Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 175: The ability ‘backtracking’! 【Second update! 】

 Chapter 175: Power ‘Backtracking’! 【Second update! 】

 Xu family, hall.

A beautiful woman who looked pretty was sitting on a mahogany chair at the moment, with red eyes and sobbing softly.

Xu Tianwu frowned and said, "Okay, don't cry anymore!"

"No matter how much you cry, Ning'er will never come back to life."

The beautiful woman sobbed: "That's our son! Our only son..."

 This beautiful woman is obviously Xu Xinning’s mother, Xu Menglan!

Her strength is also quite impressive. Although she has not reached the realm of Heavenly King, she still has the strength of an eighth-level venerable.

"Of course I know!"

“Ning’er is dead, I feel no better than you do!”

Xu Tianwu’s eyes flickered and he spoke softly: “What we have to do now is nothing else but a thorough investigation into the cause of Ning’er’s death!”

“I always feel that Ning’er’s death is not that simple.”

Xu Menglan's eyes flashed with a trace of resentment, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I think so too."

“Tianwu, we must find out the cause of Ning’er’s death!”

"Otherwise, even if Ning'er dies, she won't be able to rest in peace!"

Xu Tianwu nodded and said, "I have asked someone to assist us in the investigation."

Xu Menglan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who did you invite?"

Xu Tianwu turned around and said, "Master Huang, come in!"

Just as Xu Tianwu finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a green robe walked in slowly.

“King Xu Tian, ​​I have admired his name for a long time, and today I finally meet him.”

The middle-aged man smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking Xu Tianwu's hand gently.

However, Xu Tianwu waved his hand: "Master Huang, there is no need to be so polite. I invite you here today mainly because I have something to ask for."

“I have also heard about your son’s affairs, and I am deeply sorry. I also hope that King Xu Tian and your wife will express their condolences and accept the change.”

Master Huang sighed slightly: "As long as there is anything that Huang can do, just ask King Xu Tian to do it, and Huang will never say anything!"

 After he finished speaking, Xu Menglan also raised her eyes and looked at the person in front of her.

What she can be sure of is that the person in front of her is by no means a top powerhouse. In terms of his revealed energy, he is not even as good as herself.

However, looking at her husband's attitude towards him, it is enough to show that the other party should be a person with some ability.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the other party clearly looks middle-aged, but his sideburns have begun to look a little pale, and he clearly shows his age.

Could it be that…

Xu Menglan suddenly remembered something and said, "Are you Huang Su, Master Huang?"

The middle-aged man in front of me chuckled softly: "It's because of people's love that they call me master. If Madam doesn't mind, just call me Huang Su!"

After recognizing the other party's identity, Xu Menglan finally understood her husband's intentions and plans.

The man in front of me, Huang Su, can be regarded as a strange person in the Magic City.

His own strength is not that strong, he only has the strength of a martial arts master, and he has forcibly used drugs to accumulate it.

 However, he possesses an extremely special power!

 Huang Su’s ability is called ‘Backtracking’!

 After he activates his superpower, he can review the scenes that happened in the past period of time.

 Sounds like this ability is very powerful, but it also has a lot of limitations.

 First, Huang Su's ability can only reproduce scenes within a certain range and within a certain time. If the time interval is too long, it is impossible to 'look back'. Second, using superpowers to recall what happened in the past is not a true reversal of time.

  It's like pulling back the progress bar of the video and playing it again.

 Third, every time Huang Su uses this power, he will lose a certain amount of life, ranging from a few months to a year.

It is precisely because of this that although he is still middle-aged in age, his appearance has begun to show his age.

This time, Huang Su would not have agreed to his request if Xu Tianwu had not given him a very generous reward.

 After all, money is just an external possession, only your life is yours!

“Mr. Huang Su, I don’t know... when will you be free?”

 After knowing the identity of the other party, Xu Menglan asked eagerly.

 Finally had the chance to find out the cause of her son's death, and she didn't want to wait any longer!

"If Madam is in a hurry, you can leave now."

Huang Su bowed slightly, smiled and said.

Huang Sui still has the consciousness of taking people's money and eliminating disasters for them.

Although Xu Tianwu did not show any eagerness, deep down in his heart, he still wanted to find out the cause of his son's death as soon as possible.

 So, after Huang Su spoke like this, Xu Tianwu followed suit and said, "Since Master Huang has time, it's not too late for us to leave now."


In about two or three hours, Xu Tianwu took Huang Su to the scene where Xu Xinning's body was found.

Of course, Xu Menglan was also with them.

 She wanted to see with her own eyes how her son died!

They naturally did not come by train. With Xu Tianwu, the ninth-level king, flying in the air would definitely be several times faster than the speed of the train.

“Okay, Master Huang, this should be it, please excuse me.”

 Xu Tianwu said calmly.

"King Xu Tian, ​​there is no need to be so polite. I will use my powers now. Please wait a moment."

Huang Su closed his eyes directly, and a strange wave surged around him.

 Then something strange happened.

The scene in front of Xu Tianwu and Xu Menglan was like going back in time, going back to the past.

 Finally, Xu Xinning appeared in front of them!

 “Son, my son!”

 Xu Menglan's mood suddenly became excited!

 “Master Huang, this is it!”

 After seeing the scene of his son's life, Xu Tianwu's heart trembled slightly.

"Ning'er, I will know right away, whose hands you died in..."

 Xu Tianwu thought silently in his heart.

 After he determined the approximate time range, the retrospective scene played in front of him and Xu Menglan like a movie.

However, what Xu Tianwu did not expect was that his son was not in a desperate situation of life and death as he imagined.

On the contrary, at that time, Xu Xinning had a ferocious look on his face, holding the alloy sword in his hand tightly.

 And what the blade of his hand was facing... was none other than Lin Yuan!

 Seeing this, Xu Tianwu couldn't help but frowned.

What the **** does this happen? !

 (End of this chapter)

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