Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 200: Conquer the abyssal beast! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 200 Conquering the Abyssal Beast! 【Second update! 】

The previous battle was so fierce that Lin Yuan almost forgot about this ‘Tianyou Demon Flower’.

 At first, when he saw this Tianyou Demon Flower, Lin Yuan felt deeply that it was extraordinary.

 After all, this is the treasure of heaven and earth that Xiaoyou sensed.

 The ability of alien beasts to perceive some spiritual objects is naturally stronger than that of humans, let alone a dragon beast with extraordinary talents like Xiaoyou.

After Lin Yuan took out the Tianyou Demon Flower, Xiaoyou's eyes quickly looked over, and he even couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, obviously he was extremely greedy.

Lin Yuan smiled and said comfortingly: "Xiaoyou, I still have some use for this Tianyou Demon Flower. I will find new ones for you to eat next time."

Although Xiaoyou was greedy, after Lin Yuan said this, he still nodded obediently.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and sat down cross-legged, preparing to take this Tianyou Demon Flower to enhance his mental strength.

Before taking it, Lin Yuan asked very cautiously: "System, how should you take the Heavenly Demon Flower today? Is there anything particular about it?"

 Soon, the system gave a reply: "Just take it directly."

After getting the system's reply, Lin Yuan felt relieved. He directly threw the entire Tianyou Demon Flower into his mouth and started chewing it.

The next second, Lin Yuan felt a cold air dissipating in his body, and his spirit began to become trance-like.

In front of his eyes, many strange scenes appeared, as if the world had been turned upside down. The dark red sky turned into a blue like the ocean. Countless skeletal birds with only their skeletons left appeared from his The scene flew past in front of my eyes, and the scene was extremely weird.

However, there was a voice that kept echoing in the depths of Lin Yuan's mind, telling him to stop suppressing himself and to completely integrate into this world.

 Is illusion?

Amid the chaos, Lin Yuan tried to regain his consciousness and began to think about this issue.

 No, that’s not right!

If this was an illusion, it should have been seen through by the Mangekyo Sharingan.

 It seems that the ‘Tianyou Demon Flower’ has directly affected his spirit.

As long as you carry it through without sinking, your mental strength will be improved!

With this thought in mind, no matter how weird the scene in front of him was, Lin Yuan always maintained a little clarity on the spiritual platform and restrained his urge to sink into it.

 Time passes by minute by minute.

Those strange sights failed to break Lin Yuan's firm will in the end.

By the time he woke up and returned to the real world, Lin Yuan only felt that his mental fatigue had long since disappeared.

 Correspondingly, his own mental power has grown a bit stronger!

Lin Yuan brought up the attribute panel without hesitation, and was extremely surprised to find that his current mental power had reached 172,000 kilohertz, which was almost the same as his qi and blood!

 Now Lin Yuan is comparable to those warriors who cultivate both qi, blood and spiritual power!

In other words, a mere Tianyou Demon Flower directly increased his spiritual power by a total of 30,000 yuan!

Lin Yuan now finally understood why those eighth-level venerables entered this secret realm of the abyss even if they risked their lives.

 Danger and opportunity always coexist!

 Then, Lin Yuan turned directly to Xiaoyou and asked: "Xiaoyou, the sound means that I have been unconscious for a quarter of an hour. How long have I been unconscious just now?"


Xiaoyou quickly gave the answer. How about half an hour...

Lin Yuan touched his chin. He obviously did not expect that absorbing this Heavenly Demonic Flower would actually make him comatose for such a long time.

 It seems that before absorbing this type of spiritual creature next time, you must choose a relatively safe place.

 Otherwise, I might not even know how he died.

Since so much time has passed, he should not continue to waste time. The self-healing ability of the eighth-level abyssal beasts is quite powerful. If the delay continues, these two big guys should regain their fighting strength.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan walked directly in front of the giant snake.

Its huge snake eyes were as huge as millstones, and they were staring at Lin Yuan in front of them with venom.

Its snake head has been almost completely deformed by the black giant ape. In this case, it can still survive, so Lin Yuan can't help but sigh at its powerful vitality!

 “Don’t look at me, I know you haven’t recovered yet.”

Lin Yuan smiled casually.

 The next second, he activated the pupil technique without hesitation, other gods!

I saw a crow as black as ink suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yuan's eyes.

 It is worth mentioning that the eyes of this crow are also Mangekyō Sharingan!

As Lin Yuan and the giant snake looked at each other, the crow transformed by another **** quickly found its target, turned into a black shadow, and flew towards the giant snake in front of him, seeming to want to blend in. In the eyes of the other party!

The pitch-black crow in front of me is like an illusion, blending into the giant snake's eyes without any hindrance!

At the same time, Lin Yuan felt that his own mental power began to burn violently!

 Obviously, the art of other gods has been activated!

Lin Yuan slowly raised his right hand and said calmly and indifferently: "From now on, I want you to regard me as your master!"

Since the role of other gods is to modify the other party's will, it is natural that Lin Yuan needs to take the initiative to issue instructions to him!

As Lin Yuan's voice fell, the ferocious look in the eyes of the giant snake in front of him also slowly faded away.

 Instead, there is meekness...and loyalty!

 Obviously, the other gods have taken effect!

 Lin Yuan’s instructions were also implemented.

 From now on, he is the only owner of this eighth-level giant snake!

After successfully subduing an abyssal beast, Lin Yuan was in a very good mood, but his brain felt like a needle prick.

 Obviously, even if he only used the other gods once, his mental power was already in a state of complete exhaustion.

Lin Yuan was not reluctant. He quickly took out a bottle of mental power potion from the system space and began to quickly restore his own mental power.

 After his mental strength is fully restored, he can continue to conquer the black giant ape.

Lin Yuan is full of confidence in this regard.

 After all, I have successfully subdued the giant green snake in front of me, but the giant black ape doesn't look very smart, and his mental power cannot be that high.

If it really doesn't work, it doesn't matter if you just kill him yourself.

 (End of this chapter)

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