Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 125: The battle of survival begins! 【Third update! Asking for recommendation votes

Chapter 125: Survival battle begins! 【Third update! Please vote for recommendation! 】

 According to Wang Zhanlin, this survival battle is indeed full of randomness!

If you are lucky, you may land directly at the same place as your school friends.

  But if you are unlucky.

As soon as you land, there will be seven or eight other Wuhan University players, staring at you eagerly, ready to eliminate you!

However, Lin Yuan is not worried about this.

 After all, he possesses the power of "invisibility".

  If he is really surrounded by enemies, he can completely escape by becoming invisible!

 The only person he was a little worried about was Chu Yu!

If a fifth-level mentalist is targeted by other members of the Wuhan University, it will be difficult to escape!

Although assassins are not allowed in the fraternity competition, Lin Yuan cannot accept even if Chu Yu is just injured!

 His girl should be protected by him!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan has already made up his mind. After the survival battle begins, the first thing he wants to think about is not how to protect himself or eliminate others.

 Instead, priority should be given to finding Chu Yu!

Just as everyone was thinking about the rules, Wang Zhanlin spoke again.

“By the way, there’s one more thing, and that’s the points rules for survival battles!”

“As the last game of the friendship competition, the score of the survival battle is as high as thirty points!”

thirty marks?!

 After hearing this number, everyone was slightly stunned.

so tall!

You should know that there are fourteen individual battles, totaling fourteen points.

 Two team battles, totaling ten points.

 The score of this survivable battle.

 It is worth the sum of individual battles and team battles combined!

Looking at the surprised expressions of everyone, Wang Zhanlin said quietly: "The score is indeed very high, but no Wuhan university can guarantee that it can get these thirty points?"

 “Fight for survival!”

“A total of ten people from Wuhan University, including substitutes, participated in the battle!”

“That is to say, everyone who survives to the end, whether you are a full member or a substitute, can help the school get three points!”

 “If ten people play and all are not eliminated, then we can get thirty points!”

“However, I believe you also know how difficult it is.”

 Everyone could not help but nodded.

Every member of the Wuhan University participating in the battle has some strength and weakness. No one can guarantee that he will have the last laugh in the battle of survival.

Even the most powerful newbies of Song Wenhui’s level may not be completely sure.

 Because, the stronger you are, the more people will be watching you!

 Ten famous schools including Wuhan University.

 A total of one hundred new warriors participated in the battle!

No matter how strong you Song Wenhui is, can you defeat the team of five people?

 Even if it is possible, what about the ten people?

 Where are the twenty people?

 How about forty people?

 As long as you are not the God of War, you will always fall!

 As the last game of the friendship competition, the survival battle is destined to be extremely brutal!

 “Get ready!”

Wang Zhanlin stood up, glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and said calmly: "Let me tell you clearly, according to the current points situation, in the survival battle, at least three of us must persist to the end before we can win the victory. Ranked among the top three in this friendly competition!”

“So, I ask you, no matter what, three of you must stay until the end!”

 Yes, three people!

As long as three people stay until the end, Wudu University will have the hope of reaching the top three!

This also reflects from the side how cruel the battle for survival is!

According to past practice, even prestigious Wuhan universities such as Tianzhe Wuhan University and Southeast Wuhan University may be wiped out!

Even last year, Mowu achieved a humiliating ranking of fourth because only one person survived to the end in the survival battle!

 Then, Wang Zhanlin continued to speak. “You are each other’s companions and comrades-in-arms, and you must be united as one!”

 “The strong should protect the weak as much as possible.”

“But if you really encounter an unmatched situation, I believe you also know what to do.”

 “The weak ones, take the initiative to stand up and create opportunities for other companions who are more hopeful to persevere!”

 “This is the last one.”

“I hope you won’t disappoint me, let alone Mowu!”

Wang Zhanlin’s voice is low, but very resounding!

Everyone’s eyes became firm.

For the sake of Mowu, do your best!


 The survival battle was arranged on the seventh day after the end of the squad battle!

 This can be considered as a consideration for them.

 Because in the small team battle, many warriors were seriously injured.

Although Yanjing Wuhan University has top medical standards, it will still take some time for the newly injured warriors to fully recover.

 Furthermore, after experiencing individual battles and team battles one after another, many new warriors gained some insights during the battle.

 For them, this period of time is an excellent buffer period!

 Take Shen Xiao as an example.

He took advantage of these few days to successfully break through the shackles and officially reached the realm of a sixth-level warrior!

 Only fighting can unleash a warrior's potential!

 The day the survival battle begins.

The new martial artists from each school are all wearing martial arts uniforms exclusive to their respective martial arts universities!

Lin Yuan’s martial arts uniforms are as black as ink!

 Behind the martial arts uniform, the word "魔武" is outlined in a blank space!

 The martial arts uniforms of each school are different.

Even if the colors are the same, the words behind them are different.

 This point is naturally considered to distinguish the new martial artists from each school from each other.

“Okay, starting from the freshmen of Southeast Wuhan University, get on the off-road truck one by one!”

 With a loud shout from the person in charge, the prelude to the survival battle was officially unveiled!

 “Everyone, listen up, I’m only going to say it once!”

“After boarding the off-road truck, we will temporarily block your five senses!”

“All of you will be randomly dropped on a hill for a day and night of survival battle!”

"You can rest assured that this hilly area is an area we have specially designated for this survival battle. There are no strange beasts or other dangers!"

“Once you leave the specified area, you will be deemed to have given up automatically!”

"I believe your team leader should have told you about other specific rules, so I won't talk nonsense."

 “Well, I wish you... good luck!”

Just as he finished speaking, everyone got on the off-road truck one after another!

 There were five trucks in total, loaded with one hundred people from Jusho University, rumbling towards the area specified by the survival battle!

 In the carriage, everyone was silent.

 No one knows where they will be released.

 No one knows whether they will survive to the end in this battle for survival!

 (End of this chapter)

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