Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 211: Absorb supernatural powers, iron thorns! 【First update! 】

Chapter 211: Absorbing superpowers, iron thorns! 【First update! 】

Then, Li Fenyou glanced at Lin Yuan with interest and said, "Okay, everyone has some secrets of their own. Since you don't want to tell them, forget it."

“After all, including this time, I already owe you two lives.”

 Lin Yuan shook his head and denied: "I don't owe anything. The teacher has also helped me a lot, and I will keep it in mind."

Li Fengyou said lazily: "They are just trivial favors. Compared with your kindness for saving two of my lives, they are far behind."

“I don’t have anything to repay you here, so let’s do this. If we all leave the secret realm of the Abyss alive, if you need my help with anything, just ask.”

“As long as it’s not too outrageous, if the word ‘no’ comes out of my mouth, then my name, Li Fengyou, will be written upside down!”

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, then it's settled."

The reason why he agreed immediately was not because he really thought that Li Fenyou could help him, but because he didn't want to put too much burden on the latter's heart.

 While he was chatting with Li Fengyou, the battle in front of him was already over.

Although Ymir was very powerful, he had little room to resist when faced with the encirclement of five eighth-order abyssal beasts, and he was quickly and completely knocked down.

 After the battle is over, it’s time to collect the spoils.

Lin Yuan walked straight forward and came to Ymir's side.

The first day of Nordic, the first day of pride, was now full of blood, and he collapsed in the pits very much. Obviously, it was already greater than the air.

However, Lin Yuan didn't have any sympathy in his heart.

 In this world, everything is about success and failure.

If they were defeated today, then Ymir would not let him and Li Fenyou go either.

 The next second, Lin Yuan thought, and a thunder blade condensed directly in his hand!

With a flash of lightning, Ymir's head was chopped off by Lin Yuan.

 The greatest genius in Northern Europe has fallen!

After beheading Ymir, Lin Yuan leaned down and took off the space ring from his finger with ease.

Lin Yuan's mental power quickly penetrated into it.

I have to say that the things in Ymir’s space ring are much more than those of Grizzly Oleg.

Furthermore, many of the items were not produced in the secret realm of the Abyss, but were brought in from the outside world, but their value is equally great.

It seems that Ymir is really confident that he will be able to escape from the secret realm of the abyss alive, so he did not store these precious items in the space ring outside.

However, in this way, Lin Yuan was advantaged.

He roughly estimated that if all the items in Ymir's space ring were put together on Earth, they could be sold for at least 60 million, which is twice as much as Oleg!

After putting away the space ring, Lin Yuan's expression seemed slightly dazed.

 Unknowingly, it seems that I am about to become a rich man with assets of over 100 million? !

 It has to be said that Lin Yuan's gains in the secret realm of the Abyss Realm were so huge that he has almost lost the concept of money now.

Even if his assets are nearly over 100 million, in Lin Yuan's eyes, they seem to be nothing more than a string of numbers.

However, for high-level warriors, money does not mean much. On the contrary, there is a greater demand for some high-level cultivation resources.

 After dealing with Ymir, Lin Yuan turned around again and walked up to Andre who was also dying. However, this time, Lin Yuan hesitated before cutting the knife!

Li Fengyou glanced at Lin Yuan in surprise, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Lin Yuan, who just killed someone so cleanly and neatly, has no reason to feel sympathy for Andre, right?

Lin Yuan turned his head, smiled and said: "Teacher, could you please...please step aside?"

Although Li Fenyou didn't know what kind of medicine Lin Yuan was selling in the gourd, since the latter had already requested this, she nodded and flew to the side, giving Lin Yuan enough space. .


"What are you waiting for...Kill, kill me!"

Andre raised his head with difficulty, looked at Lin Yuan in front of him, and spoke sternly.

Of course he knows that Lin Yuan will not let him go. Now Andre just wants to die!

“Wait a little longer and finally get this opportunity. It would be a pity if you miss it.”

 “I’m quite interested in your superpowers.”

Lin Yuan smiled softly.

Before Andre could understand what Lin Yuan said, the latter raised his hand and took out a card with a special pattern engraved on it from the system space!

 This card is exactly the ability absorption card!

 In the next second, the supernatural absorption card in Lin Yuan's hand turned into a stream of light and poured into Andre's body!

The reason why Lin Yuan sent Li Fenyou away was precisely to absorb Andre’s superpower, the ‘iron thorn’!

 After successfully absorbing the superpower, the streamer left Andre's body like a firefly and merged into Lin Yuan's body!

 As his powers were forcibly taken away, Andre's vitality was slowly escaping...

At the same time, Lin Yuan clearly felt that he had successfully mastered some brand-new ability!

 “Iron-thorned thorns!”

Lin Yuan raised his right hand while feeling it!

I saw a section of thorns exuding metallic luster, suddenly shot out from his wrist, like a long whip, whipping towards the eyes, and suddenly pulled out a deep pit on the ground, stirring up layers of excitement. Layers of soil waves!

 “The power is pretty good.”

 Obviously, Lin Yuan was very satisfied with the superpower he had just absorbed from Andre.

Among the three, Vader has the ‘Storm’ ability, and Andre has the ‘Iron Thorn’ ability.

As for Ymir’s ‘Holy Spear’, it was a move he created after fusing his energy, blood and spiritual power, and it is not considered a superpower.

 Actually, Lin Yuan wanted Vader's ability to control the storm more than the Iron Thorn.

 Unfortunately, Vader managed to escape this time, but Lin Yuan could not get what he wanted.

After successfully absorbing the supernatural power, Lin Yuan turned around and flew in the direction of Li Fenyou.

Li Fenyou glanced at him and asked, "Is the matter settled?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said: "It's no problem."

 “Here, it’s for you.”

 Li Fenyou took out something from his arms, tossed it casually, and threw half of the turbid black crystal directly to Lin Yuan in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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