Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 170: The organization came and Ant Tu was rescued! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 170 The organization came and Ant Tu was rescued! 【Third update! 】

Seeing that Lin Yuan seemed to have no intention of letting him go, the despair in Xu Xinning's eyes became even stronger.

 He regrets it very much!

 You shouldn’t have left the train!

 You shouldn’t even think about killing Lin Yuan!

 Xu Xinning's face gradually became distorted.

 He changed from pleading to cursing!

 “Lin Yuan, you will not die well!”

“If you dare to kill me, the Xu family will not let you go!”

 “I will wait for you in hell, hahaha, I will wait...”

Lin Yuan didn't want to hear him continue to ramble, so he directly raised his hand: "Xiaoyou, kill him!"

 A faint light flashed suddenly!

Xiaoyou pounced forward, bit off Xu Xinning's head, and swallowed it into his abdomen.

Although Xiaoyouhui listened to Lin Yuan's words, its essence is still a strange beast, and it naturally has a desire for flesh and blood.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and scolded: "Xiaoyou, don't eat dirty things."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Xiaoyou first glanced at him with aggrievedness, then reluctantly glanced at Xu Xinning's corpse, and finally chose to return to Lin Yuan's side obediently.

 “Be good, be obedient, and I’ll buy you some beef when I go back.”

Looking at the aggrieved Xiaoyou in front of him, Lin Yuan also felt a little soft-hearted. He reached out his hand and gently rubbed its dragon head.

Xiaoyou obviously enjoyed it very much. He immediately forgot about his previous grievances and had a look of enjoyment on his face.

Looking at Xu Xinning’s body, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but sigh.

 I finally chose to kill him.

To be honest, if Xu Xinning hadn't wanted to kill him every time, Lin Yuan wouldn't have killed him.

 After all, he was still a little wary of the forces behind the Xu family.

Lin Yuan knew very well that these big families also had a bottom line.

Although he injured Xu Xinning last time and indirectly asked the Xu family to pay Mowu a large amount of money as compensation, the Xu family would not argue with him because of this matter.

 But once it was discovered that he had killed Xu Xinning, it would really be an irresolvable blood feud for the Xu family!

 Xu Xinning is the eldest son of the Xu family. If nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely inherit the Xu family's family business in the future.

 The first heir is dead. One can imagine how great the turmoil within the Xu family will be!

 At that time, whoever kills Xu Xinning will have to bear the wrath of the Xu family!

Now Lin Yuan can only hope that his murder of Xu Xinning will not be exposed.

 Now, the only good news is that there are no witnesses present.

 No one can prove that Xu Xinning was killed by him.

Even if you think about it, you will only think that Xu Xinning may have been attacked by a strange beast!

Although he killed someone, Lin Yuan's mood was extremely calm.

 Speaking of which, there are quite a few people who died in his hands, not least Xu Xinning.

After killing the people, Lin Yuan naturally couldn't stay here any longer. He directly took Xiaoyou back to the pet space, picked up Li Fenyou again, and walked with difficulty towards the direction of the train.


 At this moment, in the wilderness, He Shengtu is located.

The Ghost King Ant has been burned to only half of its body by the Amaterasu Black Flame. Although it is still alive, it is not far from death.

He Shengtu was lying on the ground in despair. Now, he could only resign himself to his fate. If nothing else happens, the warriors who came to support from Yanjing will probably be able to find him in a few minutes.

At that time, I will probably be escorted back to Yanjing. After the crime is read out in court, I will be sentenced to death.

Thinking about this, He Shengtu couldn't help but smile bitterly at himself.

 I have been planning my whole life, thinking about becoming stronger and climbing higher by any means possible.

 I didn’t expect that in the end, I would end up like this.

  It is really unpredictable.

However, at this moment, a rough and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in He Shengtu's ears.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, ant-slaughter, but looking like this, it’s really ridiculous...”

He Shengtu was slightly startled.

Hearing this familiar voice, he seemed to have grasped the last straw.

He used all his strength and said with difficulty: "Save me, please..."

“Even the ‘Red Flame Witch’ Li Fengyou can’t defeat me. I really don’t know what the top management of the organization thinks, that they would even think of including you.”

That rough and hoarse voice sneered twice, as if he was mocking He Shengtu, and also seemed to be sarcastic at the top of the organization.

"As long as you are willing to save me, I will spend the rest of my life willing to do anything for the organization and kill anyone to do the same thing!"

At the critical moment of life and death, He Shengtu no longer cared about his face and quickly began to show his loyalty!

 He has never seen the true face of the person in front of him.

 Because everyone in that mysterious organization wears a mask.

 However, He Shengtu had heard the other party’s voice within the organization!

 There is no other reason than the other party’s voice, which is so distinctive!

 That’s why He Shengtu was able to confirm that the other party was from that mysterious organization!

Moreover, the only one who can save him now is the person in front of him!

  "Your flexible and adaptable temperament is quite good."

“Don’t worry, although you have not obtained the beast spirit crystal, the organization will never give up on any useful person...”

 After saying these two sentences, the man walked up directly and mentioned He Shengtu.

 “Thank you, senior, for the rescue!”

He Shengtu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he doesn't know the identity of the other party yet, he can sense that the person in front of him has the strength of a ninth-level heavenly king at least!

 A person of this level, placed in an organization, is at least a middle-level cadre.

 It’s always right to call someone “Senior”.

 Subsequently, He Shengtu couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart.

 Fortunately, the people from the organization came first, which gave me a chance to survive.

If He Shengtu guessed correctly, the person in front of him should be the one who would be responsible for taking care of him after the matter was completed.

 Unfortunately, my plan failed in the end.

Not only did he fail to capture the beast spirit crystal, but he almost died.

 But no matter what, as long as you are still alive.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Even if the Ghost King Ant is dying and the Gold-Eating Queen Ant has defected, as long as he is still alive, He Shengtu will still have the determination and courage to start all over again!

It was not until this moment that He Shengtu had time to look at the organization cadre in front of him who had saved him.

His figure was particularly burly, and he wore a blue-grey wolf mask on his face, which made him look even more ferocious.

This chapter was written yesterday. I don’t know why it wasn’t displayed. I’ll add it again today!



 (End of this chapter)

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