Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 171: Since it can't be saved, then don't save it! 【First update

Chapter 171 Since it can’t be saved, then it won’t be saved! 【First update! 】

"time to go."

The next second, the man wearing a wild wolf mask in front of him suddenly rose into the air, obviously preparing to leave this place.

However, before he could leave, an extremely powerful pressure suddenly descended on this place.

 Obviously, another strong person has arrived!

Ye Lang frowned, because he could sense from the aura that the person who came here definitely had the strength of a ninth-level heavenly king!

“Since you’ve come here, there’s no need to leave so early, right?”

 An indifferent voice slowly sounded.

Even He Shengtu felt his heart tightening.

He obviously did not expect that as soon as the people from the organization came over, the supporting warriors from Yanjing would arrive behind him!

“‘God-cutting sword’ Wang Zhanlin?”

 The wolf narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at the man who appeared in front of him.

I have to say that Wang Zhanlin's reputation is so great that he was recognized at a glance.

The first person to arrive here was naturally the principal of Mowu, Wang Zhanlin.

 After receiving the news of the train accident, he was so anxious that he rushed over immediately.

You must know that on top of this train, there are students with their magic weapons!

If something really happened, Wang Zhanlin would be the one to blame!

 “Since you know it’s me, let’s leave him alone.”

Wang Zhanlin directly grasped the handle of the knife at his waist and said coldly.

At this moment, his sharpness is clearly revealed!

 The aura emanating from the whole body is like an unsheathed sharp blade, enough to cut through everything!


Facing the powerful Wang Zhanlin, Wild Wolf was not afraid at all. Instead, he grinned: "Wang Zhanlin, I know you are very strong."

 “But if I want to leave, you can’t stop me.”

 “Unless you make that knife.”

 At this point, the wild wolf laughed directly: "The question is...are you really willing to do it?"

Wang Zhanlin has been raising this sword for seven full years!

 Even in the most dangerous moment, he did not choose to make this ultimate blow.

The wild wolf is just betting that King Zhan Lin can’t use his sword!

"I don't need to use my sword to deal with you."

 Wang Zhanlin's eyes flashed with a cold light.

 The next second, the knife in his hand swept directly towards the opponent!

Although the blade has not yet been unsheathed, it still slashed out a fierce and monstrous sword light!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

 The wild wolf laughed wildly, and the muscles on his right arm bulged like rocks.

The power of earth-yellow energy and blood, like a snake, wrapped around his right arm, forming a thick arm armor!

 “The power of the earth, condense!”

 “Break it into pieces for me!”

The wild wolf roared and punched directly in the air!

 Under the force of this punch, the surrounding space seemed to tremble violently.


The earth-yellow fist edge and the monstrous sharp sword light finally collided in the air!

 The aftermath of energy spreads in all directions like water waves.

Even He Shengtu was affected. Qi and blood surged in his chest, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The wild wolf looked at him with disdain: "You guy, your physique is really rubbish."

He Shengtu said feebly: "Senior, I'm sorry..." He was originally a person with mental power. In his current state, he was unable to mobilize his mental armor to protect himself, so he was naturally extremely fragile.

 Fortunately, the wild wolf's strength is quite impressive.

Under the power of his punch, the sword light that Wang Zhanlin slashed broke into pieces.

The wild wolf smiled and said: "I told you, if you don't use that knife, you can't stop me."

Wang Zhanlin's face was uncertain.

He obviously didn’t expect that the opponent turned out to be a king-level expert who was no less powerful than him!

The wild wolf continued to speak: "I'll give you three seconds. If you don't draw the knife, then I really have to leave."

"three two…"

Before the wild wolf could finish counting, another voice rang out.

"Young man Wang really can't stop you, but... coupled with my words, it should be enough, right?"

 This is an old voice.

 Amidst the calmness, there is an undoubted majesty.

 Another figure arrived here.

Principal of Jingwu, Nanyunjing!

He stood beside Wang Zhanlin calmly, without showing any sharpness, and his temperament was as calm as the surface of a lake.

 But Ye Lang knew very well that this seemingly ordinary old man was actually much scarier than Wang Zhanlin!

 His face instantly darkened.

 He obviously did not expect that Nan Yunjing would come here.

It seems that today... I am destined not to be able to take He Shengtu away with me.

 The wolf grinned.

What neither Wang Zhanlin nor Nan Yunjing expected was that he was so decisive and slapped He Shengtu on the head!

He Shengtu's body was naturally unable to withstand the wild wolf's palm. His head immediately split into pieces like a cracked watermelon!

He Shengtu never thought that the wild wolf would choose to kill him so easily!

“Since it really can’t be saved, then we won’t save it.”

Ye Lang grinned and threw He Shengtu's body aside.

Wang Zhanlin's face darkened. Although He Shengtu did deserve to die, he obviously did not expect that the person in front of him would be so cruel and ruthless, and he would kill him as soon as he asked!

"Okay, I'll kill them all for you, so don't push me too hard. Just keep a line in your behavior so that we can meet each other in the future."

 After saying this, the wild wolf laughed twice, turned around, and flew away into the distance.

Wang Zhanlin was about to give chase, but was stopped by Nan Yunjing beside him.

 “Stop chasing, there’s no need.”


Wang Zhanlin was slightly stunned at first, and then quickly understood Wang Zhanlin's intention.

 Their location is too close to the train.

Although the two of them can indeed defeat each other based on their strength, if a battle of kings breaks out here, it will easily cause unnecessary casualties.

What the other party just said, don't push him too hard, is actually using this to threaten them secretly.

What's more, the other party directly killed He Shengtu, which was actually a concession.

“Let’s go and have a look at the train. I hope there aren’t too many casualties.”

Nanyun Jing patted Wang Zhanlin on the shoulder and spoke softly.

Wang Zhanlin pondered for a moment, and finally frowned and said, "Senior Nan, do you know the identity of the other party?"

Logically speaking, throughout China, there are only a hundred powerful people at the level of Heavenly Kings.

 But he had never seen the opponent's moves before.

After Wang Zhanlin asked this question, Nan Yunjing's eyes narrowed slightly and he said in a low voice: "There are some clues, but I can't be sure yet."

 (End of this chapter)

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