Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 152: Queen ant! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 152 Queen Ant! 【Third update! 】

Before Chu Yu could even react to what happened, Lin Yuan pulled him into his arms!

Lin Yuan hugged Chu Yu and gritted his teeth, waiting for the sickle-like mouthparts of the gold-eating soldier ant to fall.

To be honest, Lin Yuan didn’t know if he could bear it!

 After all, the gold-devouring soldier ant is a seventh-level alien beast.

Three seventh-level beasts attacked at the same time, but Lin Yuan had to use his own flesh and blood to resist!

However, Lin Yuan has no regrets.

 Because, as long as you are alive, there is no reason to let the woman you love get hurt.

 “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

Lin Yuan said softly.

 The next second, another layer of lightning covered his body, forming a pair of blue thunder armor!

The blood armor and the thunder armor formed a double protection around Lin Yuan!

He has secretly made up his mind. As long as he can resist this wave of offensive, he will use Amaterasu Black Flame to burn all three gold-eating soldier ants in front of him to ashes!

 “Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

However, just as the mouthparts of the gold-eating soldier ants were about to bite, Lin Yuan's ears suddenly heard several piercing sounds!

 “Chi! Chi! Chi!”

Lin Yuan frowned in confusion.

 Because he discovered that the three gold-eating soldier ants in front of him were all motionless!

  No, it’s not that it’s not moving, it’s that it’s been forcibly nailed to the spot!

Lin Yuan then discovered that the source of the three piercing sounds were three **** arrows roaring from above!

These three blood arrows forcibly penetrated the bodies of the three ant beasts, like spikes, pinning them to the ground, unable to move at all!

Lin Yuan looked up and found that the one who shot these three **** arrows was Li Fenyou!

She looked down with an indifferent expression and snapped her fingers.

 The next second, these three blood arrows suddenly exploded!

 Under the impact caused by the explosion of blood arrows, the insect bodies of the three gold-eating soldier ants also torn apart!

 The crisis was resolved instantly.

Li Fenyou's figure floated down from mid-air and landed in front of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan chose to say thank you without hesitation: "Thank you, teacher, for the rescue."

If Li Fenyou hadn't taken action in time, even if Lin Yuan could kill these three seventh-level gold-devouring soldier ants, he would only have a narrow victory!

"There is no need to thank me. You are students of Mowu. It is my duty to protect you."

Li Feng gave Lin Yuan a faint look and said, "You are not bad. You are very courageous. At the very least, you dare to face life and death... Based on this alone, you are better than most eggless wimps."

Lin Yuan didn’t know who Li Fenyou was scolding, so he could only nodded slightly in response.

 Then, Li Fenyou turned his head and looked at Chu Yu: "Xiao Nizi, you have a good eye for choosing men."

As soon as Li Fenyou said these words, Chu Yu's face instantly turned crimson.

No matter how stupid she is, she should understand by now that Lin Yuan just rushed over desperately to protect her.

“Okay, come with me, I’ll take you back.”

Li Fengyou waved and said, "It's too dangerous here. Just because I can save you once doesn't mean I can save you every time."

Just when Lin Yuan was about to agree, the god-level selection system was triggered again!

  【Option 1: Choose to follow Li Fenyou out of here and return to a safer rear position, and you will be rewarded with 2000 blood points and 2000 mental power. 】

  【Option 2: Choose to reject Li Fengyou, stay in the ant tide, and kill three gold-eating soldier ants, and you will be rewarded with 8,000 blood points and 3,500 mental power. ]    Lin Yuan briefly glanced at the options and rewards, and quickly made a decision in his mind.

He raised his head and said to Li Fenyou: "Teacher Li, just take Chu Yu back, but it is very dangerous here. I don't want her to follow me anymore."

 Li Fengyou heard the implication of Lin Yuan's words, and there was a hint of strangeness in his eyes: "You mean... you want to continue to stay here?"

Lin Yuan smiled: "Between life and death, there are great terrors and great opportunities. It is rare to have such a good opportunity to sharpen yourself. I don't want to miss it."

The idea of ​​tempering oneself between life and death was just an excuse given by Lin Yuan.

His real purpose is to stay in the ant tide, kill three gold-eating soldier ants, and obtain the 8,000 points of qi and blood as a reward!

As long as he can get these eight thousand points of energy and blood, he can successfully break through to the seventh level and become a martial arts master!

 However, Lin Yuan's words greatly touched Li Fenyou.

She took a deep look at Lin Yuan and said softly: "If you don't die prematurely, you will definitely become a genius of this era."

 “Thank you, teacher, for your affirmation.”

Lin Yuan smiled freely.

He himself also believes that relying on the system, relying on his unwillingness to admit defeat, and relying on his courage to risk his life, he will definitely become the most dazzling existence in this era!

“Then I will take Chu Yu away first. Even if it is for her, you must come back alive.”

Li Fengyou left one last sentence, and then directly took Chu Yu Lukong away from this place.

"I will."

Lin Yuan looked at the direction in which the two people were leaving and murmured softly.

 Then, he turned around again and began to look for traces of soldier ants in the ant colony.

Based on previous experience, Lin Yuan has been able to roughly determine the location of the gold-devouring soldier ants.

 Because the gold-eating soldier ants need to move under the ground, the ground will appear slightly raised.

Although it is difficult for ordinary people to detect the slightly raised part with the naked eye, under Lin Yuan's Mangekyō Sharingan, it appears to be completely invisible.

"found it…"

Soon, Lin Yuan noticed the traces of a gold-eating soldier ant.

His figure suddenly rose up, and he rushed against the ant tide for tens of meters. The thunder blade in his hand also instantly turned into a longer thunder gun!

"right here!"

Lin Yuan's right foot landed on the ground, and the energy and blood around him suddenly burst out, and he forcibly plunged the thunder gun into the ground!

 Subsequently, he clearly felt that the thunder gun in his hand pierced the body of the gold-eating soldier ant lurking underground!

 This is the first prey he found!


 Ant tide, the last one.

A middle-aged man wearing a black cloak looked at the train in the distance with a gloomy expression.

 Under him is a gold-eating ant as big as a small hill!

To be precise, the gold-eating ant at the feet of this middle-aged man... is the queen of the ant colony!

This middle-aged man in a black cloak narrowed his eyes and murmured softly: "I don't believe it. I can't force an old guy like you out before killing all the people in the train!"

 (End of this chapter)

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