Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 201: Ice Abyss Frost Tree! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 201 Ice Abyss Frost Tree! 【Third update! 】

As expected by Lin Yuan, after his mental power returned to a full state, he easily used other gods to subdue the black giant ape in front of him.

At this point, Lin Yuan’s men now have two Abyss beasts with eighth-level combat power!

However, although the two abyssal beasts have accepted him as their master, they are seriously injured at this time and cannot participate in the battle for the time being.

 At the same time, the system’s prompt tone also sounded.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the choice, you will be rewarded with 5,000 points of vitality and blood, and an illustration of the secret realm of the Abyss!”

 Lin Yuan is quite interested in this so-called illustrated book.

 The next second, he thought, and a black simple illustrated book appeared in his hand.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and began to read through it.

This illustrated book is as thick as the Xinhua Dictionary, but it is a combination of pictures and text and does not contain too much content.

This illustrated book mainly records products unique to the secret realm of the Abyss, including even Abyss beasts.

After browsing halfway through, Lin Yuan even saw the existence of the ‘Tianyou Demon Flower’.

In other words, if he had had this illustrated book earlier, he would have been able to identify the variety of the Tianyou Demon Flower at the first sight!

 It seems that the system still takes good care of him.

Knowing that he didn’t know much about the secret realm of the Abyss, he specially rewarded himself with an illustrated book.

Since the Tianyou Demon Flower has been consumed by himself and the two Abyssal Beasts have been successfully subdued, it is time for Lin Yuan to leave here.

After taking a look at the giant snake and demon ape in front of him, Lin Yuan suddenly had a thought in his mind and asked: "System, can I also include these two into the pet space?"

 Soon, the system gave a reply: "Yes."

Lin Yuan was very happy.

You must know that the pet space has the effect of accelerating the recovery of pet injuries.

 In this way, when the giant snake and black magic ape in front of him recover from their injuries, they will be able to assist him in the battle.

Moreover, taking these two big guys to move in the secret realm of the abyss is somewhat eye-catching.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to raise his hand to take the two abyssal beasts in front of him into the pet space, Xiaoyou shouted with an aggrieved look: "嘤嘤嘤!"

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then quickly came to his senses.

 This little guy... is actually jealous!

From Xiaoyou's point of view, the pet space is a place arranged by Lin Yuan for it, and other beasts are not allowed to share it!

Looking at Xiaoyou's angry and aggrieved look, Lin Yuan walked up with a smile, rubbed its dragon head, and said, "Don't worry, you are different from them."

“The pet beasts have a lot of space, they won’t affect you, and I also need to use these abyssal beasts now. I hope you can understand, Xiaoyou.”

 Lin Yuan's tone was particularly soft. Although he had not spent much time with Xiaoyou, subconsciously, he had regarded Xiaoyou as his partner, not as a pet.

After Lin Yuan’s explanation, Xiaoyou quickly lost his temper and flew around Lin Yuan happily.

Then, Lin Yuan spoke again: "By the way, there is one more thing. If you sense the breath of a spiritual creature like the Tianyou Demon Flower again, you must remind me immediately."

Xiaoyou listened carefully to what Lin Yuan said, and then nodded heavily. After thinking for a while, it raised its head again: "Hey!"

With the two parties being in the same mind, Lin Yuan certainly knew what it meant, and said with a helpless smile: "Okay, okay, next time I find something delicious, I will give you half of it."

 Obviously, Xiaoyou is still obsessed with the fact that Lin Yuan swallowed the Tianyou Demon Flower by himself until now.


 One person and one dragon, once again embarked on the journey.

In the vast and desolate land of the Abyss Secret Realm, there are no signs. If you are not careful, you will lose your way.

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan doesn't have to think about the direction at all now, he just goes wherever he goes.

 Unless Xiaoyou smells the breath of a spiritual creature, Lin Yuan will choose to stop.

 For Lin Yuan, Xiaoyou's role is completely equivalent to that of a spiritual object detector.


At this moment, Xiaoyou seemed to smell something suddenly and flew directly in a certain direction!

Lin Yuan did not dare to hesitate and quickly followed him.

After traveling about six or seven kilometers, a big tree in the sky soon appeared in front of Lin Yuan!

It is worth mentioning that although the body and branches of this giant tree are dark black, the leaves are a rare ice blue, looking like frost leaves!

"This is…"

Lin Yuan was slightly dazed.

 Then, he took out the illustrated book and after quickly flipping through the pages, he finally determined the species of the tree in front of him!

The big tree in front of you is the "Icy Abyss Frost Tree" unique to the secret realm of the Abyss!

This kind of tree is extremely rare even in the secret realm of the abyss!

It will continuously emit extremely cold air outwards. Except for the ice-attributed Abyssal Beasts, few Abyssal Beasts will take the initiative to approach this kind of tree.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuan did not see any guardian abyss beast next to this ice abyss frost tree.

 Presumably... Xiaoyou was attracted by the extremely cold air emanating from it, so she brought Lin Yuan here.

However, now that they are here, Lin Yuan is simply going to take Xiaoyou to stay here for a while.

 In this way, Xiaoyou can absorb the extremely cold air emitted by the ‘Ice Abyss Frost Tree’ and speed up his own growth.

Secondly, the giant snake and the black magic ape needed a certain amount of time to recover from their injuries in Lin Yuan's pet space.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan took Xiaoyou directly and approached the Bingyuan Frost Tree in front of him.

After getting closer, Xiaoyou seemed extremely lively, flying wantonly among the canopy of the ice abyss frost tree.

But Lin Yuan felt extremely uncomfortable, with a bone-chilling cold feeling, as if there were thousands of ice picks rubbing against his bones.

It’s no wonder that no abyssal beast is willing to get close to this ice abyss frost tree, because it is simply a kind of torture!

However, for Xiaoyou, this is a paradise of bliss!

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan raised his head and began to count the fruits on the tree.

 One, two, three…six, seven!

This Ice Abyss Frost Tree has a total of seven Ice Abyss Frost Fruits!

However, Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to pick.

Because, according to the introduction in the illustration, once all the Ice Abyss Frost Fruits are picked, the Ice Abyss Frost Tree will quickly rot and die in a very short period of time!

 (End of this chapter)

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