Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 158: A twenty-year-old martial arts master? ! 【First update! 】

Chapter 158 A twenty-year-old martial arts master? ! 【First update! 】

As long as you can capture this 'Beast Spirit Crystal', then you can try to make the beasts under your command successfully break through to the ninth level!

In this way, although his mental strength has not been able to break through to the realm of the ninth-level Heavenly King, he can still possess the combat power of the Heavenly King level!

He Shengtu knew very well that his martial arts talent was limited, and it was simply difficult to reach the ninth level of Heavenly King.

 Hence, he can only try to improve his strength through this sideways method.

 As for Li Fenyou's threat, he didn't take it to heart at all.

 The distance traveled by the train and the time it took for Yanjing warriors to arrive with support were all calculated by He Shengtu.

 He must ensure that he can escape unscathed after obtaining the beast spirit crystal.

Li Fengyou was still provoking and threatening He Shengtu in mid-air, but the latter was unmoved at all, quietly waiting for the time to mature.

Finally, Li Fenyou became a little impatient. She guessed that He Shengtu had used some special method to hide her figure.

Countless burning blood beads separated from Li Fengyou’s body and floated beside her.

 The next second, these blood drops were pouring crazily around like a violent storm!

Each blood bead is as powerful as a bullet!

Once hit by the blood bead, the gold-eating ant's body exploded on the spot.

At Li Fenyou’s feet, large swathes of gold-eating ants died, as if they were straw harvested by a sickle.

It’s just that her goal is not to kill these gold-eating ants, but to use this method to find out the location of He Shengtu!


He Shengtu's eyes were cold and he gave her a sarcastic look.

The scope of the ant swarm is so wide. If Li Fengyou cannot determine his specific location, even if he searches for half an hour using this method alone, he will not be found. It will be just a waste!

But what He Shengtu didn't notice was that just when he put all his attention on Li Fengyou.

 A figure emerged from the ant tide.

 “Senior Li Fengyou!”

Since Li Fenyou had already appeared, Lin Yuan no longer had to worry about He Shengtu's existence and just shouted loudly!

“Lin Yuan? Why are you here?”

 Li Fengyou was quickly attracted by Lin Yuan's shouts. He frowned slightly. After Yu Kong flew over, he opened his mouth and asked.

Lin Yuan smiled bitterly: "We fought all the way here."

Li Fengyou thought for a moment, then directly picked up Lin Yuan's collar and lifted him in the air like a puppy.

Lin Yuan: "...Teacher, is this not good?"

Li Fengyou said casually: "There's nothing wrong with it. It's very dangerous here, but I don't have time to send you back now, so just follow me first."

Lin Yuan scratched his head and said softly: "Teacher, you'd better let go of me. I can control the air myself."

"you can?"

Li Fengyou was stunned for a moment, and a look of suspicion suddenly appeared on his face.

You must know that flying in the air is the privilege of a martial arts master!

Before the Qi and blood have undergone a qualitative change, even someone as strong as Song Wenhui cannot forcefully cross this gap and fly in the air.

However, since Lin Yuan had already said that, Li Fenyou finally tentatively let go of his hand.

  It’s not high here anyway.

If it really fell, this guy is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so he would definitely not be able to die. Fortunately, Lin Yuan can't read minds. If he knew Li Fenyou's thoughts, he would probably curse her.

 As long as you don’t kill anyone, will it be fine? !

After Li Fenyou let go of his hand, the power of blue blood vibrated around Lin Yuan, lifting his body up in the air.

Since it was his first time to try flying in the air, Lin Yuan's figure was slightly swayed, but he stabilized after gradually becoming proficient.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a look of surprise suddenly flashed across Li Fenyou's face.

 “The quality of Qi and blood changes, and you can fly in the air?!”

The mark of a martial arts master is perfectly displayed on Lin Yuan!

So to say…

“Have you broken through to the seventh level of warrior?”

Li Fengyou's beautiful eyes were staring straight at Lin Yuan, as if he wanted to get an answer from the latter's mouth.

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded, humbly saying: "It's just a fluke."

Looking at this guy's smiling face, Li Fenyou really wanted to punch this guy in the face!

Although Lin Yuan's tone was very humble, it sounded like she was showing off!

 How old is this boy? I'm afraid you've just reached your twenties, right?

 Twenty-year-old martial arts master?

 This can no longer be described simply as a genius or a monster.

Just hearing it makes people feel incredible.

Li Fengyou took a deep breath and said slowly: "You kid, you are such a monster."

 She also heard Wang Zhanlin mention Lin Yuan.

 When this boy first entered school, he was only a fifth-level warrior.

 But how long has passed since then, and he has already reached the level of a martial arts master!

Li Fenyou really can't find any other words to describe this incredible breakthrough speed except "monster".

However, Lin Yuan did not dwell on this topic, but directly asked: "Senior Li Fenyou, may I ask, what happened?"

“There’s no need to refer to each senior, just call me Sister Fengyou.”

 Li Fenyou glanced at Lin Yuan and said sourly: "With your talent, I guess it won't take a few years for your strength to catch up with mine."

Lin Yuan's talent really made her jealous.

However, teasing was all about teasing, Li Fenyou still told Lin Yuan all the ins and outs of the matter.

After listening, Lin Yuan frowned and asked: "In other words... this He Shengtu is the real mastermind behind the scenes?"

 Li Fengyou nodded and sighed slightly: "It's a pity that this guy is very insidious. He still refuses to show his face until now. He probably wants to use the lives of the people on that train to force me to submit."

Since he was able to cultivate to the eighth level, it naturally proves that Li Fenyou is not a fool, and of course he knows He Shengtu's plan.

  Her wanton provocation and insults to the latter were actually a disguised way of provoking him, hoping to force him into a fight.

It's a pity that He Shengtu was too forbearing and was not fooled.

However, what Li Fenyou never expected was that Lin Yuan suddenly raised his head and said solemnly: "What if I say that I know the specific location of He Shengtu?"

Li Fenyou’s eyes suddenly widened: “How could you possibly know?!”

 (End of this chapter)

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