Investing in the Rebirth Empress, She Called Me Husband

Chapter 345 Wanxiang Immortal Sect? You are so bold!

Sanshan Town.

This is a town located between three mountains, each of which stretches for hundreds of miles and is several thousand feet high.

This town is rich in several specialties, all of which are precious.

But if people in the town want to go out, they need to bypass the mountains, which is dangerous and long. Only with the blessing of Master Wu Ling can they be safe.

At this time, in the temple.

The mayor and a group of elders are carefully looking at a fat priest dressed in gold and silver and witch priests.

"Master priest, winter is coming soon. If we don't go out to exchange some supplies, many tribesmen will not be able to survive this winter. You see..."

"What's the hurry? Just wait for Master Wu Ling to give his order."

"But the statue of Master Wu Ling hasn't been lit for a long time..."

The mayor was worried and anxious.

Sanshan Town has limited arable land and poor sunshine, so the food grown is not enough.

They can only survive by carrying valuable mountain products out of the mountain to exchange for food.

It has already snowed.

If they wait any longer, the heavy snow will completely block the mountain and the town will be completely isolated from the outside world. I don’t know how many tribesmen will starve to death or freeze to death.

“Without the protection of Master Wu Ling, you can try to go out of the mountain by yourself.”

The priest ate beef slowly, his mouth full of oil.

“How can that be possible.”

The old mayor changed his face.

At least since he could remember, people in Sanshan Town were not allowed to go into the mountains alone.

The three mountains are very strange, as if they can eat people.

Anyone who enters without permission will eventually get lost in it, unless they ask Master Wu Ling for permission and get the protection of the mountain god, they can be safe.

There are many young people in the tribe who yearn for the outside world, and many want to sneak out.

But without exception, they all disappeared in the end.

He knows what happened to those people in the end.

The old mayor was once a young man who yearned for the vast world. He also invited several like-minded young men to go out together and find another way out for the townspeople.

Later, although they had made all the preparations, they still got lost in the mountains.

The companions around him disappeared one by one.

Only he was guided out because his family gave a heavy gift to the priest.

Five years later.

He went into the mountain again with the young men and saw a few familiar corpses.

That was the young man who wanted to escape with him.

Since then, he has been in awe of the authority of the mountain god from the bottom of his heart.

Without the permission of Master Wu Ling, you must not leave the mountain!

This is the rule that everyone in Sanshan Town strictly abides by.

But now, the problem has come.

Master Wu Ling disappeared.

Without Master Wu Ling, how should they face the mountain that eats people?

"You don't have to worry, the gods have already issued a decree."

Seeing that the mayor and the elders were all cautious, the fat priest felt that the time was almost right.

The fat priest was actually a demon summoner.

He was really afraid that these people would run out of town without fear of anything.

After all, there were no disaster beasts now, and there was no fog in the mountains.

What if the townspeople found out that they could go out of the mountains without the help of the so-called "gods"?

Fortunately, over the years, no one dared to challenge the power of the gods...

"Master Wu Ling will be back soon. During this period, you should restrain your people and never do anything that will disappoint the gods."

Fei Lian, who once absorbed the faith of Sanshan Town, was actually dead.

The hall master sent him a message and would soon let a new "mountain god" come over.

"By the way, prepare another batch of sacrifices."

Hearing that sacrifices were to be prepared again.

The mayor and the elders looked bitter.


That afternoon.

The temple at the entrance of Sanshan Town had set up the altar and placed various sacrifices, which were collected by the mayor from house to house.

Around the altar, there were flags with a totem with a deer head and a bird body painted on them.

"Today, Lord Wu Ling will be inspired by me and perform miracles!"

The fat priest looked at the offerings and was very satisfied.

He received news that the new mountain god was coming soon.

And the townspeople carried heavy baskets on their backs with hope in their eyes.

They only waited for the gods to bless them, and then they could safely bypass the mountains and go out to exchange the hope of winter for their people.

The fat priest's fat body trembled as he danced a strange sacrificial dance.

This totem can contact nearby beings with ancestral blood.

But halfway through the dance, the villagers suddenly cheered excitedly.

"Clouds and fog, that cloud and fog is coming down!"

"Is Lord Mountain God going to show up in person?"


A question mark appeared on the fat priest's head.

He danced the sacrificial dance purely to set off the atmosphere, make it more ritualistic, and make the townspeople believe him more.

He hadn't started to use the real summoning method yet.

The atmosphere hadn't been set off yet, so naturally there was no connection with the witch spirit.

What the hell was that?

The fat priest looked closely.

A young man with deer horns on his head, wearing a golden robe, and extraordinary, was lifted up by the white clouds and landed in the center of the altar.

He half-knelt on the ground with his palms (for detailed posture, refer to the Terminator's appearance), and slowly stood up with an expressionless face. He was really a cold and aloof immortal god descending from the clouds.

Beside him, there was a young man in golden clothes with a hood, and a woman with shiny skin and electric arcs.

These two were also very impressive and unfathomable, guarding the young man in the middle.

The fat priest suddenly looked very vulgar in front of these three people.

"You are..."

The fat priest narrowed his eyes and prepared to ask.

"How dare you talk to the gods and immortals like this!"

You see, they speak with thunder and lightning, how unfathomable.


"What do you mean by I? Since you have seen the immortals, why don't you worship?"

The hooded young man in gold clothes shouted loudly.


The fat priest narrowed his green bean eyes, and a trace of confusion flashed.

Why is this line so familiar?

Aren't these all his words?

But the witch spirit sent by the headquarters is clearly not like this.

And he just communicated with the method of summoning gods, and there was no response.

This is not the witch spirit sent by the headquarters at all!

The fat priest said angrily:

"How dare you pretend to be the Lord God! You are so bold! You..."

"You are a person who blasphemes the gods and immortals."

In the middle, the young man with deer horns spoke without sadness or joy.

His voice was low and very magnetic.

There seemed to be eternal burning sparks in his eyes, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"I have been sleeping for ten thousand years and have long ignored all kinds of things in the world. But some people are using the name of gods and immortals to cheat and deceive. Haven't you heard that the net of heaven is vast and nothing can escape it!"

"Now the Tianzun of the Wanxiang Immortal Sect is standing in front of you, but you still have no repentance!"

"You are ignorant of the destiny, have little blessings, do not cultivate magic power, do not cultivate virtues, wear fur and horns, and are born from eggs!"

"You are so bold!"

Li Mo had a cold and serious face, and he was intimidating without anger.

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