Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 153: Promotion, martial arts master! 【First update! 】

Chapter 153 Promotion, martial arts master! 【First update! 】

 The ant wave is still approaching.

Although the warriors in the carriage have spontaneously formed a defense line against the ant tide, the number of gold-eating ants is too great and there is no way to completely resist it.

 As time goes by, the distance between the swarm of gold-eating ants and the train is getting closer and closer.

Even if Li Fengyou gets support from all over the place, he can't stand alone.

 “Given the current situation, how long can we hold on?”

Li Fengyou looked gloomy and asked.

Beside him was another martial arts master of Mowu.

The man shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Based on the current situation, I'm afraid it will take half an hour at most."

 In half an hour, the train will completely collapse!

By that time, all the civilians on the train will be instantly submerged by the tide of gold-eating ants and buried in the belly of the ants!

Li Fengyou pursed his lips and asked coldly: "How long will it take for the support from Yanjing to arrive?"

 “No…don’t know.”

"tell me!"

The martial arts master smiled bitterly again and shook his head: "This place is too far away from Yanjing. If we want to wait for someone to come with support, it will take at least more than forty minutes in the fastest case."

 After hearing these words, Li Fenyou's heart suddenly sank.

 The fastest it takes is more than 40 minutes!

And the tide of gold-eating ants in front of them will completely break through their defense line in thirty minutes and submerge the entire train!

 Although there seems to be only a dozen minutes difference between the two.

 But these ten minutes were enough for the swarm of gold-eating ants to devour all the civilians on the train.

If this happens, even if the rescue team arrives, there will be no way to recover.

 If they fail to protect the civilians on the train, then everything they do has no meaning.

The martial arts master was a little disheartened.

 To be honest, he has given up.

Facing such a huge ant tide, even if he is a martial arts master, he can't change anything by himself.

 However, at this moment, Li Fenyou spoke as if mumbling to himself.

 “There is still a chance...there is still a chance!”

 He was slightly dazed.

still have a chance? What other opportunities are there?

Li Fenyou's eyes flickered and he said, "The time and location of the ant wave's appearance are too coincidental."

From the moment the ant tide appeared, Li Fenyou had been suspicious!

She wondered if there was someone behind the ant tide who was deliberately manipulating it!

 When he learned that Yanjing could not send people to support him in a short period of time, Li Fenyou was even more convinced of his suspicions!

 Because all of this is such a coincidence!

The ant swarm just happened to get stuck on the train halfway and launched an attack!

 In this way, they are completely isolated.

Whether it is Yanjing or the Magic City, no one can support them immediately!

The martial arts master quickly reacted: "It seems to be true, so what do you mean..."

 Li Fenyou's face was as dark as water, and he said firmly: "Find a way to find out the mastermind behind this and kill him."

Although her tone was calm, there was an endless chill in her words. No matter what the other party’s purpose is, Li Fenyou cannot condone this kind of behavior that regards human life as nothing!

 His heart trembled slightly.

He obviously did not expect that even in such a desperate situation, Li Fenyou still did not choose to give up. She still wanted to save the lives of everyone in the train!

 Li Fenyou used his own interpretation to interpret the most noble spirit of a warrior, which is to unconditionally protect the weak!

 Many people believe that the purpose for warriors to become stronger is to reach higher places, to be able to trample everyone else under their feet!

 But in Li Fenyou's view, the real meaning of a warrior becoming stronger is to protect!

 Protect the weak, protect the common people!

 Protect all the good things you want to protect!

Then, Li Fenyou turned his head and said, "Luo Tong, convey the order for me. All the martial arts masters will lead their teams deep into the ant colony to search for clues of the manipulator behind the scenes!"


The martial arts master named ‘Luo Tong’ nodded heavily and cheered up again!

 Li Fengyou’s spirit truly infected him.

 Don’t give up at any time!

However, at this moment, an old man with gray hair staggered towards the direction of Li Fenyou.

 Behind the old man, there was a young warrior who was constantly trying to dissuade him.

 “Old sir, it’s too dangerous over there, you can’t go there!”

“Listen to me and stay in the train, we will do our best to protect you!”

 “Don’t go any further, old gentleman!”


This old man did not stop trying to dissuade him at all, but still stubbornly walked in the direction where Li Fenyou was.

The young warrior behind Li Fenyou smiled bitterly and said, "Senior Li, this old gentleman wants to come out to see you no matter what. I can't stop him."

Just as Luo Tong was about to scold him, Li Fengyou stretched out his hand to stop him.

 Then she looked at the old man in front of her and asked, "Old sir, do you have anything to ask me about?"

The old man sighed slightly: "The mastermind behind this ant wave is very likely... targeting me."

 “No, to be more precise, he came for the thing in my hand.”

 He smiled bitterly, and slowly took out a very ordinary-looking wooden box from his arms.

 Then, he stretched out his hand and slowly opened the wooden box in his hand directly in front of everyone.


 Behind the ant tide.

Lin Yuan held the thunder blade in his hand. On the blade, lightning flashed, and he cut off the head of a gold-eating soldier ant again!

This is already the third gold-eating soldier ant he has pulled out from the ground and killed!

During the entire process, Lin Yuan did not use the ability of Amaterasu Black Flame from beginning to end.

 First of all, I don’t want to put too much burden on my eyes.

 Secondly, I also want to hone my combat skills.

For example, the gold-devouring soldier ant is a strange beast whose strength is at least the seventh level, just enough for Lin Yuan to use it as a whetstone for practicing!

 At the very least, after these three battles, Lin Yuan became more and more mature in using the upgraded fruit abilities!

 After Lin Yuan successfully killed the third gold-eating soldier ant, the system's beep finally rang in his ears!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the choice, you will be rewarded with 8000 points of vitality and 3500 points of mental power!”

Lin Yuan was very happy.

 With this 8,000 points of qi and blood bonus, he was finally able to...successfully break through to the realm of a martial arts master!

 (End of this chapter)

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