Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 208: It’s not enough for three people! 【First update! 】

Chapter 208 For three’s not enough! 【First update! 】

When the sacred spear in front of him attacked, Lin Yuan reacted instantly, his pupils suddenly tightened, and he exploded at full speed. He hugged Li Fenyou and dodged to the side!

However, the speed of the sacred spear attack was too fast. Even though Lin Yuan had reacted immediately, a blood mark was still wiped out on his right arm!

No matter what you say, Ymir is also known as the "No. 1 Genius in Northern Europe". He entered the eighth level of the Venerable Realm at the age of twenty-five.

Now he is twenty-seven years old and has become a leader among the eighth-level venerables!

Of the three people present, their strength is far stronger than that of 'Iron Thorn' Anderson, and only slightly weaker than 'Storm Eagle' Vader.

Such strength is naturally not something that Lin Yuan can match head-on.

 After the sacred spear hit, a look of surprise flashed across Ymir's face.

How could the Chinese young man in front of me be so weak? !

Because it was a test, Ymir did not use all his strength when he stabbed Lin Yuan with the 'sacred spear'.

 But under such circumstances, this holy spear was completely beyond his expectation and caused damage to Lin Yuan!

Even if it were any eighth-level venerable person who came over, he wouldn't be as embarrassed as the other party, right?

Seeing this, Ymir couldn't help but turn his head and said with a joking face: "Anderson, is this the 'Chinese talent' you call younger than me?"

  After Ymir said these words, Anderson also turned to look at Lin Yuan, and laughed unbridled: "Chinese boy, you really let us down!"

 “If you don’t have the ability, why do you still have to imitate other people’s heroes to save beauty?”

At this moment, Li Fenyou also opened his eyes in Lin Yuan's arms, his eyes full of surprise: "Lin...Lin Yuan?"

 “Why are you here?”

Lin Yuan smiled casually and said, "I happened to pass by and noticed that Teacher Li seemed to be in some trouble, so I rushed over immediately."


Li Fengyou looked anxious and said, "Put me down and I'll hold them off for you. You can take the opportunity to escape!"

 “If you take me with you, they won’t let you go!”

 At this point, Li Fenyou's voice suddenly became deeper: "I'm sorry... There is no way to do what the teacher promised you."

"I promised you before that if you can meet me, I will protect you. Now it seems...the teacher is going to break his promise. You must live well and walk out of the secret realm of the abyss alive!"

 “You are a good boy and you should not die in a hellish place like this.”

 “Okay, let’s go quickly, I’ll hold them off for a while for you.”

With that said, Li Fenyou broke free from Lin Yuan's embrace, stopped in front of him resolutely, and once again assumed a fighting posture!

Lin Yuan's heart trembled slightly.

 Obviously, Li Fenyou’s previous words really touched him.

Li Fenyou just stopped in front of him, turned her back to him, and spoke calmly.

"By the way, if you can go back alive, remember to tell Wang Zhanlin that I am dead and ask him not to wait for me anymore. If possible... find a woman who is more suitable for him."

 After finishing speaking, Li Fenyou smiled self-deprecatingly: "Anyway, there are many women who are gentler than me in this world."

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly took a step forward and stood side by side with her. Li Fengyou frowned and said in a deep voice: "Why don't you leave? Do you really want to die here?!"

Lin Yuan did not explain much, just smiled casually: "Teacher Li, I will protect you this time."

Li Fenyou's eyes flickered, and her beautiful eyes stared at the young man beside her.

 Because she could hear that there was an undoubted confidence in Lin Yuan's words.

“Ymir, this kid still doesn’t run away. Was he frightened by the holy spear you just shot?”

Andre's face couldn't help but reveal a somewhat sarcastic smile: "This is also the first time I know that there are such weak warriors in this secret realm of the abyss."

“Vide, Ymir, you don’t need to interfere this time, just leave this kid to me!”

"I'll let him have a taste of what the 'Hell of Thorns' is like!"

 The next second, murderous intent suddenly emerged in Andre's eyes!

Two strands of iron thorns, like bundles of silk thread, strangled Lin Yuan at great speed!

Under Andre's expectation, with the opponent's strength, the "Hell of Thorns" he used could easily tear it into pieces!

Just as Andre was thinking this way, a huge black shadow suddenly descended in front of Lin Yuan!

 “Abyssal Beast?!”

Andre was slightly startled.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the huge black beast in front of him stretched out his huge palm and pulled the iron thorn thorns in front of him!

For a moment, Andre felt a majestic force coming from him, and his body was forcefully pulled in the direction of the force!

This power is so terrifying that I have no room to resist!

 “Damn it... cut it off!”

In desperation, Andre forcibly severed the connection between the Iron Thorn Thorns and himself!


Even though Iron Thorns was Andre's superpower, after forcibly cutting it off, he still suffered a corresponding backlash, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

After stabilizing his body, Andre finally saw clearly what the huge black beast in front of him was.

That turned out to be a black magic ape that was as tall as four or five stories high!

 Just standing there, this demonic ape had a terrifying momentum escaping from its surroundings.

Andre could feel that beneath its huge dark body, there was unimaginable terrifying power!

 At this moment, Lin Yuan finally moved.

He stretched out his hand, his fingertips gently crossed Andre, Ymir and Wade in front of him, and murmured to himself: "One...two...three, are there only three people?"

Andre frowned.

He had no idea what Lin Yuan was counting.

Moreover, there seemed to be a hint of disappointment in the other party's tone.

After counting, Lin Yuan's face showed a bright smile inadvertently: "If there are only three people, it would be a bit unsightly."

At this moment, four more terrifying abyss beasts of different shapes appeared in front of Lin Yuan!

 (End of this chapter)

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