Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 209: Andre was besieged and killed [Second update! 】

Chapter 209 Andre was surrounded and killed [Second update! 】

 For a time, the three people in front of Lin Yuan were all stunned.

 Because the scene in front of me is really too amazing!

If you include the black giant ape from before, there are a total of five eighth-order abyssal beasts in front of Lin Yuan!

Each abyssal beast exudes a terrifying aura, which makes people look intimidated!

Even Andre couldn't help but swallowed: "This kid...can actually control the abyssal beast?!"

 He finally reacted now.

 Why did Lin Yuan act so confidently when facing the three of them?

The five abyssal beasts in front of them brought them an indescribable sense of oppression.

Even Li Fenyou's eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise.

 Because she didn’t know how Lin Yuan did it.

“Teacher Li, I killed all three of them, so there shouldn’t be any problem, right?”

Lin Yuan turned around and looked at Li Fenyou with a smile.

A flower-like smile bloomed on the latter's face: "Of course there is no problem. Even if something happens, the teacher will take care of it for you!"

 “Hahaha, okay!”

Lin Yuan laughed twice, turned around, and coldly ordered: "Then...kill them all!"

After Lin Yuan gave the order, the five abyssal beasts in front of him were all like hungry wolves that had smelled the smell of blood. After roaring a few times, they suddenly rushed towards the three people in front of them!


After the Demonic Lion Beast roared angrily, it rushed towards Andre brazenly!

Among the five Abyss beasts that Lin Yuan subdued, this demon lion is undoubtedly the weakest, with its combat power only equivalent to an eighth-level warrior with 240,000 points of blood.

To put it bluntly, even if Lin Yuan fought with him, they would still be able to fight back and forth.

However, under Lin Yuan's instructions, the Demonic Lion Abyss Beast in front of him did not consider the difference in strength at all, and forcibly killed Andre!

The latter's face was slightly stern, and the iron thorns and thorns shot out again, like ropes, spreading towards the demon lion!

Although Andre is the weakest among the three, he is still more than enough to deal with the Demonic Lion Abyss Beast in front of him.

In just a moment, the demon lion was tightly bound in place by the iron thorns and thorns, and even the sharp thorns on the thorns were deeply pierced into its flesh and blood!

The demon lion struggled wildly, and screamed and wailed continuously from its mouth.

However, even if Andre forcibly subdued the demonic lion in front of him, there was still no trace of joy on his face.

Because, another sharp scorpion tail flashing with cold light suddenly roared from the side and pierced straight towards his heart!

Faced with enemies from both sides, Andre had no choice but to grit his teeth and activate his superpower again, wrapping the iron thorns and thorns towards the scorpion tail in an attempt to block the opponent's offensive!

Seeing that the demon lion had been subdued, he was also able to parry the poisonous scorpion's tail.

Just as Andre was about to flee again, another sky-covering beast's palm fell from above his head!


There was only a muffled sound, and Andre's figure was directly knocked down from the air, and was smashed into the ground!

The force of the black demon ape's palm was not light. When Andre stood up again, several bones in his body had been broken, and he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Vide, Ymir, save me!"

Andre never thought that Lin Yuan had no intention of letting the five abyss beasts spread out to attack, but instead forcibly concentrated fire on him alone!

Although Andre was somewhat powerful, he could not withstand the siege of so many Abyssal beasts, so he had to ask Vader and Ymir for help.

  "Vide, we can't leave him behind!"    Ymir was quite loyal. After discovering that Andre was in trouble, he immediately chose to turn back!

 “Twelve Holy Spears of Light!”

With Ymir's roar, twelve golden spears emitting holy light suddenly appeared behind him!

Just when the black giant ape was about to punch Andre again, the Holy Light Spear behind Ymir suddenly flew towards the former and stabbed him in the air!

 “Chi chi chi chi—”

These twelve holy light spears were extremely fast and pierced directly into the flesh and blood of the black giant ape!

 Fortunately, the black giant ape was relatively rough-skinned and thick-flesh, and was not forcibly pierced by these spears of holy light.

In anger, the black giant ape punched Andre **** the ground again!


Under the full force punch of the black giant ape, even the ground was forcefully dented.

Looking at the giant hill-like fist in front of him, Andre's pupils shrank suddenly, and his figure rolled directly to the side!

It's a pity that although Andre avoided being hit directly by the black giant ape's punch, the aftermath of the punch still forced him to fly away!

Andre almost wanted to curse her.

It was obviously Ymir who stabbed you with the Holy Light Spear, so what do you mean by coming over to hit me? !

What he didn't know was that these abyssal beasts were now acting entirely according to Lin Yuan's instructions.

And Lin Yuan gave them the order to kill Andre first!

 An all-out siege will make it easier for the opponent to find an opportunity to escape.

In this case, you might as well start killing the weakest one first, kill as many as you can, and defeat the opponent one by one!

He didn’t believe that under the joint attack of five eighth-level abyssal beasts, there were still people who could survive!

Ymir still wanted to take action, but was stopped by Wade.

The latter said in a deep voice: "Let's go, we can't save him, Andre will definitely die!"

I have to say that Wade’s review of the situation is relatively clear.

He knew that under the current situation, it was almost impossible for them to save Andre from the hands of the five abyssal beasts.

 Not to mention, Li Fengyou has been waiting aside.

Although she was injured at this time, it was still easy to stop them from rescuing Andre.

Ymir seemed a little unwilling, frowning and said: "But..."

Vide interrupted him directly and forcibly: "There is nothing to worry about. If we hesitate any longer, both of us will die here!"

 After finishing speaking, Wade stopped explaining at all, turned around directly, and fled forward!

Lin Yuan looked at Wade's fleeing figure, frowned slightly, and waved directly, letting a pterosaur beast next to him chase after him!

Since these three people have pushed Li Fenyou to that point, Lin Yuan is also ready to let them experience the feeling of being chased!

 (End of this chapter)

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