, as if they don't want money...

Massive yin and yang energies permeated the entire northern region, and were then controlled by the eight pillars of heaven.

Just when the Quartet monster approached the core area.

The Light Unicorn and the Light Dragon once again appeared on the surface of the world.

Two holy lights instantly illuminate the area.


A golden icon appears.

And the yin-yang formation changed and began to gather towards the holy image.

Four Lin Yus appeared in the center at the same time.

A black and white false ladder of heaven appeared.

Another figure appeared, Lin Yu!

And the energy in his body seems to be fused with this piece of heaven and earth.

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