Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 225: Eliminate pirates, starry sky magic box, abyss three clans

[In January, North Carolina's southeast star field area 33 and other places remained calm as usual.

But beneath the calm waves, there are rough seas.

The various forces gathered in this area held a private meeting.

The main content of this meeting is how to deal with all kinds of pirates in this region.

There are usually quite a few meetings like this, but this is the first time that so many forces have participated in a related meeting. However, the pirates are not particularly panicked. After all, it takes a lot of resources and troops to move them. It is not that these decision-makers can decide casually.

Some pirate forces are guessing whether they have done something recently.

But after careful investigation, I found that there was nothing serious.

In this case, it would be even more impossible for him and others to be completely encircled and suppressed. At most, he would lose some peripheral forces.

Soon, after the meeting ended, the Eighth Freedom Fleet of Lei Yan Kingdom united with various forces to assemble more than 3,000 interstellar warships and twenty thousand-meter-class battleships to attack the sky meteor in the sky, one of the twelve kings of interstellar pirates, Philius. Wait for the star system to launch a surprise attack.

This battle was extremely fierce.

Philiup erupted with unimaginable fighting power. He actually had thousands of interstellar warships under his command, and he also controlled the powerful star beasts with branches.

During the battle, Phillips also released a terrifying starry sky box, which opened a large number of crimson space cracks in the starry sky.

Starry Sky Magic Box: It is said that it is a special magic river left by the powerful starry sky demon **** that once existed in this world. It can open the space cracks in the abyss galaxy group and trigger a wave of monsters.

A large number of monsters surged out from these space cracks, and launched a surprise attack on the fleet of Lei Yanguo and other forces.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Philliup drove the starship and escaped from the siege of all forces.

The fact that Philliup used the Starry Sky Magic Box in this battle spread quickly.

The people are boiling!

Using the Starry Sky Magic Box in this world means surrendering to the power of the abyssal monsters, leading to degeneration, but in the circle of pirates, they only think it is a means of saving their lives. 】

Lin Yu touched his chin. This wave of operations actually has something to do with him.

Using the data collected by the system, Lin Yu found that these pirate forces were not normal, so he asked the system to investigate in more detail.

The next disaster may have a lot to do with the external evil forces, so when Lin Yu invested, he mentioned some things to the major forces.

I am a big financial backer who has invested 30 trillion! As I said, these forces have to do it no matter what, and there is no such thing as holding meetings to grind foreign workers like before.

After all, these important things are all written in the contract, if it is not completed, it is a matter of the contract of the soul.

And the barrage discussion is also very lively, and everyone guesses that this may be Lin Yu's handwriting.

But what everyone is more curious about is how Lin Yu will recover the cost and make a lot of money. After all, he can't make much money simply by dealing with internal forces.

[In February, some interstellar pirate forces had to choose to stay warm in order to survive.

Among them, there were even several incidents of pirates taking hostages and tearing up tickets.

Coupled with the fact that the pirates cultivated some power within the crowd, and the public opinion effect they created by spending money, some people began to come out to protest against the suppression of pirates.

What is this ingredient, of course, needless to say. According to the original situation, the forces of all parties must be restrained, but this time they are doing things with money, and they are still preventing a bigger crisis, so it is impossible to stop the campaign.

In the following period of time, the major forces suddenly launched a siege against many pirate forces.

Of the so-called Twelve Pirate Kings, three were killed and four were captured in less than a month!

The astonishing handwriting and speed of action of all parties made the pirates a little scared, and some people directly planned to flee this star area. 】

[From March to May, suddenly, some pirates gathered together. These pirates are different from other pirates. They have really fallen into the abyss, and they have been planning some things recently. Their secret meeting mainly discussed why the various forces have taken such decisive actions recently.

Some of them speculated that their secret might have been accidentally leaked out. Otherwise, given the urinating nature of these forces, how could they be so exaggerated!

Seeing this, they had to choose to act in advance.

Soon, a large number of abyss cracks appeared in the major regions of the five star regions, and the residents of many star regions were disturbed, and even some star systems that were purely mining and sparsely populated were directly destroyed.

Although these actions have made the people boil again, and more and more people are against the war, but among the people, there are also more people who support the war!

After all, in the past few hundred years, the losses caused by pirates are extremely exaggerated, and they are getting worse and worse. Some people are afraid when they go on an interstellar voyage. This greatly interfered with the lives of everyone.

What's more, the power of pirates is obviously beyond the limit now! This has completely fallen into the abyss! If they are allowed to continue to develop, the consequences will be disastrous.

But some people can't listen no matter how much they talk.

The leaders of the various forces were not disturbed. They looked at the degree of infection of the abyss cracks in the major star regions with heavy hearts. This is definitely planned for a long time!

Unexpectedly, these bugs have already gnawed away the entire foundation. If they were discovered a little later, with their own strength alone, it would definitely be a complete disaster!

In mid-April, suddenly, violent star ray fluctuations erupted in the major star regions, resulting in huge spatial fluctuations.

Undead, Zerg, Demonic, and the three abyssal races suddenly appeared, and assembled a large number of troops, rushing out of these space cracks.

The Zerg side even dispatched the star insect mother!

Star worm mother: generally parasitizes in small planets, and uses the creatures of the entire planet as nutrients to create a large number of zerg troops. It is an absolute strategic killer of the Abyssal Zerg!

In addition, there are a large number of divine creatures and even the power of ancient demons in the abyssal army!

Even, a large number of dark ancient magic stones the size of stars gushed out of these cracks in the abyss. The magic stone directly filled with the evil energy of the abyss can quickly infect living beings, and then create a large number of soldiers.

Obviously, the other party came prepared!

Seeing this, the forces of all parties sank in their hearts. The power of China Unicom behind this group of pirates is far more exaggerated than imagined!

The incident this time was no longer a simple campaign to clear up a small area.

It's a war between races! 】

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