Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 174: Xu Tianwu’s making things difficult! 【First update! 】

Chapter 174 Xu Tianwu’s making things difficult! 【First update! 】

 After Xu Tianwu's request came out, all the magic martial arts students present couldn't help but become agitated.

  No, this can no longer be regarded as a request.

 This is simply making things difficult!

How is it possible for Wang Zhanlin, a ninth-level king, to kneel in front of Xu Xinning's grave for three days?

It can only be said that Xu Tianwu was deliberately humiliating Wang Zhanlin in front of everyone in Mowu!

 Happily, at this moment, Wang Zhanlin was unable to have an attack.

Sure enough, facing Xu Tianwu’s request, Wang Zhanlin chose to remain silent.

At this moment, Wang Zhanlin no longer has the charm of a ninth-level king. He looks like a silent middle-aged man.

Before this, no one could imagine that Wang Zhanlin, who had always been sharp and sharp, could have such a tolerant side.

Looking at Wang Zhanlin who was being deliberately made difficult by Xu Tianwu, Lin Yuan even had an impulse in his heart. He wanted to stand up and tell Xu Tianwu that Xu Xinning was killed by him and had nothing to do with Wang Zhanlin!

However, Lin Yuan's reason finally stopped him from doing this.

If he stands up and admits it, Xu Tianwu will definitely take action against him when he is furious!

With Wang Zhanlin’s character, he would never let his students be killed in front of him.

 A dispute will inevitably break out between the two!

 At that time, things will be even more difficult to end!

Seeing Wang Zhanlin silent, Xu Tianwu continued to say coldly: "Keep talking! Aren't you very good at speaking?"

"Ning'er made a mistake and violated the school rules. Our Xu family made compensation and punished Ning'er without any complaints."

“But this is how you, Mo Wu, repay our Xu family?”

“If this continues, who would dare to send their children to Wuhan University in your magical capital?!”

Xu Tianwu's words can be described as murderous and heart-wrenching.

It was obviously just an accident.

 But when it came to his mouth, it seemed that it was all Mowu's fault, and he immediately put a big hat on it.

 Among the crowd, someone finally couldn't hold himself back any longer.

 A figure stood out from the crowd, raised his head, and said, "King Xu Tian, ​​everyone is very sad about the death of your son."

“But this matter is definitely not Principal Wang’s fault!”

“While we were fighting to the death against the ant swarm, your son was hiding on the carriage in fear, and didn’t even have the courage to get out of the car!”

“I will not let your son leave the train until the ant tide recedes to participate in the rescue work.”

“If you really want to blame me, just blame me.”

“If I hadn’t forced Xu Xinning to participate in the rescue work, I’m afraid he would have been able to stay on the train safely.”

 The one who actively chose to stand up was none other than Fang Tianji!

Facing the pressure of Xu Tianwu, the ninth-level king, he stood up resolutely and narrated what happened without being humble or overbearing.

 After Fang Tianji said these words, all the magic martial arts students present couldn't help but whisper.

“So that’s it, I thought Xu Xinning also died in the battle, but luckily I still thought he was a man.”

“Haha, any of these descendants of big families are greedy for life and afraid of death...”

“Then Xu Xinning’s death was really unjust. He hid on the train until the ant tide receded and then refused to show his face. In the end, he died suddenly in the wild without any explanation.”

 “If you ask me, I can’t blame the principal for this at all!”

“That’s right, why should the principal bear this responsibility?”


The ninth-level king's hearing is so sharp that Xu Tianwu heard all the whispers of everyone present word for word.

 Of course he knew what Fang Tianji said was true. After all, a son is better than his father, and he knows very well what kind of person Xu Xinning is.

However, since Xu Xinning is dead, Mowu must give him and the Xu family an explanation!

Thinking of this, Xu Tianwu frowned, and swung his right hand directly towards Fang Tianji, and the power of energy and blood vibrated like ripples!

"I don't know the etiquette! I am discussing matters with Principal Wang, do you have the right to interrupt?"

Although Xu Tianwu didn't use his full strength with this swing, he didn't do it lightly either.

 After the energy and blood fluctuations started, Fang Tianji's figure was directly overturned, and he fell heavily seven or eight meters away, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

 “Xu Tianwu, don’t bully others too much!”

Wang Zhanlin, who had always been patient, finally exploded after Xu Tianwu attacked his students!

His momentum soared into the sky, and Wang Zhanlin, who was as sharp as a sword, seemed to be back at this moment!

Wang Zhanlin dodged and stood directly in front of Fang Tianji, holding the handle of the knife tightly with his right hand.

It feels like if Xu Tianwu dares to attack Fang Tianji again, Wang Zhanlin will kill him without hesitation!

Fang Tianji stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Principal, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "You go to the infirmary first, and just leave it to me."

 “Haha, Wang Zhanlin, you are still so defensive.”

Xu Tianwu shook his head and suddenly laughed: "But have you ever thought that my Ning'er is also a student of your Mowu!"

"I know."

Wang Zhanlin was no longer silent. He said in a deep voice: "Accidents will inevitably happen. If I were there, I would definitely try my best to save Xu Xinning."

  “Okay, I don’t want to hear these kind of words from you anymore.”

Xu Tianwu glanced at him coldly: "Three days! I'll give you three days. The entire Xu family needs an explanation from Mowu!"

“As for the cause of Ning’er’s death, our Xu family will definitely investigate it thoroughly!”

 After finishing speaking, Xu Tianwu snorted coldly, turned around, and left the place in the air.

 After Xu Tianwu left, everyone present felt as if a huge boulder had been lifted from their hearts.

There is no other reason. The oppressive feeling of the ninth-level king is too strong, especially for a king like Xu Tianwu who is in anger.

 However, I have to say that in this matter, the Xu family... is really a bit overbearing.

“Okay, let’s all disperse where we are.”

At this point in the conference, it was no longer necessary to proceed. Wang Zhanlin directly announced that the students should be dismissed on the spot.

Wang Zhanlin rubbed his swollen temples and walked back towards the principal's office.

 According to what Xu Tianwu said, within three days, he must come up with a satisfactory compensation plan.

Of course he could see that Xu Tianwu had no intention of discussing with him when he came this time. He was just venting his emotions after the death of his only son and giving him a first blow.

 When a person dies, there is naturally no resurrection.

 But the Xu family could use this as an excuse to ask for compensation from Wuhan University in the magical capital!

 In the final analysis, this is the essence of a great family.

 At all times, the interests of the family come first.

 At all times, think about maximizing profits.

 (End of this chapter)

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