Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 168: Enemies meet on a narrow road! 【First update! 】

Chapter 168 Enemies meet on a narrow road! 【First update! 】

As for He Shengtu, Lin Yuan didn't care about him.

 Since this guy has lost the ability to escape, we might as well just let him fend for himself here.

 At Yanjing, warriors will soon come to support them.

 At that time, someone will naturally deal with this guy.

What if He Shengtu suddenly self-destructs in despair when he gets close to the past? Wouldn't he die unjustly?

Lin Yuan, as a cautious person, would naturally not be able to do such a risky thing.

“Teacher Li, you look quite slim, why are you so heavy...”

Lin Yuan carried Li Fenyou and walked back step by step.

 Fortunately, Li Fengyou is in a coma now, otherwise she would have to bite Lin Yuan to death after hearing what he said.

Xiaoyou was like a puppy, following Lin Yuan obediently.

Lin Yuan turned his head and glanced at the little guy. After hesitating for a moment, he still took him into the pet space.

 It is too arrogant to follow him so arrogantly.

 It is not suitable for others to know that I own Xiaoyou yet.

Although Xiaoyou has undergone a certain degree of mutation, others can still tell at a glance that it is the cub of the Ice You Demon Armored Dragon.

Under this situation, if Wang Zhanlin knew about Xiaoyou's existence, based on his IQ, it would not be difficult to deduce where Lin Yuan got this dragon pet.

 At that time, Wang Zhanlin will have to peel off a layer of skin from Lin Yuan's body!

 Let alone Wang Zhanlin, not even Li Fengyou could let him go easily.

Damn it, we are working so hard to fight the Ice Demon Armored Dragon up there, and you are sneaking down below to steal dragon eggs? !

Just thinking about this scene, Lin Yuan felt a little shuddering.

 So, it is better for Xiaoyou not to show his face easily.

After walking a distance of about two kilometers, Lin Yuan finally felt a little tired. He put Li Fenyou down and sat down slowly, leaning against a dead tree.

 The penetrating wound on the chest was still gushing blood.

  But fortunately, under the influence of fairy beans, new granulations have begun to grow.

 It is estimated that the injury will be fully recovered in less than half an hour.

 Although it is still some distance from the train, it is basically safe.


 “Damn it, why did you ask me to go?”

"The ant tide hasn't receded for long, what if there is still danger? These people... don't care about my life or death at all!"

“After I return to the magic city, I must ask my family for more training resources. When I break through to the seventh level, I will beat you all to disability!”

Xu Xinning had a look of resentment on his face, and kept muttering something as he walked.

 He certainly did not leave the train voluntarily.

After the ant tide subsided, Fang Tianji kicked him off the train and told him to go out to find Li Fenyou. If he couldn't find him, he might as well not come back!

Fang Tianji was of course deliberately making things difficult for Xu Xinning.

 Fang Tianji really didn't have a good impression of Xu Xinning, a coward who was afraid of death.

Xu Xinning originally wanted to protest a few words, but looking at Fang Tianji's eyes that looked like he was about to kill someone, he held back his words as soon as he spoke, so he had no choice but to obey and go out to look for traces of Li Fengyou.

Xu Xinning walked and glanced around. He had already made up his mind to withdraw immediately if he found any sign of danger!

 Fortunately, the ant tide has completely receded, and he did not encounter any danger along the way.

“Fang Tianji, I’ll wait for you.”

Thinking of what happened just now, Xu Xinning couldn't help but gritted his teeth again: "When I return to the devil's capital, I'll see if I don't torture you to death!"

While Xu Xinning was cursing, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed two figures under a dead tree in the distance!

One of the figures was leaning sideways, and Xu Xinning could not see it clearly.

 But the other slim figure is definitely Li Fenyou!

“It’s true that you can’t find anything even if you wear iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.”

Xu Xinning's eyes lit up. After confirming that there was no danger around him, he quickly hurried towards the dead tree.

 However, when Xu Xinning arrived at the dead tree, he was stunned on the spot.

 “Lin Yuan?!”

Xu Xinning’s face was full of surprise.

The figure whose identity he couldn't identify earlier was none other than Lin Yuan!

Although I don’t know what happened, Li Fenyou was in a coma at this moment, and Lin Yuan was also seriously injured. A blood hole was directly penetrated in his chest, which looked extremely miserable!

 “Xu Xinning?”

Lin Yuan frowned.

 He obviously did not expect that Xu Xinning would find him here.

Then, Lin Yuan said directly: "It doesn't matter if you are here, you have also seen the current situation. In order to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, teacher Li Fenyou and I made one of us unconscious and the other seriously injured."

“I know there is a grudge between you and me, so I don’t ask you for anything. Just take Teacher Li Fengyou back.”

"As for me, if you can tell Fang Tianji and the others the news about my here, that will be enough. If you don't want to do it, I won't force you."

However, after Lin Yuan finished speaking, Xu Xinning's expression suddenly turned ferocious: "Why do you order me?"

"Huh? Based on your current state, are you qualified to order me?"

“What a shameless statement. With your little strength, you act as if you have made a great contribution to uncovering the mastermind behind the scenes.”

“Let me tell you, Teacher Li Fenyou probably fell into a coma because he was trying to save you.”

Xu Xinning’s voice was aggressive, but Lin Yuan did not offer any rebuttal.

What he didn’t know was that if it weren’t for Lin Yuan, Li Fenyou probably wouldn’t have survived!

But Lin Yuan didn't need to explain this kind of thing to Xu Xinning, and he didn't bother to explain it to him.

He just said calmly: "I didn't order you, I just wanted you to take Teacher Li Fenyou back."

“Of course I will take Teacher Li Fenyou back.”

Xu Xinning sneered, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

 Then, he directly drew out the alloy sword behind him: "But, after killing you!"

“Lin Yuan, have you ever heard of a saying called ‘enemies meet on a narrow road’?”

 “Hahahaha, God is really creating opportunities for me!”

"If I kill you in a place like this, no one will notice that it was me who did it! Moreover, with the injuries on your body, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to resist, right?"

Xu Xinning laughed wildly, raised his right foot, and kicked Lin Yuan's right shoulder fiercely!

 (End of this chapter)

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