Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 173: Xu Tianwu is here! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 173 Xu Tianwu comes to visit! 【Third update! 】

After experiencing the twists and turns of the ant tide, the train finally returned to the Magic City safely.

 At the exit of the station, it was the group of magic martial arts teachers and students who were responsible for welcoming everyone back home in triumph!

You know, this time...their Wudu University won the first place in the prestigious freshman fraternity competition for the first time!

This honor, as long as you are a demon warrior, you will feel very proud!

However, they found that the Mowu people who should have returned proudly with glory were silent at this moment.

Moreover, they looked extremely miserable, and many of them had not yet recovered from their injuries.

 The most important thing is that Mowu sent out a total of ten freshmen.

 But now, there are only seven people left in the queue.

 For a moment, a bad premonition suddenly flashed through their hearts.

Where did the remaining three go?

 In fact, out of ten new students in Mowu, only seven survived.

In addition to Xu Xinning, two new warriors were killed and were brutally quartered by gold-devouring soldier ants.

 “Is this...what happened?”

 “It doesn’t feel right.”

“Look at the injuries on their bodies, they don’t look like they were sustained in a freshman fraternity game.”

The people responsible for welcoming him began to discuss in low voices.

Wang Zhanlin sighed slightly, and finally stood up: "I have a very unfortunate news to tell everyone."

“On our way back, we were unfortunately attacked by a swarm of ants...”


  The second day.

Magic and martial arts playground.

 In the sky, it was raining lightly.

Mowu students stood like this in the rain, filling the entire playground.

Wang Zhanlin stood calmly on the stage, with a hint of sadness in his solemn expression.

Wang Zhanlin has no intention of hiding the attack on the train.

 He told what happened in front of all Mowu students.

Everyone listened to Wang Zhanlin's speech in silence.

 Finally, Wang Zhanlin said: "What I want to say is that the three freshmen who died in this battle against the ant tide were honorable because they died to protect civilians."

“The martial arts spirit in them is worth learning from each of us.”

 “But I also have an unshirkable responsibility in this matter.”

"If I hadn't accompanied them all the way, the lives of these three people in their prime would not have been sacrificed in the battle."

“As the principal of Mowu, I have an unshirkable responsibility.”

 “I made a mistake, and I have to bear the consequences.”

"I will be responsible for supporting the parents of these three newborns, and I will bear all the expenses they need."

“People die like lamps extinguishing, the dead are gone, may they rest in peace.”

 At the end, Wang Zhanlin let out an inaudible sigh.

 Everyone was silent.

 They could hear the sincere annoyance contained in Wang Zhanlin's words.

 But they all knew in their hearts that they could not blame Principal Wang for this matter.

 After all, the number of times trains are attacked by strange beasts is extremely rare. Not to mention, there is an eighth-level venerable like Li Fenyou sitting on the train.

No one could have imagined that an accident such as a swarm of ants attacking a train would happen.

However, at this moment, a sound like muffled thunder suddenly exploded in everyone's ears.

 “Wang Zhanlin! Your big words sound nice!”

"Responsible? Haha... Ning'er is dead, what are you responsible for?!"

Following the sound, a tall and heroic middle-aged warrior in black attire floated directly to the top of the magic martial arts playground.

This middle-aged warrior has some similarities with Xu Xinning between his eyebrows.

 Obviously, he is Xu Xinning’s father, Xu Tianwu!

After seeing Xu Tianwu, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 What should come will eventually come.

Originally, Wang Zhanlin was still thinking about whether he could negotiate privately with the other party.

However, what Ling Wang Zhanlin didn't expect was that the other party had no such intention at all, and came directly to the Demonic Martial Arts University, questioning him aggressively in front of all the Demonic Martial Arts teachers and students!

As the contemporary head of the Xu family, although Xu Tianwu is not as famous as Wang Zhanlin, he is still a real ninth-level king!

 After the coercion on his body was released, some students with poor martial arts skills on the playground even began to have trouble breathing.

Of course, Wang Zhanlin also noticed this. He sighed slightly and said, "What happened to Xu Xinning is indeed my fault. I am willing to take responsibility and give the Xu family a certain amount of compensation. I hope King Xu Tian will not target my students."

“Aimed at your students?” Xu Tianwu sneered and said sternly: “Young man named Wang, don’t be so shameless.”

“As a big Xu family, do we need this little compensation from you?”

“Xu Xinning is my only son and the heir to the future position of head of the Xu family.”

 “Compensation...hehe, what compensation do you want?!”

At this time, Li Fengyou, who was behind Wang Zhanlin, couldn't help but stood up and said, "Xu Tianwu! Don't go too far!"

“Zhan Lin was not present at all at that time, this is not his responsibility at all!”

“If you want to blame me, just blame me for not protecting your son!”

 “Fengyou, stop talking!”

Wang Zhanlin directly stopped the emotional Li Fenyou, then turned to Xu Tianwu in front of him, and said calmly: "I know that your Xu family is not short of compensation, but since the fault is mine, I will still do my best to compensate. You are from the Xu family."

Xu Tianwu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a cold voice: "Okay, in that case, let me ask you a question."

“How did my Ning’er die?”

Wang Zhanlin shook his head and said truthfully: "I don't know, Xu Xinning was already dead when we found him."

 “Good! What an ‘I don’t know’!”

Xu Tianwu’s veins popped out on his forehead, and he sneered and said sarcastically: “Wang Zhanlin, you are really capable!”

“You haven’t even figured out the cause of my Ning’er’s death, so you dare to take all the responsibility on yourself?”

 “What’s wrong? Do you think my Xu family is easy to fool?”

When Xu Tianwu said the last sentence, his tone suddenly rose, and his voice was like thunder, which made everyone present tremble.

Wang Zhanlin took a deep breath and explained again: "The situation at that time was too chaotic. Based on the traces at the scene, it is indeed impossible to investigate the cause of Xing Ning's death."

Although Wang Zhanlin was patiently explaining, Xu Tianwu still refused to give up. He sneered and said: "Since you want to take care of all the mistakes so much, then I will make it happen for you!"

"After Xinning is buried, I want you to kneel in front of his grave for three days as atonement!"

 (End of this chapter)

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