Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 205: One person is an army! 【First update!

Chapter 205 One person is a legion! 【First update! 】

After Lin Yuan picked the Ice Abyss Frost Fruit from the tree, the Ice Abyss Frost Tree quickly withered and died.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan directly chose to leave.

 After he left, no matter how long it took, two figures quietly arrived here.

One of them is an old man in his sixties or seventies. His face is lined with grooves and he looks extremely old.

 Furthermore, he was dressed somewhat like a dark wizard in the Middle Ages, wearing a pure black robe and holding a scepter inlaid with a skull in his hand.

 The other person is none other than ‘Xu Ying’ who looks very similar to Xu Tianwu!

After arriving here, Xu Ying frowned slightly, turned his head, looked at the old man in black robe beside him, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Losius, are you sure you can sense the aura of that boy Lin Yuan here?" ?”

“Of course, don’t underestimate the sense of smell of a Cerberus.”

The black-robed old man named 'Losius' glanced at Xu Ying, raised his right hand, and directly summoned a hellhound with dark hair, scarlet eyes, and a collar around his neck.

Xu Ying frowned, looked around, and said in a cold tone: "Very good, then can you tell me where Lin Yuan is now?"

Roxius said calmly: "Obviously, we came at the wrong time. He should have left by now."

Xu Ying glanced at him and said coldly: "I traveled more than a thousand miles not just to hear you say that he has left."

Roxius shook his head and said calmly: "Mr. Xu Ying, please pay attention to your tone. I am cooperating with you, not your servant or slave."

Xu Ying said quietly: "Of course I understand this, but you must also complete what you promised me. Kill Lin Yuan first, and then I will help you find 'that thing' together."

Roxius nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, as a trade, it's fair."

Then, Xu Ying raised her brows and asked: "So... Dear Mr. Losius, could you please find out where Lin Yuan is now?"

Xu Ying deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "now".

 Obviously, he still feels resentful about not being able to find Lin Yuan here.

Roxius smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as the Cerberus is around, we can track his aura and follow him."

“But before that, Mr. Xu Ying, it would be better for you to come over and take a look.”

 After finishing speaking, Losius took direct steps and walked in one direction.


Xu Ying frowned slightly and quickly kept up with the other party's pace.

Soon, a corpse in a miserable state of death appeared in front of them.

Judging from the signs of decay on the body, it was obvious that the man had been dead for some time.

Roxius asked softly: "Mr. Xu Ying, can you recognize the identity of the person in front of you?"

Xu Ying shook her head and said, "This corpse already looks like this, how can I still recognize it?"

 “Then let me do it.”

Losius raised his hand again, and countless small black bugs flew out from his sleeves, and soon covered the carrion in front of him!

  "Chi chi chi -"    Along with a heart-wrenching sound, the rotting corpse in front of him was instantly eaten by small insects flying out of Losius's sleeves until only the skeleton was left.

Xu Ying frowned and asked, "What is this?"

Losius explained calmly: "These are 'scavengers', which make a living by eating carrion on corpses. When my mind is connected, I usually use these little guys to get some useful things from corpses. Information."

 “It’s really disgusting.”

Xu Ying curled her lips and said bluntly.

 Then, he glanced at Losius again: "Then do you know whose body this is now?"

After taking back the scavengers, Losius closed his eyes and said calmly: "This is the body of 'Grizzly Bear' Oleg, a very famous martial arts master in Russia with considerable strength. Not bad.”

The next second, Losius opened his eyes, looked at Xu Ying with a half-smile, and said, "Mr. Xu Ying, it seems... the kid you want to kill is not as simple as you said."

Xu Ying reacted quickly and said in a deep voice: "You mean, Grizzly Oleg died in his hands?!"

Losius nodded and said, "Well, I don't know how he did it, but it's true."

"How is this possible? That boy is just a martial arts master!"

Xu Ying frowned, feeling deeply unbelievable.

Roxius said calmly: "Perhaps I got some luck in the secret realm of the abyss. Although I know you have to kill him, in any case, it is better for us to be as careful as possible."

 Hearing what Losius said, Xu Ying's face darkened, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.


at the same time.

 Another place in the secret realm of the Abyss.

 “Submit yourself to me.”

Lin Yuan faced the dying Demon Lion Beast in front of him and suddenly activated his pupil technique, "Better God!"

 Under the influence of other gods, the eyes of the Demonic Lion Abyss Beast in front of him gradually changed from the previous ferocious and violent to calm and docile.


After successfully subduing the Demonic Lion Beast in front of him, Lin Yuan let out a long breath.

Then, he took out a bottle of mental power recovery potion directly from the system space, poured it into his mouth, and began to quickly restore his mental power.

It has to be said that although using other gods consumes mental energy extremely, it can also promote the improvement of one's own mental power.

Every time after using the other gods, Lin Yuan could feel that his mental power seemed to be a little tougher, and even the upper limit of his mental power was also increased.

 Speaking of which, the Abyssal Beast Demonic Lion in front of him is already the third Abyssal Beast he has conquered, besides the giant snake and the black demonic ape!

In other words, Lin Yuan’s pet space currently contains five deep beasts with eighth-level strength!

If all five abyssal beasts were summoned, the formation and momentum would have reached a terrifying level!

Lin Yuan now feels deeply lucky that he chose to enter the secret realm of the Abyss Realm.

 Otherwise, he would never have been able to conquer such a large number of high-level abyssal beasts to serve him!

 It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Yuan is now an army by himself!

 He alone has an army of abyssal beasts that can rival thousands of troops!

 (End of this chapter)

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