Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 104: Referee, I surrender! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 104 Referee, I give up! 【Second update! 】

 After both sides have finished their introductions, it stands to reason that the game should officially begin!

However, Li Yanze had no intention of taking action.

He frowned, stared coldly at Tangdi Yuan in front of him, and asked: "Have you broken through to the sixth level warrior?"

Tang Dipithecus was quite free and easy, and answered straightforwardly: "No!"

His own Qi and blood currently fluctuate around 48,000 points, and Moyo only has the strength of a fifth-level warrior at the peak!

 But even with such strength, it is already quite terrifying!

Jingwu's substitute, any one chosen at random, is a fifth-level peak warrior!

This is enough to show how strong the overall strength of Jingwu is!

 After hearing Dandipithecus's answer.

Li Yanze frowned again: "Is this the way your Beijing martial arts treat guests? Send a warrior who has not even reached the sixth level to come up and fight me!"

“You...want to humiliate our Zhejiang Wuhan University in this way?!”

Tangdi Yuan looked at Li Yanze, who was a little out of control, with a strange expression, and calmly explained: "That's not what I meant at all."

“I just told them that I wanted to go on stage and have fun, so they let me come on.”

However, what Tangdi Ape did not expect was.

His explanation made Li Yanze even more furious.

Isn’t this contempt?

 This is not some children’s play house.

This is a freshman fraternity competition jointly organized by the top ten prestigious schools!

 All the geniuses of the same class must fight each other with all their strength in this arena!

But you are just a substitute for Jingwu, but you just said you wanted to go on stage to have fun, and they let you come on?

Are you really treating our Zhejiang-Wuzhou University as some kind of soft persimmon? !

Li Yanze suppressed the anger in his heart, slowly assumed a fighting stance, and said in a deep voice: "Since you can't learn to respect others, then I will let you know what the price of arrogance is!"

 Since it’s a matter on the arena, let’s solve it with fists!

He wants everyone to know that Yanjing Wuhan University is not the only one in the world.

 Zhewu also has its geniuses and strong men!

 Warriors must be bloody!

As soon as Li Yanze said these words, many people even in the audience cheered for him secretly.

However, Tangdi Ape became angry.

 He has already explained everything that needs to be explained.

But the guy in front of me just can’t understand human language

A stern look flashed in Tang Diyuan's eyes, and he said displeasedly: "Young Master, have I given you face? Do you really think that you can just pretend that you are a sixth-level warrior?"

“I want to show you today how the fifth level defeated the sixth level!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Diyuan's figure was like a cannonball being discharged, rushing towards Li Yanze!

 A fifth-level warrior actually took the lead in attacking the sixth-level warrior!

 “Death? I’ll help you!”

Li Yanze's whole body's energy and blood shook. He quickly condensed his energy and blood armor, and with a sudden punch, he punched Tangdi Yuan in the chest!

However, what he didn't expect was that Tangdi Ape's steps were slightly to one side, and his body was arched in a strange arc, and he narrowly avoided his punch.

 “Spiritual Ape Step! Have you never seen it before? It’s just a rubbish!”

Tangdi Ape chuckled, put his hands directly to the ground, and suddenly swept out his whip legs!

Li Yanze's expression changed, and he hurriedly changed his moves. He retracted his arms and crossed them in front of himself to protect him!


Tangdi Ape's whip legs hit his arms hard! For a moment, under this force, Li Yanze's figure was forcefully pushed back several steps!

Even the blood armor condensed on both arms showed several cracks!

I don’t know if it’s Li Yanze’s misunderstanding.

He always felt that the power of Tangdiman's legs was stronger than his own energy and blood!

However, Tangdiman's offensive is still not over!

His hands were supporting the ground, and his legs were like spinning tops spinning at high speed, and he was slashing towards Li Yanze like crazy!

 The attack is like a violent storm!

Under such an intensive offensive, Li Yanze fell into a completely passive situation and could not find a chance to counterattack!

  All the spectators in the audience showed subtle and unbelievable expressions.

Li Yanze, a sixth-level warrior, was actually being suppressed and beaten by a fifth-level warrior like Tang Diyuan? !

Oh My God.

 Could it be said that the overall strength of Jingwu has reached this point?

 Even the substitutes have become so fierce?

 It’s too fake!

Tang Diyuan used his almost crazy offensive to suppress Li Yanze for nearly three minutes!

The latter's Qi-Blood Armor was about to be kicked to pieces by Tangdi Ape!

Then, Tang Diyuan pointed his toes, distanced himself directly from Li Yanze, and said proudly: "This is my own 'wind **** leg', how about it? You haven't seen it before, have you? You idiot!"

Tang Dipithecus looks like a rustic, and the intensity of his ridicule should not be too strong.

Li Yanze's forehead veins were beating wildly. He stared coldly at the Tangdiman in front of him and said in a cold voice: "If I guessed correctly, you should have no energy left now, right?"

 He has been holding back!

Tangdi Ape's move is indeed very powerful.

It is even so strong that it can burst out with a power that is slightly stronger than its own energy and blood!

 But this kind of overloading move is also an extremely serious overdraft for one's own physical strength.

 So, Li Yanze did not choose to fight back forcefully.

In his opinion, Tangdi Ape's behavior is really unwise.

 He only needs to keep defending until the moment when Tangdi Ape is exhausted!

 At that time, he will be able to defeat Tang Di Yuan easily without any effort!

 Obviously, he waited.

Tang Dipithecus's attack was like a sudden rain. It looked menacing, but in fact it only caused some minor injuries to him.

 And now...the time for him to fight back has finally arrived!

Li Yanze’s face was as gloomy as water.

 He cracked his knuckles.

 Having endured it for so long, he wants to let the other person know what real pain is!

However, before Li Yanze could make a move, the man in front of him lazily raised his right hand: "Hey, referee, I give up!"

 For a time, the entire arena was filled with dead silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

 Everyone thought they had heard wrongly.

Even the referee didn't react and was frozen on the spot.

Dondi Ape glanced at him and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? I remember that the rules allow you to admit defeat!"

 (End of this chapter)

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