Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 226: With the official involvement, fight back with all your strength, the ancient gods wil

[Soon, the countries and major forces in other star regions also received the news, and immediately sent reinforcements to support this region with all their strength.

But the battle was much, much more intense than imagined, and the undead sent out nine kings and spirit witches! These are all divine creatures with fifth-level strength!

And for this battle, they obviously mobilized a large number of dependents from the heavens and worlds, and then threw them into this world. This takes a lot of energy!

Thousand-eyed demon fish, starry sky cracker, ever-changing ancient demon worm... all kinds of powerful divine creatures appeared on the battlefield.

The abyss army that invaded one side showed shocking strength. And this doesn't seem to be their limit.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of space cracks filled with black air appeared in these star areas, and one after another, huge creatures with the power of ancient gods hundreds of meters high rushed into the battlefield.

The fighting power of these forests is very terrifying, even able to withstand the bombardment of the main artillery of the Titan-class starship.

The combined fleets of all parties also had to avoid the edge temporarily. 】

The barrage looked at the information and immediately exploded.

"I'm going! This is the war of all races, right?"

"Good guy! I suspect the anchor is here with a military mission."

"Probably yes, my good guy, it's no wonder that a contract of tens of trillions can be taken out. I would say that something big will happen to a contract of this magnitude!"

"Indeed, I think so too. If there is no battle of this level, it will be difficult to get back the money."


"Hey, the anchor is still hiding it from us."

"After all, it's a secret, so it would be great if we could invest money, haha."

"To be honest, it's really cool to watch!"

"Brothers, why are you saying that all of a sudden?"

"Brother, you may need to read more."

"Yes, there is actually nothing wrong with what you said. World-class public investment world! This thing is not entered indiscriminately. This is truly world-class! It is about the war of all races in the heavens and the world!"

"And the anchor chose the starry sky world, which is very, very large, and almost all races are gathered. This kind of world is very awesome."

"It stands to reason that the heavens and the myriad races generally do not easily break out into battle."

"But this time, the battle launched by the enemy was obviously discovered by the official. Then, I guess the official intends to let the anchor come over, first release the investment project, and then point out that it is a large-scale investment in this world. Let The other party knows how to measure, so don't provoke us easily."

"What you said above is right, our officials have always liked this kind of suggestive warning."


But at this moment, the officials were already overwhelmed, and they had no idea that other races in this world-class public investment world would suddenly launch an attack!

After all, there are too many worlds under your management.

This kind of sudden selection of a target and then launching a surprise attack is indeed not easy to detect.

As for Lin Yu's live broadcast, it was also broadcast at the meeting.

"I didn't expect this kid to find out about this war, and he didn't tell us earlier."

"But it's really scary for young people, haha."

"Okay, okay, let's deal with it quickly."

"I have sent more than 1,000 divine creatures to the battlefield to support, but the incident happened suddenly, and our divine creatures will move slower."

"Well. Fortunately, the 30 trillion investment this time has stabilized the situation. If we lose money, our officials will also come forward to deal with it. After all, we are the pride of this era."

"Of course, this is still due to our official negligence."

"We must also issue a warning to other races that launched this war, otherwise, there will always be some races that are confused about the situation!"


One of them, who was always sitting aside, stroking the old man with his white beard, opened his eyes and said, "I will personally warn them in the Heavenly Spirit World (ninth level)."

"Haha, Mr. Li makes a move, then we can rest assured."


Lin Yu looked at the world information leisurely, anyway, it was the same as reading a story as a whole.

And Lin Yu also felt that the amount of investment this time was too exaggerated and could not be lost, so he also prepared some cards for him, just in case.

[From June to December, the abyss side united forces and launched a surprise attack on several important strongholds, and the battle was extremely fierce.

On the battlefield, many divine creatures with light attributes suddenly appeared, such as the ancient dragon of the deep sea, the golden dragon of the thousand spirit valley, the ancient **** of the starry sky, and other powerful existences suddenly appeared.

The situation of the battle turned around in an instant, and the side of the abyss suffered heavy losses.

The various forces here assembled their troops in an instant, and raided the gathering place of abyssal monsters formed by more than a dozen star worm mothers!

The power of this abyssal monster is amazing, and it even shows signs of defeating the troops of all parties.

The next moment, a fiery wave of fire swept across the starry sky, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, a wave of fire rushed into the sky, and a giant flame creature hundreds of thousands of meters high appeared in front of everyone.

A mighty flame, the power of the Old Gods, rages in this area.

Boundary Sea Fire Dragon Snake!

The next moment, countless swarms of flame snakes swept across the starry sky, killing the creatures infected by the ancient magic power.

And some kind of special power of the enemy also sensed this fire attribute ancient **** power, and immediately launched an attack on this place.

Millions of powerful creatures with the power of ancient gods appeared on the battlefield here!

The Jiehai Fire Dragon Snake, and its massive fire snake group, stood in the center of the battlefield.

The battle broke out and was extremely fierce.

In this battle, both sides lost a lot.

The Jiehai Fire Dragon Snake cooperated with the fleet and a large number of dependents of divine creatures to hold back most of the power on the side of the abyss and ensure the victory of the other theaters.

In the aftermath, the decline of the abyss side became more and more obvious.

Near the end of the year, all forces have begun to gather troops and launched a surprise attack on the core stronghold of the entire abyss, and most of the divine creatures on the abyss retreated. But he was still bitten off a piece of meat. 】

The barrage watched such a lively battle, almost 100,000 per second, and the number of viewers has reached 9.01 million, and the peak is 9.5 million.

"Starry Sky Ancient God! Seventh rank! Sure enough, it's an official move!"

"Hahaha, let me just say it, this must be the official contact with the anchor."

"It's really cool to fight! It's time to teach this group of people a long time ago."

"That's right, that's right, haha, teach them a lesson!"

At this time, Lin Yu was watching the information of the major star regions.

It has to be said that the various forces here are actually not feeling well. After all, the people here must have suffered a lot.

Of course, without Lin Yu, they would die even worse.

And without this support, their main force would probably suffer even more.

"Okay, brothers, it's time to look at the settlement rewards!"

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