Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 210: Ymir is dead! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 210 Ymir dies! 【Third update! 】

Under Lin Yuan's instructions, the pterodactyl-like Abyssal Beast flapped its wings, forming a hurricane that swept towards Vader!

 The latter frowned and directly chose to activate the ability!

 In an instant, the storm that filled the sky swept away against the hurricane!

Under such a violent storm, the hurricane formed by the Winged Dragon Abyssal Beast could not even get close to Vader's side!

Lin Yuan’s eyes were slightly sharp.

I have to say, this guy is really troublesome.

In terms of strength, Vader is definitely the strongest among the three!

Furthermore, his ability to control storms is also quite difficult to deal with.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan made an instant decision in his heart.

 Give up chasing Vader and kill Andre and Ymir first!

After sensing Lin Yuan's command, the Winged Dragon Yuan Beast suddenly changed its direction. After screaming, it flapped its wings and pounced towards Ymir!

 The latter's complexion changed, and he was about to gather the sacred spear to fight back.

However, at this moment, a dark insect shadow suddenly burst out of the ground, and its tail thorns forcefully pierced him!

Under such circumstances, Ymir didn't even bother to fight back. His speed completely exploded and he dodged to the side!

 However, just when Ymir managed to avoid the scorpion's tail sting, another snake shadow rose from the sky, opened its **** mouth, and bit him!

 “Damn it, **** it!”

Ymir's eyes were about to burst, and his mental strength was concentrated to the extreme. At the moment when the giant snake bit, he stepped out suddenly, stepped on the head of the giant snake, and relied on the force of the recoil to soar to a higher place!

However, before Ymir had time to be happy, another hurricane bomb compressed to the extreme crashed on his body!


With a muffled sound, Ymir's figure was blasted dozens of meters away!

This hurricane bomb is obviously the ability of the previous Abyssal Beast Pterosaur.

Since Ymir’s attention was always on the giant snake, he didn’t notice the roaring hurricane bomb at all!

Subsequently, before Ymir could stabilize his body, another beast claw struck him, slamming him to the ground like a ball!

Under the attacks of the pterodactyl and the demonic lion, Ymir's body soon suffered heavy damage!

However, even in this situation, Ymir did not dare to waste another moment.

He stood up with force, dragged his remaining body, found a random direction, and ran away as if he was desperate!

 If you want to escape, you must escape yourself!

 You must not...die in a place like this!

However, just as Ymir fled at full speed, a huge beast shadow once again blocked his escape route, like a towering mountain.

 Andre was seriously injured and on the verge of death, losing all combat capabilities.

 So, Lin Yuan directly mobilized all the abyss beasts and surrounded and killed Ymir with all his strength!

Looking at the tall black magic ape in front of him, Ymir's heart was filled with despair.

He obviously didn't expect that he was still trying every possible means to save Andre.

 But in the blink of an eye, it was his turn!


Ymir turned around in despair, trying to search for traces of Wade.

However, he discovered that Wade's people had already fled from this place without looking back, without caring about their lives or lives.

Although they were companions, Vader obviously put his own life first when the disaster was approaching.

Thinking of this, Ymir couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. Then, the wry smile on his face quickly turned into an almost maniacal laugh.

 “You want me to die...I will never make it easy for you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, one after another, holy light spears emitting golden light suddenly condensed around Ymir!

Under Ymir's full urging, the number of holy light spears behind him soon reached hundreds!

 “Go to hell!”

Ymir looked ferocious and roared crazily. In an instant, all the holy light spears suddenly attacked Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan frowned, obviously not expecting that Ymir would turn to attack him in a desperate situation.

The Holy Light Spear attacked so fast that Lin Yuan had no time to activate his divine power.

 Fortunately, Li Fenyou stayed by his side.

Looking at the Holy Light Spear attacking in front of him, Li Fengyou snorted coldly and raised his right hand. Scarlet blood beads suddenly came out from his fingertips and condensed into a blood shield!

 The next second, Li Fengyou's special power was activated, and the blood shield in front of him instantly burned!

 Blood-burning shield!

This huge blood shield blocked all the holy light spears that attacked Ymir!

With Li Fengyou's strength, it would be more than enough to deal with Ymir's attack alone.

After all the Holy Light Spears were blocked, Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "Thank you very much."

Li Fenyou raised her eyebrows playfully: "It's a small matter."

 Then, Lin Yuan sighed slightly: "It's a pity that Wade escaped."

 Li Fenyou pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "That old guy is indeed a trouble. It seems that we must be more careful next time."

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes dangerously and sneered: "I hope he comes back to seek revenge on me, let's see if he has the courage!"

"makes sense."

Li Fengyou looked around at the abyssal beasts guarding Lin Yuan, smiled and said, "You are quite prosperous now, with five abyssal beasts serving as your bodyguards!"

Lin Yuan smiled: "It's just good luck."

Then, Li Fenyou's beautiful eyes flickered for a while, and he said provocatively: "Lin Yuan, can you tell the teacher how you did it?"

Li Fengyou's voice was so soft and waxy that Lin Yuan felt like his bones were going numb.

If Lin Yuan hadn't seen the shrewish side of this woman, he would have been deceived by the appearance in front of him.

 Lin Yuan smiled awkwardly and said: "Teacher Li, don't talk to me like this, I'm afraid..."

Li Fengyou rolled her eyes angrily, and said charmingly: "It's rare for me to act coquettishly. I didn't expect you, a kid, to be so incomprehensible to coquettishness. It's really boring."

 Lin Yuan felt a chill running down his back, and thought to himself that I am not understanding the customs, I simply cannot bear it...

If I were really that ignorant, I would probably be either directly burned to death by you or hacked to death by Wang Zhanlin...

Please be noble and let me go. I still want to live a few more years...

 (End of this chapter)

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