Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 169: The villain succeeds? Desperate Xu Xinning! 【Second update

Chapter 169: The villain succeeds? Desperate Xu Xinning! 【Second update! 】


Xu Xinning's kick didn't hold any force at all. It directly caused a surge of blood and blood in Lin Yuan's chest, and even touched the wound. The pain made the latter frown slightly.

Seeing Lin Yuan in pain, Xu Xinning's face became more ferocious.

 “Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan, you also have today!”

 Xu Xinning’s resentment towards Lin Yuan has never diminished!

 In Xu Xinning’s eyes, it was Lin Yuan who took away Chu Yu!

Moreover, during the enrollment activities, Lin Yuan even embarrassed himself in front of everyone, causing him to be grounded at home for two full months!

Moreover, Lin Yuan also formed a sharp contrast with him in the freshman fraternity competition.

Lin Yuan is the pride and glory of Mowu!

 And he is Mowu’s laughing stock and Mowu’s shame!

All of this was caused by Lin Yuan!

However, Xu Xinning finally found an opportunity today, an opportunity where he would not have to take any responsibility even if he killed Lin Yuan!

Even if someone finds Lin Yuan's body, they will mistakenly think that he died in the ant tide, or was killed by the mastermind behind the ant tide!

 Xu Xinning seemed to feel much better after kicking Lin Yuan. He threw away the sword in his hand and said with a sarcastic smile: "Have you never thought that one day, you will die in my hands?"

Lin Yuan raised his head, his face still as calm as water: "You ask me if I know 'enemies meet on a narrow road', I think another word is more suitable for the current situation."

Xu Xinning frowned: "What?"

Lin Yuan smiled: "The villain succeeds."

"you wanna die!"

Xu Xinning immediately became furious. The alloy sword in his hand swept out instantly, as if he wanted to chop off Lin Yuan's head with one strike!

However, the blade suddenly stopped midway.

“Tsk, Lin Yuan, do you know what I hate most about you?”

“What I hate the most is that you always look like you are sure of victory!”

 “You want me to kill you with a knife? I don’t want to do that!”

“I just want you to slowly experience the feeling of despair and let you die in the pain of despair!”

 Xu Xinning's tone was extremely vicious.

He is such a person who is determined to retaliate against others.

It was a rare opportunity to seize this opportunity. He was not willing to let Lin Yuan die so easily!

 “Are you sure you don’t want to kill me right away?”

Lin Yuan smiled and asked: "You have to think carefully. This place is not far from the train. Someone might come and find us."

“Besides, Teacher Li Fenyou, I don’t know if he will wake up suddenly.”

“Think about it, if she saw you trying to kill me, what would she do?”

 “Is it worth taking such a big risk just to torture me?”

Every word Lin Yuan said was like a sharp knife, constantly breaking down Xu Xinning's psychological defense.

 The latter's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his eyes were flashing crazily.

Finally, Xu Xinning made up his mind and almost gritted his teeth and roared: "Since you want to die so much, I will help you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xinning's energy and blood exploded, and he slashed towards Lin Yuan's neck with a knife!


   accompanied by a soft sound.

 Unexpected blood splattered out.

 The alloy sword in his hand passed through Lin Yuan's neck without any hindrance!

Xu Xinning quickly reacted.

 This is...Lin Yuanlei's elemental ability! "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

Lin Yuan's voice sounded faintly in Xu Xinning's ears.

 “Give me a chance? Do I need you to give me a chance?!”

“It’s just elementalization. I want to see how long you can last with your current physical condition!”

Xu Xinning looked like a madman and slashed at Lin Yuan's heart with another knife!

However, before he could land the sword, a blue figure suddenly rushed out from Lin Yuan and hit him in the abdomen!

In a defenseless state, Xu Xinning only felt a huge force coming from his abdomen, which directly pushed him out!

 “Xiaoyou, you did a good job.”

Lin Yuan raised his head, smiled and praised.

 What he summoned was Xiaoyou who had been in the beast space before!

 Although his combat effectiveness has not been fully restored yet.

 However, it is more than enough to use Xiaoyou who is in the mid-sixth level to deal with the scum like Xu Xinning!

 “This is...the cub of the Ice Demon Ankylosaurus?!”

 “Why do you have such a strange beast?!”

Xu Xinning's face was full of shock. He had no idea where the young dragon with a dark blue body in front of him came from.

 It felt to him as if it had appeared out of thin air!

 The most important thing is that the power of this young dragon seems to be even greater than his!

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask more. Keep these questions and think about them slowly on the way to Huangquan."

 “Xiaoyou, kill him!”

Following Lin Yuan’s order, Xiaoyou opened the dragon’s mouth without hesitation!

 The next second, an icy dragon's breath filled with frosty air spread directly towards Xu Xinning!

Xu Xinning looked horrified. He was about to burst out his energy and blood and run away. However, what made him feel even more desperate was that under this frosty air, his own energy and blood seemed to be frozen, and he could not follow normal instructions at all. The speed spreads.

 “Damn it, **** it, how could this happen?!”

Xu Xinning cursed unwillingly, with a look of despair on his face.

He watched helplessly as the frost spread from the soles of his feet until half of his body was frozen into an ice sculpture!

 He has... no matter how he can escape!

What Xu Xinning did not expect was that the situation would reverse so quickly.

 At this moment, his life was completely dominated by Lin Yuan.

After realizing this, Xu Xinning instantly changed into another face. He looked at Lin Yuan desperately, with a pleading look on his face: "Lin Yuan, let me go, please let me go this time, okay?"

"I admit that what happened just now was my fault. I shouldn't have wanted to kill you!"

 “I swear, I will never dare to do it again!”

“Lin Yuan, we are classmates...”

Xu Xinning begged, but Lin Yuan's expression was not moved at all.

 Of course he would not believe Xu Xinning’s lies.

 The best way to deal with such a villain is not to believe that he will change his ways.

Lin Yuan looked at him calmly and said calmly: "You know, I am a very reasonable person."

"My theory is that since you want to kill me, I have absolutely no reason to let you go."

 “What’s more, I’ve already given you a chance.”

 (End of this chapter)

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