Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 103: Jingwu's substitute, Tangdi Yuan! 【First update! 】

Chapter 103 Jingwu’s substitute, Tangdi Yuan! 【First update! 】

When Chu Yu came on stage to draw lots, the audience felt that the painting style was different!

 In their eyes, most of the so-called warriors are rough and cold men.

Even female warriors are mostly heroic.

 But it was not until Chu Yu came to power that they discovered how biased their previous ideas were.

 Among the female warriors, there are still goddesses!

 At the very least, Chu Yu, who came on stage to draw lots, made them feel extremely eye-catching.

 Speaking of which, Li Fengyou, the magic martial arts instructor who was previously responsible for leading the team, seems to be quite handsome and has a different kind of beauty.

 It's a pity that these two flowers of Mowu already have their own hearts.

Chu Yuzheng and Lin Yuan were in a state of passionate love.

Li Fengyou was also focused on Wang Zhanlin.

 Since he had already been drawn by Tianzhe Wuhan University, Chu Yu only needed to draw one lot.

She quite casually pulled out a bamboo stick, smiled, and handed it to the host next to her.

 Subsequently, the host displayed the bamboo stick in front of everyone and announced: "The opponent drawn by the Magic City Martial Arts University is...Tianlin Martial Arts University!"

 Good luck!

 Chu Yu drew a good draw!

On Mowu’s side, even Wang Zhanlin had a smile on his face.

Tianlin Wuhan University ranks at the bottom among the ten famous universities.

If it were against them, Mowu should be able to easily get seven points!

In this way, the two martial arts universities that their magic city of martial arts need to fight have been determined one after another.

They are Tianzhe Wuhan University and Tianlin Wuhan University!

 “Come on! Try to beat Tianzhe! Defeat Tianlin!”

Wang Zhanlin turned around, clenched his fists, and cheered for everyone!

 For them, the best situation now is to defeat Tianzhe Wuhan University and Tianlin Wuhan University one after another and get 14 points in the individual competition!

 After their opponents have been determined.

 The subsequent lottery process is just a formality for them.


 After the official completion of the opening ceremony in the morning, everyone in Mowu had a simple meal in the canteen of Yanjing Wuhan University.

 The individual competition is divided into two days.

But this afternoon, they will face Tianlin Wuda.

 Fortunately, Tianlin Martial Arts University is not that strong, and the overall strength of the freshmen is slightly inferior to them.

I heard that among the ten people who entered the battle, only one reached the level of a sixth-level warrior!

 Hence, the new students of Mowu did not take them seriously.

 Just think of it as just a warm-up.

What really interests them is the afternoon showdown between Yanjing Wuhan University and Tianzhe Wuhan University.

 Come here, you can witness the true strength of Yanjing Wuhan University!

Secondly, you can also take advantage of this opportunity to find out the details of Zhejiang Wuhan University in advance.

 After all, after the competition between Tianzhe Wuhan University and Yanjing Wuhan University.

 Next, it will be their turn to use Mowu.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight a hundred battles without danger!


 In the afternoon, the sky is clear.

The surroundings of the Jingwu Arena were filled with spectators.

Everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the battle to officially begin!

 They are naturally looking forward to it.     Because the first scene is the highlight!

Yanjing Wuhan University VS Zhejiang Wuhan University!

These two Wuhan universities are very famous.

And in last year's prestigious freshman fraternity competition, they also won first and third place respectively!

This is completely a fight between famous schools and famous schools!

 The collision between Tianjiao and Tianjiao!

“Let us welcome the freshmen teams from Yanjing Wuhan University and Tianzhe Wuhan University to the entrance!”

The host raised his right hand and spoke loudly.

He doesn't talk nonsense at all because he knows what the audience wants to see.

 Twenty freshmen from two Wuhan universities entered the school one after another!

 Early before the game, the two schools had determined the order of appearance.

 The two sides will fight seven people in order.

 The loser leaves the field, while the winner stays on the field for the next round of battle!

Under the instructions of the host, a thin figure quickly stood up from the Yanjing Wuhan University and jumped onto the arena.

The same is true here at Zhejiang Wuhan University.

 A tall, heroic young man wearing a pure white martial arts uniform slowly walked onto the arena.

 Behind his martial arts uniform, there is also the word "Zhewu" printed on it!

“Tianzhe Wuhan University, deputy captain, Li Yanze.”

The lean young man from Jingwu University grinned and said casually: "Yanjing Wuhan University, substitute player, Tangdi Yuan!"

“You don’t have to be so polite. Just call me ‘monkey’. My friends all call me that.”

This lean young man is quite easy-going, as if he doesn't regard the other person as an opponent.

However, as soon as he said these words, Li Yanze's face instantly darkened.

Not only him, but also the audience present frowned slightly.

     …Is that such a big deal?

After all, Zhejiang Wuhan University was ranked third among the top universities last year.

The opponent obviously attaches great importance to Jingwu. In the first round of the battle, they sent out their vice-captain, hoping to test the depth of Jingwu as much as possible.

 But Jingwu is better.

 Sent a substitute directly!

 Other than arrogance, they really can’t think of any words to describe Jingwu!

In the audience, Chen Ji and Yun Tingting had slightly strange expressions on their faces.

“Tingting, do you think the name Tangdipithecus sounds so familiar to you?”

Chen Ji frowned and asked, "I always feel like I've heard it somewhere."

“Besides, his appearance looks familiar to me...”

Yun Tingting rolled her eyes angrily: "Are you a goldfish? You only have seven seconds of memory?"

“Have you forgotten about Tangdi Monkey? It’s the skinny monkey from Zhenhai No. 1 Middle School, the skinny monkey who has been following Tong Hu!”

 It turned out to be that boy!

After Yun Tingting said this, Chen Ji finally remembered it!

  In the martial arts test, Shen Xiao was the well-deserved number one scholar in Zhenhai City!

 The four people lined up behind him are Tong Hu, Coltsfoot, Tangdi Yuan, and Mo Liuli!

“I didn’t expect this kid to be doing well now. He even sneaked into Yanjing Wuhan University as a substitute.”

Chen Ji sighed sincerely.

They all come from the same place. The other party can go on stage, but they can only sit in the audience and watch the game. This is the gap!

“Well, his martial arts talent has always been very high, and I heard that his family background is also quite prominent. If he hadn’t been too lazy, he would have been qualified to compete with Shen Xiao for the title of No. 1 Scholar in Zhenhai City.”

Yun Tingting said calmly.

Some evildoers have talents that make people envious and jealous.

Obviously you put in more effort than him, but he can always easily surpass you inadvertently.

Tang Dipithecus should be considered such a person.

  There were some minor mistakes in the previous chapter, which have been corrected!



 (End of this chapter)

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