Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 192: Go to the secret realm of the Abyss! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 192 Heading to the Secret Realm of the Abyss! 【Third update! 】

 “You are quite confident.”

Wang Zhanlin laughed.

Even in the secret realm of the Abyss where more than half of the eighth-level lords were killed or injured, Lin Yuan, a mere seventh-level martial arts master, was sure that he would be able to come back alive!


Wang Zhanlin also believes that Lin Yuan will be able to come back alive!

“After entering the secret realm of the Abyss, it’s best to come to me or Wang Tianjie. We will find a way to protect you.”

At this moment, Li Fenyou also came to Lin Yuan's side and spoke softly.

 After entering the secret realm of the abyss, everyone's positions were scattered.

According to the information Lin Yuan learned, the secret realm of the Abyss Realm is at least as wide as three or four provinces combined. The probability of meeting in the secret realm is quite small.

 But as long as Lin Yuan meets Li Fenyou, the latter will definitely do his best to protect him.

 After all, Lin Yuan once saved her life.

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Thank you very much, Teacher Li."

Subsequently, Nan Yunjing also walked over slowly and asked, "Zhan Lin, are these two of you Mowu the only ones willing to enter the secret realm of the Abyss Realm?"

Wang Zhanlin nodded: "Yes, the number of people is more valuable than the greater number. Being able to come out alive is the most important thing."

Nanyun Jing smiled: "That's true."

"Furthermore, if Xiaoyou Lin can come out of the secret realm of the Abyss alive this time, it will really be called a miracle."

“After all, there has never been a precedent of a martial arts master coming out of the secret realm of the Abyss alive.”

After Nan Yunjing finished speaking, Lin Yuan's face turned dark instantly.

 Hmm, can you please stop putting so much psychological pressure on me?

 You are a bad old man, you are so bad!

Wang Zhanlin patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Lin Yuan, don't listen to this old guy's nonsense. The reason there is no precedent is because no martial arts master dares to go in there. You are the first one to try it!" I believe you can do it!”

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 Are you sure you are comforting me?

 Why do I feel more panicked...

After "comforting" Lin Yuan, Wang Zhanlin raised his head and asked again: "Principal Nan, how many people did you have from Jingwu this time?"

Nan Yunjing stretched out a palm: "Five eighth-level venerables!"

Wang Zhanlin took a breath of cold air, cupped his hands and said: "As expected of Yanjing Wuhan University, the family is big and the business is big, it can't be compared, it can't be compared."

Nan Yunjing smiled casually, with a somewhat proud look on his old face.

As the president of Yanjing Wuhan University, he is still very proud of Jingwu University.

“By the way, where are the five sages of your Jingwu sect?”

Wang Zhanlin looked around for a while and asked casually.

Nan Yunjing stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction: "The five people over there are our venerable Jingwu sages."

"I see."

Wang Zhanlin nodded, then leaned directly to Lin Yuan's ear, and said slyly: "Boy, do you see the five people over there? They are all sages of Jingwu! If you meet them, catch them quickly Go up and hug their laps when you get the chance, and beg them to protect you!”

Lin Yuan: "..." God, why don't you hug their thighs?

 Principal, you are so real.

Even Nan Yunjing was confused by Wang Zhanlin's saucy moves.

After regaining consciousness, he smiled helplessly: "I asked you, why are you so interested in my Jingwu Master? Are you waiting for me here?"

Wang Zhanlin chuckled and did not answer.

“Okay, I quite like this little guy Lin Yuan.”

"I will go and talk to them later and ask them to help Lin Yuan as much as possible if they meet him."

 After Nan Yunjing finished speaking, a smile suddenly appeared on Wang Zhanlin's face: "Thank you very much, Principal Nan."

Lin Yuan on the side also quickly expressed his thanks: "Thank you very much, Mr. Nan."


At this moment, along with a roar, strong wind blew directly from all around, like a knife cutting through the face!

Lin Yuan looked up and saw a faint purple manned airship, preparing to slowly land on the rooftop.

The rooftop of the Military Headquarters is extremely vast. It is as big as seven or eight basketball courts combined. It is definitely enough for this manned airship to land.

"Okay, boy, go in, we won't follow you."

"There should be people from the military department guarding the entrance to the secret realm of the Abyss, but after entering, everything depends on you."

Wang Zhanlin waved his hand and motioned Lin Yuan to board the airship.


 The space inside the manned airship is huge. At the very least, it is definitely more than enough to accommodate thirty or forty of them.

However, except for Lin Yuan, the rest are all eighth-level masters.

This gave Lin Yuan the feeling that he was a husky that had accidentally gotten into a pack of wolves.

After everyone boarded the airship, another roaring sound rang in everyone's ears.

After starting up, the manned airship slowly rose into the sky, then turned into a stream of faint purple light and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

What they boarded was not an ordinary manned spacecraft, but a product of the First Research Institute’s exhaustive research. At full speed, its flying speed could even briefly rival that of the ninth-level Heavenly King!

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that a cold gaze had been watching him secretly.

No matter what, Lin Yuan's current mental strength is almost 100,000 points, and his perception can be said to be sharp.

 He turned his head directly and looked at each other in the direction he sensed.

Then, he saw a face that was very similar to Xu Tianwu, looking at him insidiously, with eyes as cold and stern as a poisonous snake.

Lin Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

His first reaction was, why did Xu Tianwu appear here? !

But the next second, he ruled out this possibility.

 Because in the Tianwu Court, the chief judge once said that powerful men at the level of Heavenly Kings cannot enter the independent space of the Abyss Realm because they have their own domain.

Moreover, in addition, Lin Yuan also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and saw some subtle differences between him and Xu Tianwu from the other person's face.

It's just that these differences are too insignificant. If Lin Yuan hadn't possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan, he wouldn't have been able to see the difference in appearance between this person and Xu Tianwu.

 His face... is as if carved from the same mold as Xu Tianwu!

 But, if the person in front of you is not Xu Tianwu.

So who...can he be? !

 (End of this chapter)

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