Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 204: Thunder Cage! The grizzly bear is dead! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 204 Thunder Cage! The grizzly bear is dead! 【Third update! 】

 Before Oleg could react, the thunder cage in front of him had already taken shape!

At this moment, Lin Yuan has already hid in the divine power space!

Of course he knew that Oleg could kill him with one blow.

 So, Lin Yuan only needs to prevent the opponent from finding a chance to take action.

After the thunder prison was formed, Oleg's face darkened, and he punched the cage in front of him with all his strength!


With a loud noise, the thunder cage in front of me shook violently!

The originally dazzling lightning quickly dimmed!

Lin Yuan used all his strength to condense the thunder cage, but in Oleg's hands, he could barely resist a single blow!

However, Lin Yuan certainly expected this.

He did not expect that the thunder cage could trap Oleg.

 He only needs to delay the other party for a moment, that's enough!

Oleg raised his hand and punched again, and the thunder cage in front of him suddenly shattered!

However, at this moment, below Oleg, the giant snake attacked with lightning speed, opening its mouth to forcefully devour him!

Oleg was horrified, and his speed exploded instantly, trying to avoid the giant snake's attack.

Unfortunately, his reaction was fast enough, but his movements were still a step too slow after all!


 The sharp snake teeth directly scratched Oleg's right leg, leaving a long **** mark.

However, this trauma is still minor.

The most deadly thing is that the venom used by the giant snake to paralyze the nerves was injected directly into Oleg's body along the wounds made by the snake's teeth!

The thunder cage that Lin Yuan created previously was not to trap Oleg, but to create opportunities for this giant snake beast!

"Oh no…"

Oleg’s expression changed.

 He could already feel the snake venom beginning to spread rapidly in his body.

Just at this moment, the black demon ape roared low and slapped Oleg to death in mid-air!

 Normally, with his speed, he would have been able to avoid this blow.

 But now, under the impression of snake venom, Oleg only felt that half of his body was paralyzed, and even his speed was greatly reduced!

The palm of the black demon ape fell heavily on Oleg before he could escape!


With a muffled sound, Oleg's strong figure flew out like a kite with its string broken. He raised his head and spit out a large mouthful of blood.


 About three or four minutes have passed.

Lin Yuan's figure was directly separated from the divine power space.

In front of him, Oleg was already dying. He was held in the hands of the black giant ape and was smashed casually.

His current situation is extremely miserable, with blood dripping all over his body. Even his right arm and left leg have been broken off. The only remaining leg and arm seem to have been fractured. At an extremely weird angle, they are helpless. Drooped.

 Obviously, after the snake venom spread, Oleg, just like the black giant ape, quickly lost most of his combat ability.

Under such circumstances, Oleg was naturally crushed and completely abused by Lin Yuan's two abyssal beasts.

Lin Yuan stepped forward with an indifferent expression.

The seriously injured and dying Oleg in front of him had long lost his original arrogance and domineering arrogance, and his eyes revealed endless despair.     "I'll give you a good time."

 The next second, Lin Yuan raised his foot and stepped on the latter's neck without hesitation!

Subsequently, Lin Yuan groped directly on Oleg's body, and soon found a bright silver ring!

If Lin Yuan guessed correctly, this should be the space ring he carries with him.

 Space rings, also called storage rings, are made of special gold with space properties and are extremely precious and rare.

However, for warriors who have reached the realm of eighth-level venerables, as long as they do well, it is not difficult to have a space ring of their own.

After Lin Yuan picked up the ring, he directly put his spiritual power into it.

Since Oleg is dead, the spiritual imprint he left on this space ring will naturally dissipate.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yuan used almost no effort to detect the situation in the space ring through his mental power.

I have to say that the internal space of this space ring is only more than thirty cubic meters, which is completely dwarfed by Lin Yuan's system space.

"Tongyou grass, soul-burial flower, black gold abyss iron... tsk tsk tsk, this Oleg really has collected a lot of good things in the secret realm of the abyss."

According to Lin Yuan's rough estimate, the value of these materials is at least around 30 million, and may even be higher!

 After all, these materials are unique to the secret realm of the Abyss.

 The rarer something is, the higher its value will naturally be!

In addition, there is also some cash and several bank cards stored in Oleg's space ring.

The cash is all rubles, the currency of Russia. Even if it is exchanged, it will only cost about a few hundred thousand.

As for bank cards, they have no meaning to Lin Yuan.

 So, after killing Oleg, Lin Yuan's real gain was the rare materials in the space ring.

 It seems that I really need to change my ideas.

 After searching the secret realm of the Abyss for so long, I only found a Sky You Demon Flower and an Ice Abyss Frost Tree with the help of Xiaoyou.

 But now, I just killed one person and harvested materials worth 30 million in one go!

Lin Yuan now knows why Li Fengyou told him to be careful about the sages from foreign countries.

It turns out that in this secret realm of the abyss, killing people and taking other people’s trophies is the fastest way to collect materials!

 Unconsciously, Lin Yuan's mentality began to change.

 When he first entered the secret realm of the abyss, all he thought about was how to survive.

Now, Lin Yuan has begun to think about how to collect materials and quickly improve his strength by hunting more foreign sages!

After possessing the magical skill of Other Gods, Lin Yuan's identity has changed from a prey to a hunter!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan turned his head and walked towards the Ice Abyss Frost Tree.

 His stay here has been long enough.

 Since the injuries on the giant snake and the demon ape have recovered, there is no need for him to continue to stay here.

Lin Yuan was ready to leave this place directly after picking the fruits of the Ice Abyss Frost Tree.

These two chapters are to make up for yesterday. Today’s update will be updated later~



 (End of this chapter)

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