Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 126: Stay where you are and I'll come find you! 【First update! 】

Chapter 126: Stay where you are, I’ll come find you! 【First update! 】

 “Are you afraid?”

Lin Yuan sat next to Chu Yu, held her right hand, and asked softly.

"not afraid."

Chu Yu replied calmly.

Lin Yuan smiled: "Then you are quite courageous."

Chu Yu shook his head and said softly: "No, it's because I know you will come to me, so I'm not afraid."

Lin Yuan's heart trembled slightly, and he smiled and rubbed her head: "Don't worry, I can do it."

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a face as calm as the lake stood up and said calmly: "The survival battle area will soon arrive."

“Next, I will temporarily close your five senses.”

 Subsequently, he came to the first new warrior and said, "Don't resist."

 A spiritual force surged out from his palm, completely sealing all the senses of this new warrior.

As long as a spiritual master of level seven or above can do this.

 The premise is that the other party does not offer any resistance.

This middle-aged man moved very quickly, and within a short time, most of the people in the carriage had their senses blocked by him.

 Subsequently, he finally came to Lin Yuan.

 “Don’t resist, let me seal your five senses.”

When the middle-aged man stretched out his hand, he happened to see Lin Yuan's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

His mind trembled slightly, and he subconsciously said, "Your eyes are very beautiful."

There seems to be a kind of magic that is breathtaking and enough to make people fall into sinking!

Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "Thank you."

 This middle-aged man chose to leave.

However, Lin Yuan was surprised to find that his vision was not affected at all!


 With the ability of this middle-aged man.

 It is impossible to seal the Mangekyō Sharingan!

It seems like, compared to others, I already have a starting advantage.

 At the very least, he could understand roughly where everyone in the off-road truck was dropped.

After the off-road vehicle traveled to a hilly area, the new warriors in the carriage were also thrown off one by one.

At the same time, Lin Yuan has been silently observing the external terrain.

 He is the only one among these people who has not had his vision blocked!

 It's a pity that Shen Xiao is not on this off-road vehicle.

If you can join him, with the two of them joining forces, safety can be greatly guaranteed.

With fewer and fewer new warriors in the carriage, it was finally Lin Yuan and Chu Yu’s turn.

Lin Yuan directly took Chu Yu's hand.

 Using the index finger of her right hand, she lightly wrote a line of words on her palm.

 Stay where you are and wait for me to find you.

Although hearing, smell, vision, taste, and perception are all temporarily deprived, the touch is still there.

 After feeling the words written by Lin Yuan, Chu Yu nodded lightly.

Soon, all the new warriors in the entire carriage were randomly released.

 Not long after, everyone’s feeling of being sealed was lifted again!

Lin Yuan raised his head, and his eyes were filled with lush trees. Along the way, he has been using the Mangekyo Sharingan to record all the road conditions!

 The place where he is now is at least three to four kilometers away from Chu Yu's landing point.

It seems that I have to hurry up and rush over!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and took direct steps towards Chu Yu's direction.


While rushing on the road, Lin Yuan directly activated the ability of the thunder fruit, and his body suddenly turned into a beam of lightning, flying crazily between the trees.

Within five minutes, Lin Yuan had arrived near Chu Yu's location.

 It's just that there seem to be others who are faster than him.

Three new warriors wearing dark green martial arts uniforms were surrounding Chu Yu in the center and began to gradually tighten the encirclement.

 Like a seasoned hunter preparing to round up an animal that has accidentally fallen into a trap.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

The three new martial artists in front of me should all be from Sichuan Martial Arts University.

The school names on their martial arts uniforms have already revealed their identities.

I really didn’t expect that by letting Chu Yu stay where she was, not only did I fail to protect her, but I actually put her in a dangerous situation.

 Fortunately, I finally arrived in time!

The three people in front of them are not considered strong men. The strongest one only possesses the strength of a fifth-level peak warrior.

 It was a piece of cake for Lin Yuan to deal with the three of them.

With this thought in mind, Lin Yuan walked out slowly and glanced at the three of them with a cold gaze.

"I seems inappropriate for three people to bully a girl."

“Why don’t you let me be your opponent?”

Lin Yuan’s voice directly attracted the attention of the three people from Chuanjiang Wuhan University.

They frowned at first, but after seeing Lin Yuan's true face clearly, their faces showed horror again!

 Mowu, Lin Yuan!

Just this name is enough to make people feel fearful.

 After all, this is the reputation he has established through victory after victory!

Although he is Mowu's substitute, even Fang Nian, the vice-captain of Jingwu, was defeated by him!

“Damn it, how could I meet Lin Yuan in a place like this!”

The three of them, all official members of Sichuan Jiangwu University, happened to get together!

From their point of view, even if they are ordinary sixth-level warriors, they may not be incapable of fighting!

 But the key point is... can Lin Yuan be considered an ordinary sixth-level warrior?

 “Boss, fight or flight?”

 One of the three people couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked.

"What a joke! Have you forgotten what this guy's powers are? The thunder element and invisibility alone are more than enough to kill us! What else are you fighting for? Run away!"

This is Lin Yuan's current reputation. He didn't even take action, but these three people were already showing signs of being scared away!

Lin Yuan did not stop the three people from leaving.

 What he values ​​more is Chu Yu’s safety!

If a fight really breaks out, with one against three, it will be difficult for Lin Yuan to control Chu Yu who is aside.

However, at this moment, another figure walked out of the bushes on the side and stopped in front of Lin Yuan.

"I said... you warriors from Sichuan Jiangwu University only have this kind of backbone?"

“You clearly have the upper hand in numbers, but you were intimidated by this guy alone! Is this your warrior spirit?”

 The man who appeared in front of Lin Yuan finally raised his head, revealing his appearance.

This guy is not someone else.

It is none other than the deputy captain of Jingwu, Fang Nian!

 (End of this chapter)

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