Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 154: The mastermind behind the scenes! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 154 The mastermind behind the scenes! 【Second update! 】

 After receiving the 8,000 points of qi and blood as rewards from the system, the qi and blood around Lin Yuan suddenly shook!

However, this is just the beginning!

Lin Yuan felt that a force as violent as thunder seemed to rush out of his Qi and blood, as if it was transforming the power of his own Qi and blood for him!

If Lin Yuan remembers correctly, after breaking through to the realm of a seventh-level master, the most important sign is that the Qi and blood will form corresponding 'characteristics' according to the characteristics of the warrior!

 Lin Yuan felt that the energy and blood all over his body were like boiling water, extremely hot, surging crazily in his blood vessels.

At the same time, black impurities were constantly discharged from the pores of Lin Yuan's skin.

This feeling is simply painful and joyful.

In the process of qi and blood boiling and expelling impurities, Lin Yuan felt that his whole body had been sublimated like a reborn!

 The process of Qi and blood transformation lasted for about a minute!

During this period of time, the aura emanating from Lin Yuan alone frightened the gold-eating ants around him.

 Suddenly, no ant beast dared to get close!

After Lin Yuan endured the pain caused by the transformation of Qi and blood, he felt that his whole person was completely new.

You must know that for a warrior, one hundred thousand qi and blood is a threshold!

 With 100,000 Qi and blood, he is an ordinary warrior.

Above 100,000 qi and blood, he is a martial arts master!

 Such a threshold division is naturally not without basis.

 Many warriors who are not talented enough will be stuck outside this threshold, ranging from a few months to a few years!

 In the martial arts journey, in addition to hard work, talent is also very important!

Thresholds large and small will cruelly exclude those warriors who are not talented enough.

 For Lin Yuan, who has a system, there is no such trouble at all.

 After all, as long as Lin Yuan makes a choice, he can improve his energy and blood without encountering any threshold at all!

 Now Lin Yuan should be regarded as the most evil being among his peers!

 After all, even Song Wenhui, who was recognized as the strongest among the freshmen of major prestigious schools, has not yet broken through to the realm of martial arts master!

If Lin Yuan and Song Wenhui were to fight again now, the former would be able to defeat him easily without using the Amaterasu Black Flame.

 After all, there is a huge gap between a sixth-level warrior and a seventh-level master.

 The qualitative changes brought about by the formation of Qi and blood characteristics will greatly improve the warrior's strength!

 “Blood armor, condense!”

After the Qi and blood completely transformed, Lin Yuan did not hesitate. The Qi and blood around his body suddenly vibrated and condensed into Qi and blood armor!

 It's just that Lin Yuan's blood armor has now turned into a dark blue!

That’s right, after the transformation, Lin Yuan’s energy and blood transformed into a dark blue color according to his own ‘thunder attribute’ characteristics!

Furthermore, not only the color of Qi and blood has changed, but also the attack power and defense power have been greatly improved!

Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the power of blue energy and blood in his body had completely inherited the unique characteristics of the 'Thunder' attribute.

 The biggest feature is not its extremely aggressive offensive power...but its almost terrifying explosive power!

"We have to find a gold-eating soldier ant to test it out..."

Lin Yuan's eyes flickered. He couldn't wait to test the explosive power of Thunder Qi and Blood!

 Subsequently, he opened the Mangekyo Sharingan without hesitation, and directly searched for traces of gold-eating soldier ants!

 Under the powerful insight of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Lin Yuan quickly found a slightly raised ground a thousand meters away! After finding the prey, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly turned into a bolt of thunder, forced through the swarm of gold-devouring ants, and punched the ground!

With a roar of thunder, the ground beneath his feet suddenly exploded into pieces, forcing out the gold-eating soldier ants hidden beneath the ground!

 After being forced to leave the ground, the gold-devouring soldier ants kept making uneasy hissing sounds and stared at Lin Yuan in front of them.

 Because the man in front of it brought an extremely terrifying sense of pressure to it.

Lin Yuan didn't talk nonsense, his body suddenly rose up, a thunder blade instantly condensed in his hand, and he attacked the gold-devouring soldier ants!

The latter neighed in a low voice and also struggled with Lin Yuan!

Thunder energy and blood, like a long snake, swam on the thunder blade, making Lin Yuan's sword more powerful and violent!

In just five seconds, Lin Yuan completely suppressed the gold-eating soldier ant in front of him!


During the process of suppression, Lin Yuan quickly found an opening!

His figure jumped up, and the thunder knife in his hand slashed at the gold-devouring soldier ants in front of him!

 The sword light and thunder light suddenly appeared!

 Lin Yuan's sword attack completely exploded the energy and blood in his body to the extreme!

 The power is terrifying!

 Under this extremely sharp sword, the gold-devouring soldier ant was cut into two pieces very neatly.


Lin Yuan let out a long breath.

 The explosive power of Thunder Qi and blood was stronger than he expected!

 After breaking through to the seventh level Grandmaster, Lin Yuan's combat effectiveness has increased by at least 50% compared to before!

Lin Yuan raised his head with satisfaction, but couldn't help but frown slightly.

 Because he always felt that in the vision of the Mangekyo Sharingan, the scene in front of him seemed not quite right.

Lin Yuan was concentrating on fighting before, so he didn't pay much attention.

 But after the battle, this feeling that something was wrong became even stronger.

This feeling is as if someone has used a spiritual curtain to cover part of the scenery.

Lin Yuan did not dare to hesitate and directly mobilized his mental power. With full concentration, he opened the Mangekyo Sharingan again and looked straight ahead!

"This is…"

 The next second, a look of shock suddenly appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

 Because, he finally used the Mangekyō Sharingan to see through the scene hidden behind the spiritual power curtain!

What appeared in front of Lin Yuan's eyes was a gold-devouring ant queen as huge as a hill!

And a middle-aged man wearing a black cloak was sitting on the head of the ant queen with an indifferent expression, looking at the location of the train with cold eyes!

For a moment, Lin Yuan could not help but hold his breath, and even his heart was beating wildly!

If Lin Yuan guessed correctly, the person in front of him...should be the mastermind behind the attack on the train by controlling the swarm of gold-eating ants!

 (End of this chapter)

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