Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 157: A mysterious organization overseas! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 157 A mysterious organization overseas! 【Second update! 】

“Old sir, this is definitely not your problem. Please don’t blame yourself too much.”

 After Lin Genshan sighed, Luo Tong quickly spoke to comfort him.

 Li Fenyou also nodded and said, "The most important thing now is to pull the other party out of the ant tide."

“So, I want you to temporarily lend me this beast spirit crystal, and let me negotiate terms with him and lure him out.”

Lin Genshan took a deep breath and said, "I'll go with you!"

“No, you stay here, I can’t allow ordinary people like you to take this risk with me!”

Li Fengyou rejected Lin Genshan's request, and then said again: "Besides, once the battle starts, I won't be able to think about protecting you."

Luo Tong also echoed: "Yes, old sir, just give her the beast spirit crystal. She is very strong, and she is a famous female devil in our Mowu..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Fengyou glanced at him with cold eyes. Luo Tong was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth.

 Lin Genshan is not a rigid person. Since both of them have said this, he no longer insists.

He handed the wooden box with the beast spirit crystal in his hand directly to Li Fenyou's hand, and said solemnly: "Then I'll leave everything to you!"

Li Fenyou put away the wooden box and smiled: "It's just that everyone performs their duties."

 The responsibility of scientific researchers is to develop science and technology to benefit the country.

 And the duty of their warriors is to protect their homes and country and guard the civilians!

Subsequently, Li Fenyou turned around without hesitation, suddenly rose into the air, grabbed the wooden box in his hand, and flew towards the back of the ant tide.

 The time left for her is running out.

Li Fengyou must find He Shengtu as soon as possible in order to protect the civilians on the train!


 Behind the ant tide.

 Time passes minute by minute.

 Cold sweat had completely soaked his back.

However, Lin Yuan did not dare to lift the hidden state at all.

 Because he didn't know whether the mysterious man would still pay attention here.

 No, for a spiritual warrior of this level, he only needs to devote one-tenth of his mind here to be able to detect Lin Yuan's revealed figure at any time!

No matter what, Lin Yuan did not dare to gamble with his life.

Caution is the boat!

 He was prepared to wait until the mysterious man sitting on the queen's head was distracted, and then he would find a way to escape from this place!

However, at this moment, a fiery red figure suddenly flew through the sky!

Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

 Because this fiery red figure is none other than Li Fengyou!

I saw a wooden box in her hand, a pair of beautiful eyes looking around sharply, and she spoke loudly.

 “He Shengtu, come out! I know you are nearby!”

"I have what you want in my hand. If you come out, we can discuss the terms!"

 “Listen, I’m giving you a chance now!”

“Immediately, Yanjing will send people to support you. By then, no matter what plans you have, there is absolutely no possibility of them being realized!”

 After listening to what Li Fenyou said, Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

Although he heard it at a loss, if he thought about it carefully, he could analyze a large amount of information. If Lin Yuan guessed correctly, the ‘He Shengtu’ Li Fengyou mentioned should be the mysterious man sitting on the head of the queen ant!

 Li Fenyou must have learned the identity of the other party, so he came to the rear of the ant tide and wanted to force the other party out!

However, Lin Yuan didn't know what was contained in the wooden box Li Fenyou was holding.

Judging from the meaning of her words, it seems that she can use them as a 'bargaining chip' to negotiate with the other party.

After shouting a few times, Li Fenyou seemed to be a little impatient, and his words began to become a little irritable.

"He Shengtu, as long as you are still a man with balls, get out and have a fight with me!"

 “What kind of skill is it to hide in the dark so timidly?”

“Come out and fight me! If you win, the beast spirit crystal will be yours!”

“Get out quickly! If you don’t get out, I’ll crush your **** with my kick!”

 Lin Yuan: “…”

Listening to Li Fenyou's increasingly unrestrained yelling and cursing, even Lin Yuan felt a slight pain in his crotch.

Li Fengyou... really deserves the title of 'Red Flame Witch'.

At first, Lin Yuan thought that although Li Fenyou was not a stunning beauty, she could still be considered fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged.

 He quite didn't understand why Wang Zhanlin was so afraid of Li Fenyou showing favor to him.

Now Lin Yuan finally understands the principal's feelings.

Li Fengyou was shouting and cursing, but He Shengtu still sat unmoved on the queen's head.

Of course he knew that Li Fengyou was holding the beast spirit crystal in his hand.

 Because He Shengtu could feel the unique aura of the beast spirit crystal.

 Thinking about it, Li Fenyou should have already been in contact with that old guy Lin Genshan.

 Otherwise, it would be impossible for this woman to know her identity, let alone get the beast spirit crystal.

Although the beast spirit crystal that he had been looking for for so long was within easy reach, He Shengtu still did not intend to show his face.

 Because of the current situation, he doesn't have to bear the risk of fighting Li Fenyou at all.

As long as the swarm of gold-eating ants surrounds the train, the initiative is completely in one's own hands.

If Li Fenyou wants to save the lives of the civilians on the train, he must obediently offer the beast spirit crystal.

Although this method is a bit shameful, as long as you can get the beast spirit crystal, everything you do will be worth it!

Furthermore, He Shengtu also knew in his heart that after finishing this vote, his ranking on the ‘black list’ would definitely rise significantly!

 The Ministry of Military Affairs will also increase its bounty accordingly!

By that time, there will definitely be no way to stay in China.

  I must find a way to escape overseas!

 Fortunately, He Shengtu was well prepared for this. He had already informed a mysterious overseas organization in advance before launching the operation.

Once you succeed, the other party will immediately send someone to help you!

 When he thought of that organization, He Shengtu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, he still doesn’t know the details of that mysterious organization.

However, what He Shengtu knew was that this mysterious organization possessed great energy!

Even though he is an eighth-level venerable, after joining the organization, he still only has a marginal status.

 Furthermore, all the information about the ‘Beast Spirit Crystal’ was provided to him by that mysterious organization!

 (End of this chapter)

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