Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 191: Come back alive! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 191 Come back alive! 【Second update! 】

 A month passed by in a hurry.

After Lin Yuan showed his strength, no one dared to provoke him anymore. Even Ma Sanshi's status in Tianlao also increased.

Xu Tianwu naturally also learned the news that Lin Yuan was not dead.

However, apart from being furious, he did not take any other measures.

 After all, this kind of thing cannot be done in two ways.

 The first time someone wants to kill Lin Yuan, there may be an exception.

 But if this happened twice in a row in just one month, the prison would not continue to sit idly by.

 No matter what, we will investigate thoroughly.

 So, Lin Yuan's life was relatively stable during this month.

“Prisoner ‘Lin Yuan’, please leave the cell immediately and go to the waiting room to wait!”

 “Repeat, the prisoner ‘Lin Yuan’…”

Lin Yuan was sitting cross-legged on the bed meditating when the loudspeaker in the cell suddenly broadcast a message asking him to leave the cell.


Subsequently, the door to the cell slowly opened.

 Obviously, today, he can officially leave the prison.

This month of imprisonment is neither long nor short.

Lin Yuan is now extremely lucky that he did not choose to serve ten years in a sky jail.

Let alone ten years, even if you stay here for five years, you will be wasted!

 “Boss, take care, you must come back alive!”

Just as Lin Yuan got out of bed and walked toward the cell door, Ma Sanshi's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Lin Yuan turned around and saw that the bald man was watching him leave with a worried look on his face.

 Speaking of which, besides bullying the weak and fearing the strong, this guy is also a man who values ​​affection and righteousness.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely come back alive.”

Lin Yuan waved his hand and walked straight out of the cell door.



 The door to the prison suddenly closed behind him.

Lin Yuan raised his head and took a deep breath of air.

I have to say that outside this prison, even the air is filled with a sweet breath of freedom.

 “Okay, stop dawdling, hurry up and get in the car!”

On a military off-road vehicle, a man in military uniform urged Lin Yuan dissatisfied.

 The latter grinned, opened the car door directly, and boarded the off-road vehicle.

After another bumpy journey, the two off-road vehicles took Lin Yuan directly to the headquarters of the Ministry of Armed Forces in Yanjing.

What appeared in front of him was a majestic building nearly fifty stories high.

To be honest, in the Xinwu era, there were very few buildings with such high floors. Even Lin Yuan saw it for the first time and was really shocked.

“Principal Nan Yunjing and Principal Wang Zhanlin are waiting for you on the top floor. Come up.”

 After the man in military uniform finished speaking, he drove away directly.

Lin Yuan rubbed his nose and walked directly into the headquarters of the Ministry of Military Affairs in Yanjing.

Soon, a dedicated person came over and introduced him into the elevator.

The elevator is suspended and very fast. It rises to the rooftop of the top floor almost instantly.

After the elevator door opened, Lin Yuan saw many familiar figures at first glance.

It goes without saying that Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin are the same. In addition to the two of them, Lin Yuan also saw Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou!

However, Lin Yuan was not surprised why they appeared here.

 After all, they all have the strength of eighth-level venerables, and they should also go to the secret realm of the abyss together for training.

 This is what Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin discussed earlier.

 But Wang Zhanlin definitely couldn't make the decision for the two of them in this kind of matter. The reason why Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou came was entirely based on their own last wishes.

 “Lin Yuan, come here.”

After seeing Lin Yuan, Wang Zhanlin directly waved to him to come over.


Lin Yuan walked over directly, but he had just walked halfway when a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

He was surprised to find that Chu Yu and Shen Xiao were also following Wang Zhanlin!

 Because these two people were located relatively far back, Lin Yuan had not seen them before.

Wang Zhanlin smiled and said: "They are very worried about you, so they asked me to bring them over to give you a good farewell."

"Okay, now that we have seen you, I will give you a chance to be alone for a while, and then I will send you away from here."

 After finishing speaking, Wang Zhanlin walked directly to the side, leaving enough space for the three of them.

“Lin Yuan, you must come back alive. I’m waiting for you in Mowu!”

Chu Yu bit his lip gently, his voice was as soft as a mosquito's moan, and his face was full of worry.

On the other side, Shen Xiao still had the expressionless look on his face, because he had such a temperament that was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

However, Lin Yuan knew deep down that Shen Xiao was also worried about him.

 Otherwise, he would not have let Wang Zhanlin bring him over.

 After a long moment of silence, Shen Xiao finally spoke: "Take care and come back alive."

Lin Yuan nodded, took a deep look at the two of them, and pretended to smile casually: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back alive."

“You must not slack off in your practice!”

“Perhaps by the time I come back, I will already be an eighth-level venerable.”

After Lin Yuan said these words, the nervous and worried look on Chu Yu's face finally softened slightly, and he laughed and cursed: "You know how to talk big!"

 “It’s not a big talk.”

Lin Yuan smiled and rubbed Chu Yu's head: "Stay well in Mowu and wait for me to come back to protect you."

Chu Yu nodded heavily, his eyes slightly red: "It's a deal!"

 “Well, it’s a deal.”

 “Okay, don’t cry, it won’t look good if you cry.”

Lin Yuan comforted Chu Yu for a few words, and then turned to Shen Xiao.

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Xiao finally said solemnly: "Become stronger and come back."

 “I’d like to lend you some good words.”

Lin Yuan smiled freely, then opened his arms and hugged Chu Yu and Shen Xiao respectively.

After bidding farewell to Lin Yuan, Chu Yu and Shen Xiao also chose to leave, took the suspended elevator, and returned to the first floor to wait.

 The secret realm of the Abyss is a top-secret matter.

Wang Zhanlin came here with unrelated people, which was already a violation. After bidding farewell to Lin Yuan, it was naturally impossible to stay here any longer.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan also returned to Wang Zhanlin.

The latter smiled and joked: "Have you finished saying goodbye to your little girlfriend?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said calmly: "It's only one year, she can afford to wait."

“This time, even if I have to die a hundred times, I will definitely come back alive.”

 (End of this chapter)

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